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实习生(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第23期:实习生大叔的家

来源:可可英语 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hey. How's it goin' up here in first-Class?
  • 嗨 在一线工作的怎么样
  • Busy. I see you found an apartment.
  • 很忙 我想你找到了住的地方
  • No.My two weeks are up.I'm movin' in with my cousin.
  • 没有 两周期限到了 我要搬去和我表兄一起住
  • Excellent.
  • 棒极了
  • In Philadelphia.
  • 在费城
  • Davis.
  • 戴维斯
  • What?I'll get there by 11:00, leave at 5:00.It's cool. I can handle it.
  • 怎么了 我晚上11点就能到家 早上5点出门 这很酷 我应付得来
  • You know, I feel like everybody's uncle around here.
  • 你知道吗 我发觉我是这里每个人的叔叔
  • Yeah, why is that?
  • 是吗 为什么呢
  • Because I'm gonna save your ass,And I'm gonna put you up for a few weeks.Obviously.
  • 因为我要拯救你 我可以收留你几周 我说真的
  • Ben, thank you.Mwah! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • 本 太谢谢你了 么么么 谢谢 谢谢 谢谢
  • I like that you do the throw pillow thing.
  • 我喜欢你的枕头摆放
  • I was married for a very long time.
  • 因为我结了很久的婚
  • Whoa. Is this your closet? Busy man about town.What's in all these drawers?
  • 哇 这是你的衣橱吗 小镇里的大忙人啊 这些抽屉里都装的什么
  • Boxers, t-Shirts, pocket squares, handkerchiefs.
  • 平角裤 T恤 西服袋巾 还有手帕
  • Okay, what's the deal with the handkerchief?That one I just don't get at all.
  • 手帕是拿来做什么的呢 我根本不懂手帕有什么用
  • Okay. It's essential.That your generation doesn't know that is criminal.The best reason to carry a handkerchief is to lend it.
  • 这非常必要 你们这一代的人 不知道手帕其实很关键 使用它的最好理由就是把它借出去
  • Ask Jason about this.Women cry, Davis.We carry it for them.One of the last vestiges of the chivalrous gent.
  • 你可以去问问杰森 女人会哭啊 戴维斯 你就可以把手帕递给她们 这时仅剩的绅士风度之一了
  • Oh. Well, then it's different than a po...I know you want to hang, but I...I have to get some sleep, kid. I'm pooped.
  • 噢 的确很不一样 我知道你还想再看看 但是我 我要睡觉了 孩子 我很累了
  • Good night, Ben.Thanks again.
  • 晚安 本 再次谢谢
  • Will you wake me in the morning or is that too much to ask? My parents always... Too much.
  • 明天早上你可以叫我起床吗 还是我要求太多了 我的父母总是… 要求太多
  • Understood. I'll just set an alarm on my phone.I hope I can hear it. I'm such a deep sleeper.
  • 理解 我在手机上设一个闹钟好了 我希望我听得见 我通常睡得很沉
  • Oh, my god. I'll wake you.
  • 天呐 我会叫你起床的
  • Thank you!Love you! Not kidding!
  • 谢谢 爱你 我是认真的
  • I love you, too. Now go to bed.
  • 我也爱你 现在赶紧去睡觉


Hey. How's it goin' up here in first-Class?

嗨 在一线工作的怎么样
Busy. I see you found an apartment.
很忙 我想你找到了住的地方
No.My two weeks are up.I'm movin' in with my cousin.
没有 两周期限到了 我要搬去和我表兄一起住
In Philadelphia.
What?I'll get there by 11:00, leave at 5:00.It's cool. I can handle it.
怎么了 我晚上11点就能到家 早上5点出门 这很酷 我应付得来


You know, I feel like everybody's uncle around here.

你知道吗 我发觉我是这里每个人的叔叔
Yeah, why is that?
是吗 为什么呢
Because I'm gonna save your ass,And I'm gonna put you up for a few weeks.Obviously.
因为我要拯救你 我可以收留你几周 我说真的
Ben, thank you.Mwah! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
本 太谢谢你了 么么么 谢谢 谢谢 谢谢
I like that you do the throw pillow thing.
I was married for a very long time.
Whoa. Is this your closet? Busy man about town.What's in all these drawers?
哇 这是你的衣橱吗 小镇里的大忙人啊 这些抽屉里都装的什么
Boxers, t-Shirts, pocket squares, handkerchiefs.
平角裤 T恤 西服袋巾 还有手帕
Okay, what's the deal with the handkerchief?That one I just don't get at all.
手帕是拿来做什么的呢 我根本不懂手帕有什么用
Okay. It's essential.That your generation doesn't know that is criminal.The best reason to carry a handkerchief is to lend it.
这非常必要 你们这一代的人 不知道手帕其实很关键 使用它的最好理由就是把它借出去
Ask Jason about this.Women cry, Davis.We carry it for them.One of the last vestiges of the chivalrous gent.
你可以去问问杰森 女人会哭啊 戴维斯 你就可以把手帕递给她们 这时仅剩的绅士风度之一了
Oh. Well, then it's different than a po...I know you want to hang, but I...I have to get some sleep, kid. I'm pooped.
噢 的确很不一样 我知道你还想再看看 但是我 我要睡觉了 孩子 我很累了
Good night, Ben.Thanks again.
晚安 本 再次谢谢
Will you wake me in the morning or is that too much to ask? My parents always... Too much.
明天早上你可以叫我起床吗 还是我要求太多了 我的父母总是… 要求太多
Understood. I'll just set an alarm on my phone.I hope I can hear it. I'm such a deep sleeper.
理解 我在手机上设一个闹钟好了 我希望我听得见 我通常睡得很沉
Oh, my god. I'll wake you.
天呐 我会叫你起床的
Thank you!Love you! Not kidding!
谢谢 爱你 我是认真的
I love you, too. Now go to bed.
我也爱你 现在赶紧去睡觉

重点单词   查看全部解释    
chivalrous ['ʃivəlrəs]


adj. 骑士的,有骑士风度的

essential [i'senʃəl]


n. 要素,要点
adj. 必要的,重要的,本

criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

radical ['rædikəl]


adj. 激进的,基本的,彻底的
n. 激进分

coma ['kəumə]


n. 昏迷

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

guardian ['gɑ:diən]


n. 保护人,监护人

reactionary [ri'ækʃənəri]


adj. 反动的,反动主义的,反对改革的 n. 反动者,

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

poison ['pɔizn]


n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害
vt. 毒害,





