Will: You're chucking me?
Sean: Yeah, get the fuck outta here.
Will: No, no, no, time's not up yet.
Sean: Yeah, it is.
Will: I'm not leaving. No.
Sean: You're not gonna answer, you're wastin' my time.
Will: I thought we were friends.
Sean: Playtime's over, okay?
Will: Why are you kicking me out? You're lecturing me on life? Look at you, you fucking burnout. What winds your clock?
Sean: Workin' with you.
Will: Where's your soul mate? You wanna talk about soul mates? Where is she?
Sean: Dead.
Will: That's right. She's fuckin' dead. She fucking dies and you just cash in your chips and you walk away?
Sean: At least I played a hand.
Will: You played a hand and you lost. You lost a big fucking hand. Some people will lose a big hand like that and have the sack to ante up again.
Sean: Look at me. What do you wanna do? You and your bullshit. You got a bullshit answer for everybody. But I ask you a very simple question and you can't give me a straight answer, because you don't know. I'll see ya, Bopeep.
Will: Fuck you.
Sean: You're the shepherd. Shepherd. White little prick.
在对话之前You’re chucking me? Chuck,丢弃;驱逐。No, no, no, time’s not up yet. Time’s up. 时间到了。Will不肯走,于是Sean说他不肯给自己真正的答案就是在浪费自己时间,继续赶Will离开。
这下激怒了Will,他接连抛出了三个问题:Why are you kicking me out? 为什么赶我走。Kick sb out踢出;赶走。You’re lecturing me on life? 这句话虽然是陈述句结构,但是用了疑问语气,相当于一个一般疑问句,你是在给我讲人生大道理吗?What winds your clock?Wind clock本意是指给钟表上发条,这里用于指代让人重新焕发生机。这一句里Will还把Sean称为是fucking burnout。Burnout,原意指烧尽了的,这里被翻译为“该死的糟老头儿”。
接下来Will将Sean问他的问题 “Do you have a soul mate?” 抛回给了Sean。之前Will说他的朋友就是自己的灵魂伴侣,结果被否定掉,因为他算亲人;又说尼采,莎士比亚等是,也被否定掉,因为他们不会对你的想法予以回应。不过,Sean的答案也好不到哪里。Dead。死去了。这给了Will进一步反击的理由。因为死掉了,就cash in your chips and walk way? Cash in chips原指赌场里将筹码换成钱。这里指鸣金收兵,不再尝试。再比如:In the Depression, many small businesses had to cash in their chips. 在经济大萧条时期,很多小企业只好关门歇业。
但Sean反驳说at least I played a hand. Play a hand指打扑克时出牌,这里正好对应了上面cash in chips的用法,都是赌博用语,来表示自己至少曾经努力过,经历过。
Will对此的反应是,你是出了牌,但你输了,然后不敢再玩儿。可是很多人一样输了,确敢于have the sack to ante up again. Ante up, 又一个打牌时的用语,还是“下注”的意思。Sack本意是麻袋。整句话是说,即便输了,还是有足够的勇气再做一次努力。
咄咄逼人的Will攻势却在最后Sean诚恳又平和的问句What do you wanna do? 后衰弱下来。看到Will无话可说,Sean再一次让他离开,并称他为Bopeep。Bopeep指“藏猫,躲猫猫游戏”,在这里指Will躲闪着不肯敞开心扉。