9. Las Vegas Tunnel People Live Below Strip
In the flood tunnels that snake beneath the glitz and glamour of the Las Vegas Strip reside approximately 1000 people too poor to afford a place to live. Some came to Vegas in promise of a good job, some are war veterans with PTSD, all of them are living in makeshift shelters built from cast off items they find above ground.
奢华、迷人的拉斯维加斯大道下蜿蜒着许多泄洪隧洞,将近1000人就住在这些隧洞里,他们太穷了,付不起房租 。有些人为找份好工作而到这;有些人则是退役的老兵,患有创伤后精神压力症 。他们都住在弃物做成的地上临时小屋里 。