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来源:可可英语 编辑:lily   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • In other financial news, Wall Street is buzzing with rumors that Allcom Cellular is now a front-runner for an exclusive contract with innovative chip maker Nolcorp.
  • 更多金融新闻 流言正传遍华尔街 万通电信很可能将与芯片制造商诺氏企业签订独家合作协议
  • Nolan Ross, the notoriously cagey C.E.O... and founder has promised...
  • 诺兰·罗斯 这位以谨慎著称的执行总裁兼创始人承诺
  • Emily, Bill Harmon.Listen, that little bird that whispered Allcom...
  • 艾米莉 我是比尔·哈蒙 那位透露万通消息的灵通人士
  • It wouldn't happen to be the gentleman I saw you hugging outside the cafe this morning?
  • 不会就是今早我碰巧看到的在咖啡店外和你拥抱的那位绅士吧
  • Well, I'm not saying that it was and I'm not saying that it wasn't, but what I will say... is that I trust that little bird enough to double my position.
  • 我不予否认或肯定 但可以说 我非常信任这位消息灵通人士 所以我要把我的筹码加倍
  • That's all I need to know.
  • 我明白了
  • We're going all in on Allcom.Get the big dogs in it.
  • 全仓买入万通 把大客户的钱都投进去
  • You're sure?
  • 你确定
  • Yeah. Yeah, make the trade.
  • 没错 开始交易
  • Everyone in on Allcom, people.Buy up everything they're selling. Everything, now.
  • 所有人开始操作万通电信股票 把他们抛出的股票全部接下来 全部 马上
  • A fortune 500 company with Nolan being named one of the richest men in the world.
  • 一家财富500强公司联手被许为全球最富有的人之一的诺兰
  • He's known for a brazen attitude and a take-no-prisoners leadership style, and Nolcorp and Ross continue to push the boundaries of cellular technology.
  • 他以厚颜无耻的态度和格杀勿论的领导风格而出名 诺氏企业和罗斯本人 不断推动着通信技术领域的发展
  • We take you now, live, to Nolan Ross and that announcement, as promised.
  • 现在我们将为您现场连线诺兰·罗斯听听他这份酝酿已久的声明
  • Listen to this, Valerie.
  • 快看 瓦莱丽
  • Greetings, earthlings. Nolan Ross here with what was supposed to be a surprise announcement about the future of Nolcorp, but someone somewhere has a big mouth.
  • 你们好 普罗大众 我诺兰·罗斯本该带来一个充满惊喜的关乎诺氏企业未来发展的声明 可惜某人大嘴泄露了消息
  • I can now confirm that the Allcom rumors came from a woefully misguided employee.
  • 我现在正式申明关于万通的不实流言来自公司一位不幸被误导的员工
  • Allcom is dead to me and will not be receiving the contract.
  • 万通电信对我已没有任何意义 我们不会签订任何合约
  • What? No.
  • 什么 不
  • Instead, I've decided to offer our humble services...No.
  • 相反 我决定向即将成为万通电信 不
  • to Allcom's soon-to-be chief competitor, Unitech.
  • 主要对手的精技电脑 提供我们诚挚的服务
  • Well, there you have it. Expect Unitech to open huge tomorrow, and for those of you who bet big on Allcom Cellular, get ready to cover some equally heavy losses.
  • 好了 真相大白 相信明日开盘技精股票将迎来大幅度上涨 对那些想在万通电信上大捞一笔的人 则准备好承担巨大的损失吧
  • Everybody, listen up. If you value your jobs, keep your mouths shut.
  • 每个人都听着 如果还想保住饭碗 把嘴巴管严了
  • As far as our investors are concerned, it's just another sunshiny day.Word of this leaks, we're finished.
  • 对我们的投资者 今天只是另一个艳阳天 一旦消息泄露 我们全都玩完
  • Hello, this is Valerie calling from Bill Harmon's office.
  • 你好 我是比尔·哈蒙公司的瓦莱丽
  • I'm afraid I've got some bad news regarding a major stock loss today and its immediate effect on your portfolio.
  • 恐怕我有些坏消息要通知你 由于今天的一个重大股票投资损失直接影响到了你们的证券账户
  • Please call the office as soon as you can.
  • 请尽快给我们办公室回电


In other financial news, Wall Street is buzzing with rumors that Allcom Cellular is now a front-runner for an exclusive contract with innovative chip maker Nolcorp.

