Buying Everything on Black Friday
Everyone knows that Black Friday is the day to score awesome deals, but frugal shopping expert Trae Bodge, senior editor for The Real Deal by RetailMeNot warns against holding out on making all of your big purchases that day. "While Black Friday is a great time to score deep discounts on electronics and entertainment items, other categories can be purchased during other times of the year at even better prices," she says. "Sales follow a seasonal calendar—as an example, spring is a great time to buy winter apparel because retailers are clearing inventory to make way for warm weather clothing."
大家都知道黑色星期五那天可以买到一些非常划算的东西,但节俭购物专家、RetailMeNot旗下网站The Real Deal高级编辑特雷·博吉(Trae Bodge)提醒,不要把所有重要采购都放到那一天。她说:“虽然黑色星期五那一天是享受电子产品和娱乐产品大幅折扣的大好时机,但其他门类产品可以在一年中的其他时段以更优惠的价格买到。特价是有季节性的,比如春季适合买冬装,因为那时候商家要清空库存,为暖和天的服装腾出地方。”