Shop smart when you're buying in big quantities, she advises. "Items like toilet paper, dishwashing [soap], laundry detergent and trash bags aren’t a problem, but they could be found cheaper by using a service like Amazon Subscribe and Save," she says. "It offers free shipping to your door, and I found is very competitive in price to the warehouse store. It also saves the membership fee." For perishables, Liz Dierking and Jenny Andrews of the tastytrade Financial Network suggest splitting your bulk shopping with a friend or family member so you won't end up tossing unused or expired items.
她建议在大批量采购的时候要好好挑选。“厕纸、洗洁精、洗衣粉和垃圾袋大批量购买都没有问题,但通过Amazon Subscribe and Save之类的服务可以找到更便宜的。它提供免费送货到门的服务,我觉得在价格上相比仓储式商店也非常有竞争力。它还节省了会员费。”对于容易腐败的物品,理财网络Tastytrade的莉兹·迪尔金(Liz Dierking)和珍妮·安德鲁斯(Jenny Andrews)建议跟朋友或家人合伙购买,免得最后不得不扔掉一些没有使用过的或过了期的物品。