更多金融新闻 流言正传遍华尔街 万通电信很可能将与芯片制造商诺氏企业签订独家合作协议
Nolan Ross, the notoriously cagey C.E.O... and founder has promised...
诺兰·罗斯 这位以谨慎著称的执行总裁兼创始人承诺
Emily, Bill Harmon.Listen, that little bird that whispered Allcom...
艾米莉 我是比尔·哈蒙 那位透露万通消息的灵通人士
It wouldn't happen to be the gentleman I saw you hugging outside the cafe this morning?
Well, I'm not saying that it was and I'm not saying that it wasn't, but what I will say... is that I trust that little bird enough to double my position.
我不予否认或肯定 但可以说 我非常信任这位消息灵通人士 所以我要把我的筹码加倍
That's all I need to know.
We're going all in on Allcom.Get the big dogs in it.
全仓买入万通 把大客户的钱都投进去
You're sure?
Yeah. Yeah, make the trade.
没错 开始交易
Everyone in on Allcom, people.Buy up everything they're selling. Everything, now.
所有人开始操作万通电信股票 把他们抛出的股票全部接下来 全部 马上
A fortune 500 company with Nolan being named one of the richest men in the world.
He's known for a brazen attitude and a take-no-prisoners leadership style, and Nolcorp and Ross continue to push the boundaries of cellular technology.
他以厚颜无耻的态度和格杀勿论的领导风格而出名 诺氏企业和罗斯本人 不断推动着通信技术领域的发展
We take you now, live, to Nolan Ross and that announcement, as promised.
Listen to this, Valerie.
快看 瓦莱丽
Greetings, earthlings. Nolan Ross here with what was supposed to be a surprise announcement about the future of Nolcorp, but someone somewhere has a big mouth.
你们好 普罗大众 我诺兰·罗斯本该带来一个充满惊喜的关乎诺氏企业未来发展的声明 可惜某人大嘴泄露了消息
I can now confirm that the Allcom rumors came from a woefully misguided employee.
Allcom is dead to me and will not be receiving the contract.
万通电信对我已没有任何意义 我们不会签订任何合约
What? No.
什么 不
Instead, I've decided to offer our humble services...No.
相反 我决定向即将成为万通电信 不
to Allcom's soon-to-be chief competitor, Unitech.
主要对手的精技电脑 提供我们诚挚的服务
Well, there you have it. Expect Unitech to open huge tomorrow, and for those of you who bet big on Allcom Cellular, get ready to cover some equally heavy losses.
好了 真相大白 相信明日开盘技精股票将迎来大幅度上涨 对那些想在万通电信上大捞一笔的人 则准备好承担巨大的损失吧
Everybody, listen up. If you value your jobs, keep your mouths shut.
每个人都听着 如果还想保住饭碗 把嘴巴管严了
As far as our investors are concerned, it's just another sunshiny day.Word of this leaks, we're finished.
对我们的投资者 今天只是另一个艳阳天 一旦消息泄露 我们全都玩完
Hello, this is Valerie calling from Bill Harmon's office.
你好 我是比尔·哈蒙公司的瓦莱丽
I'm afraid I've got some bad news regarding a major stock loss today and its immediate effect on your portfolio.
恐怕我有些坏消息要通知你 由于今天的一个重大股票投资损失直接影响到了你们的证券账户
Please call the office as soon as you can.
重点单词   查看全部解释    
concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

announcement [ə'naunsmənt]


n. 通知,发表,宣布

notoriously [nəu'tɔ:riəsli]


adv. 臭名昭著地,众所周知地

contract ['kɔntrækt,kən'trækt]


n. 合同,契约,婚约,合约
v. 订合同,缩

cellular ['seljulə]


adj. 细胞的,松织的
n. 手机

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

brazen ['breizn]


adj. 黄铜制的,厚颜无耻的 vt. 厚着脸皮做

portfolio [pɔ:t'fəuljəu]


n. 文件夹,作品集,证券投资组合





