Yes! Very nice, St. Louis.Ah, suede jacket in D.C. I cannot believe how well that sweater is doing.I'm so happy.
好样的 非常好 圣路易斯 华盛顿的绒面革夹克 简直不敢相信毛衣卖的这么好 太开心了
Beautiful, Miami! Thank you. Oh! Look at Chicago!She put the same boots in her cart as the woman from Houston.
漂亮 迈阿密 感谢 噢 看芝加哥 这个来自休斯顿的女人 又放了一双靴子进购物车
Okay, let's see what she does at checkout.She's not buying them either.
好的 来看一看她付款没有 她一样也没买
Okay, maybe check the delivery cost on those boots?
也许 查看下靴子的运费
Hi. I took a look at the data purchase patterns.Uh, should I come back?

No, no, come on in. That was fast.
不不 进来吧 你看得好快
Well, I enlisted Becky's help.
喔 因为有贝琪的帮忙
It seems the most expensive place you're advertising Is actually bringing you the customers who are spending the least.
似乎你广告做得最贵的 它所带来的顾客却是最少的
And the channels you're least investing in are adding enormous value in segments that currently appear to have low value
吸引的投资最少投入了巨大财力的环节 现在看来创造的价值却是最少的
But actually have the highest spending potential.
That's what I could tell so far.
Oh, Ben. Can you, like, deal with that for me?Maybe come up with a better plan?I mean, if you have the time?
喔 本 你能帮我忙吗 或许你可以做出一个好的计划 我的意思是 如果你有时间的话
Happy to.
The man spent 40 years in business.
本 在商界有40年的经验
Yeah, no, I get it.
是 我终于明白了
And, Jules, Becky was a huge help in this.You know she has a business degree from Penn?
还有 朱尔斯 贝琪在这里面帮了很多忙 你知道她是宾夕法尼亚大学的商学位吗
I know.I mean, I forgot, but I know.I'll say something to her.
我知道 呃 我忘了 但是我知道 我会跟她说些好话的
That would be very nice.