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- [复仇] 悬疑时装剧《复仇》S01E01第28期:别轻易相信陌生人的建议
- 原文欣赏In other financial news, Wall Street is buzzing with rumors that Allcom Cellular is now a front-runner for an exclusive contract with innovative chip maker Nolcorp.更多金融新闻 流言正传遍华尔
时间:2012-08-31 编辑:lily

- [妙警贼探] 时装罪案剧集《妙警贼探》S01E01:"鬼头"之称岂是浪得虚名
- 原文欣赏Back me up, I need you to flirt.What?帮个忙 我要你去勾引他 什么You're charming enough,right? That guy right there.你魅力十足嘛 那家伙在那边I'll be right back. Stay here.我
时间:2012-08-31 编辑:lily

- [妙警贼探] 时装罪案剧集《妙警贼探》S01E01:有人生来就是派对动物
- 原文欣赏Damn, Caffrey knows how to throw a party.Hey, Agent Burke.靠 卡夫瑞那小子真会搞派对 博尔克探员What? Is that Miss March?咋了 那不是三月封面女郎吗Jones, pull it all together.Sports illustrat
时间:2012-08-30 编辑:lily

- [复仇] 悬疑时装剧《复仇》S01E01第27期:遮盖弱点才能战无不胜
- 原文欣赏Oh, man.I wish I could've seen the look on Victoria's face.天呀 真想看看维多利亚当时的表情And don't say it was priceless, because that was bought and paid for, baby.不
时间:2012-08-30 编辑:lily

- [环境] VOA视频:美国农业面临旱涝灾害,农业保险显神通
- BOONE, Iowa — Unlike most of his Iowa neighbors, farmer Dick Thompson isn't expecting the US government to help him survive the drought.和他的邻居不同,Dick Thompson并不希望依靠美国政府的资助
时间:2012-08-30 编辑:Jasmine
- [时事新闻] 每日视频新闻:美国歌手打破世界最低音
- 路透社新闻[.page]【精彩回顾】》》》---今日心情:中国警告美国不要介入岛屿争端人类登月第一人逝世享年82岁多伦多华妇惨遭碎尸1【Syrian refugees support in-country
时间:2012-08-30 编辑:kahn

- [环境] VOA视频:美国墨西哥湾将遇1级飓风,全城戒备
- NEW ORLEANS— Isaac has become a Category 1 hurricane and is bearing down on New Orleans, seven years after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city.美国的热带风暴Isaac已经转变为1级飓风,近期将登陆美国墨
时间:2012-08-29 编辑:Jasmine
- [时事新闻] 每日视频新闻:中国警告美国不要介入岛屿争端
- 路透社新闻【精彩回顾】》》》---今日心情:人类登月第一人逝世享年82岁多伦多华妇惨遭碎尸日本女记者在叙中弹身亡 1【China warns U.S. off island dispute】中国警告美国不要介入岛屿争端播放后点击【REPLAY】重播
时间:2012-08-29 编辑:kahn

- [复仇] 悬疑时装剧《复仇》S01E01第26期:婆媳关系永远是头痛的话题
- 原文欣赏Daniel mentioned that you were captain of an equestrian team in Barcelona.丹尼尔说起过 你在巴塞罗那时是马术队的队长Uh, yes, just for a semester.是的 只做了一学期Oh. When was that, exactly?那
时间:2012-08-28 编辑:lily