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实习生(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第39期:该如何收场

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Wait a minute. You know about this?
  • 等会儿 你知道这事了
  • What does that mean?
  • 什么意思
  • Wait, you know about this?
  • 等等 你知道
  • I saw them together.
  • 我看见他们在一起
  • Oh, my god. When?
  • 苍天 什么时候的事
  • Yesterday.I'm... I'm sorry.I mean, it was an accident that I saw them, but I did.
  • 昨天 我 我很遗憾我是不小心撞到他们在一起的 但我还是看见了
  • Yesterday.Then it is still going on.
  • 昨天 那他们还在一起啊
  • How long have you known?
  • 你知道多久了
  • For like 18 days.
  • 差不多18天吧
  • She's a mom at Paige's school.
  • 她是佩吉她们学校的一个妈妈
  • It's still so hard for me to grasp.
  • 我还是觉得很难相信
  • I-I was in the kitchen making sandwiches,And his phone was there.
  • 我正在厨房做三明治呢 然后他手机就放在那里
  • He was upstairs with Paige,And h-he was getting all these text messages.
  • 他和佩吉在楼上 然后他收到好多短信
  • And I don't know why, but I read them.
  • 我也不知道为什么 但我就看了眼
  • It was not good.
  • 很不妙
  • Does he know you know?
  • 他知道你已经知道了吗
  • No.Cause, honestly, I'm... I'm not deal with it.
  • 不 因为 说实话 我 我还没做好准备来处理这事
  • I would like to be a little less devastated,If that is possible.
  • 如果可能的话我想让自己看起来不那么崩溃
  • It's classic, though, isn't it?
  • 太典型了 对吗
  • The successful wife.The husband feels like his manhood is threatened,So he acts out.
  • 一个成功的妻子 丈夫觉得自己的男子气概收到威胁了 所以他就偷腥去了
  • Girlfriend, I guess, makes him feel more like a man.
  • 女朋友 我猜 能让他觉得自己更男人一点
  • Sometimes I'm not sure I know how to do that.
  • 有时 我不确定我该怎么做
  • Hold on, hold on, hold on. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
  • 打住 打住 等会 等会
  • You're not actually taking the rap for any of this, are you?
  • 你不会真的准备要忏悔什么的 是吗
  • No! No, no.He is the one doing something wrong.
  • 不 不 不 他是做错的那个
  • I get that.Monogam-ish is not what I'm after.
  • 我懂 一夫一妻单配之类的 并不是我追求的
  • I- I'm just... I'm taking a sec...and I'm hoping that it's just a horrible lapse in judgment And not, like, love.
  • 我只是 我只是需要一些时间 而且我希望那只是他的一时判断失误 而不是 爱
  • And once he moves through this,We will eventually be able to be okay again.
  • 等他想通以后 我们之间就又会变好的
  • What do you think about that?
  • 你觉得呢

Wait a minute. You know about this?
等会儿 你知道这事了
What does that mean?
Wait, you know about this?
等等 你知道
I saw them together.
Oh, my god. When?
苍天 什么时候的事
Yesterday.I'm... I'm sorry.I mean, it was an accident that I saw them, but I did.
昨天 我 我很遗憾我是不小心撞到他们在一起的 但我还是看见了
Yesterday.Then it is still going on
.昨天 那他们还在一起啊
How long have you known?
For like 18 days.
She's a mom at Paige's school.
It's still so hard for me to grasp.
I-I was in the kitchen making sandwiches,And his phone was there.
我正在厨房做三明治呢 然后他手机就放在那里
He was upstairs with Paige,And h-he was getting all these text messages.
他和佩吉在楼上 然后他收到好多短信
And I don't know why, but I read them.
我也不知道为什么 但我就看了眼
It was not good.
Does he know you know?
No.Cause, honestly, I'm... I'm not deal with it.
不 因为 说实话 我 我还没做好准备来处理这事
I would like to be a little less devastated,If that is possible.
It's classic, though, isn't it?
太典型了 对吗
The successful wife.The husband feels like his manhood is threatened,So he acts out.
一个成功的妻子 丈夫觉得自己的男子气概收到威胁了 所以他就偷腥去了
Girlfriend, I guess, makes him feel more like a man.
女朋友 我猜 能让他觉得自己更男人一点
Sometimes I'm not sure I know how to do that.
有时 我不确定我该怎么做
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
打住 打住 等会 等会
You're not actually taking the rap for any of this, are you?
你不会真的准备要忏悔什么的 是吗
No! No, no.He is the one doing something wrong.
不 不 不 他是做错的那个
I get that.Monogam-ish is not what I'm after.
我懂 一夫一妻单配之类的 并不是我追求的
I- I'm just... I'm taking a sec...and I'm hoping that it's just a horrible lapse in judgment And not, like, love.
我只是 我只是需要一些时间 而且我希望那只是他的一时判断失误 而不是爱
And once he moves through this,We will eventually be able to be okay again.
等他想通以后 我们之间就又会变好的
What do you think about that?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

classic ['klæsik]


n. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

devastated ['devəsteitid]


adj. 毁坏的;极为震惊的 v. 毁坏;摧毁(deva

lapse [læps]


n. 过失,流逝,失效,抛弃信仰,间隔

judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt]


n. 裁判,宣告,该判决书

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后





