Angel: I call all you guys Jack. Here. Nice doing business with ya. 所有白人我都叫他杰克。给你。和你做生意还不错。
Jack: What do you want to carry that gun around for anyway? You're just gonna wind up doing something you regret. 干嘛带个枪到处跑? 一不小心就会后悔莫及。
Angel: You're talking to the wrong person about regrets, Jack. 别跟我谈什么后悔不后悔。
Jack: I mean, there must be programs out there and, um, opportunities. 我的意思是,你应该可以参加就业辅导之类的,外面总有些机会。
Angel: Wait a minute. Are you actually trying to save me? This is bananas. This man thinks I need to be saved, yo? 等一等!你这是在帮我? 少发神经了。你觉得我需要帮忙?
Jack: Well, everybody needs something. 每个人都需要某种帮忙。
Angel: Yeah? Well, what do you need, Jack? 是吗? 那你需要什么 杰克?
Jack: Me? 我?
Angel: You just said everybody needs something. 你刚说的,每个人都需要点什么。
Jack: I got everything I need. 我什么都有了。
Angel: Wow. It must be great being you. 那你一定很好命。
Jack: I'm not saying that you'd be able to do it without some hard work, some honest hard work, and possibly some medicine. 我不是说你不需要努力,辛苦打拼就能成功。你可能还需要吃点药。
Angel: You know, I'm gonna really enjoy this. You just remember that you did this, Jack, okay? You brought this on yourself. Merry Christmas. 这一定会很好玩。别忘了这是你自找的,这是你自找的。圣诞快乐!