n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词
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- That's what I'm talking about, give me some!
- 明白我的意思吧 来击个掌
- Come on, that was a good one, how do you not get it?
- 来嘛 我说得多好啊 你没听明白
- I called her a chicken, there's a chicken on the boat.
- 我是说她是个胆小鬼 就跟船上的那只鸡一样
- I know she's human! But that's not the... You know what? Forget it.Forget it! I'm not explaining it to you.
- 我知道她是个人 但那可不是 还是算了吧 别管它了 我不想跟你解释
- 'Cause then it's not funny.
- 说明白就不好笑了啊
- So... Daughter of the chief.I thought you stayed in the village.You know, kissing babies and things.
- 听着 酋长的女儿 我觉得你应该待在村子里 哄哄小孩 做做家务什么的
- Hey, I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to send...How do I phrase this? You!
- 我只是不太理解 为什么你的族人要让你 该怎么说呢 来冒险
- My people... Didn't send me. The ocean did.
- 我的族人 没让我来 让我来的是大海
- The ocean? Makes sense! You're what? Eight? Can't sail? Obvious choice.
- 大海?好吧 选了一个不会开船的小不点儿 真够明智的
- It chose me.For a reason.
- 它选择了我 自有它的原因
- If the ocean's so smart Why didn't it just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself?
- 如果大海够聪明的话它为什么不直接把特菲提之心送回去呢
- Or bring me my hook?The ocean's straight up pooky dooks!
- 或者帮我找回鱼钩 我想它肯定是疯了
- But I'm sure it's not wrong about you.You're the chosen one.
- 不过它选择你应该没错 你可是天之骄子

phrase sth as sth
to say or write sth in a particular way
a carefully phrased remark
I agree with what he says, but I'd have phrased it differently.
Her order was phrased as a suggestion.
wrong about sth
wrong about sb
wrong to do sth
(of a person 人) not right about sth / sb
I think she lives at number 44, but I could be wrong.
我想她是住在 44 号,不过我可能记错了。
You were wrong about Tom; he's not married after all.
We were wrong to assume that she'd agree.
decide between A and B
decide against sth
to think carefully about the different possibilities that are available and choose six of them
It was difficult to decide between the ten candidates.
They decided against taking legal action.
obvious to sb
obvious that...
easy to see or understand
It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated.
It's obvious from what she said that something is wrong.

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