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- [妙警贼探] 时装罪案剧集《妙警贼探》S01E01:人人都有享受美好事物的权利
- 原文欣赏It's a loft.Ceased in the DEA bust. 1,500 square feet. Service elevator.It's perfect.是个阁楼 禁药取缔组织把它查封了 1500平方英尺 还有电梯 非常完美Is that a chalk outline?
时间:2012-09-11 编辑:lily

- [环境] VOA视频:关注中国非洲移民的生活现状
- BEIJING — Chinese companies have invested heavily in Africa in recent years and trade among Asian and African nations has soared. As their economic ties have grown, so have the number of African imm
时间:2012-08-28 编辑:Jasmine
- [艺术娱乐] VOA视频:上世纪希特勒时期柏林奥运村面临危机
- BERLIN — As attention turns to the legacy of the London Games, there is one surviving Olympic site that forms a remarkable canvas of 20th Century history. Adolf Hitler attempted to turn the 1936 Ber
时间:2012-08-27 编辑:Jasmine
- [时事新闻] 每日视频新闻:人类登月第一人逝世享年82岁
- 路透社新闻【精彩回顾】》》》---今日心情:多伦多华妇惨遭碎尸日本女记者在叙中弹身亡薄谷开来被判死刑缓期两年执行1【Neil Armstrong, dies at age 82.】 人类登月第一人逝世享年82岁TEXT:Neil Armstrong dead at
时间:2012-08-27 编辑:kahn

- [时事新闻] 每日视频新闻:多伦多华妇惨遭碎尸
- 路透社新闻【精彩回顾】》》》今日心情:日本女记者在叙中弹身亡薄谷开来被判死刑缓期两年执行9名日本人登上钓鱼岛挥舞国旗1【US jury rules in favor of Apple】苹果VS三星专利之战 三星被判侵权赔10亿美元播放后点
时间:2012-08-26 编辑:kahn

- [健康] VOA视频:关注占地士兵心理健康
- JUBA, South Sudan — South Sudan emerged as a nation in July 2011 after almost five decades of civil war with the north. But despite its bloody history, the country does not have a single psychiatris
时间:2012-08-24 编辑:Jasmine
- [时事新闻] 每日视频新闻:日本女记者在叙中弹身亡
- 路透社新闻【精彩回顾】》》》---今日心情:薄谷开来被判死刑缓期两年执行9名日本人登上钓鱼岛挥舞国旗日本欲释放中国保钓人士1【Japanese journalist killed in Aleppo】日本女记者在叙遭枪战中弹身亡播放后点击【R
时间:2012-08-25 编辑:kahn

- [妙警贼探] 时装罪案剧集《猫鼠游戏》S01E01:知己知彼才能百战百胜
- 原文欣赏Have you IDed the dead guy?死者身份确认了吗Fraud national out of Turkey. Known as associate of Ghovat.土耳其的一个诈骗犯 是鬼头的合伙人Fallen out of our business.那就不关我们的事了Yeah, that
时间:2012-08-23 编辑:lily

- [高三英语复习讲座] 高三英语第一轮复习讲座视频 第10讲
- 高三英语第一轮复习讲座视频 第10讲
时间:2012-08-23 编辑:kekenet