5. Manshiyat Naser aka Garbage City
Manshiyat Naser——垃圾城
A settlement near Cairo, Egypt. The residents, called the Zaballeen, earn their livelihood by collecting trash from the 20 million inhabitants of Cairo and sorting through it. The area mostly lacks electricity or running water, but 90 percent of the waste is recycled. The rest lies scattered about everywhere.
这是埃及开罗附近的一处居民点Zaballeen,他们通过收集和分拣开罗2亿居民产生的垃圾来谋生 。该地区常常缺水缺电,但90%的垃圾都能被回收了 。而那些没有回收价值的垃圾则被扔得到处都是 。 。这里的居民被称为