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- So now that there's so much technology to be able to read things,
- 现在有很多科技可以应用到阅读上,
- do you still read things the old fashion way like newspapers, magazines, real books?
- 你还在用老方法看报纸、杂志和书吗?
- Right, right. Oh, good question. I think it depends. I've stopped buying magazines and newspapers, definitely.
- 对,对。这真是个好问题。这要视情况而定。我现在已经不买杂志和报纸了。
- I always access that online
- 我基本上是在网上看杂志和报纸,
- because it's so easy and convenient and you can read different newspapers from different countries all over the world and it's really easy to access.
- 因为现在在网上可以简单又方便地看到全世界各个国家的各种报纸,而且也很容易找到。
- So I've stopped buying any of those kinds of things, magazines too.
- 所以我不再买报纸和杂志。
- But with books I sometimes ... I sometimes still buy books that I would really like to have and like to keep.
- 至于图书,我现在仍会买喜欢的书,我想收藏这些书。
- I used to collect books but I've stopped doing that too unless I really, really like the book and want it as a keepsake.
- 我以前会收藏图书,不过现在我已经不这么做了,除非我看到非常喜欢的书,想留作纪念。
- Yes, and my habits of reading I guess have also changed.
- 我想我的阅读习惯已经发生了改变。
- I use my phone to access most of the newspapers and magazines or use my iPad to do that. Yeah, it's really convenient.
- 我现在用手机或iPad看报纸和杂志。非常方便。
- What about you, did you change your reading habits with changes in technology?
- 你呢?你有没有因为科技的发展而改变阅读习惯?
- Yes, I definitely did.
- 有,我当然有了。
- Not because I wanted to, I still like the aspect of having a real book
- 不是因为我想改变,我依然喜欢阅读纸质书的感觉,
- but because I move so much, and internationally it's just not practical to bring all your books with you, so much weight.
- 不过因为我一直穿梭于各个国家,所以一直带着书不太实际,因为太重了。
- So I have a Kindle but I found since I got an iTouch that I tend to read all of my books from there
- 我有Kindle阅读器,不过我发现,自从我买了iTouch以后,我基本上都用iTouch来看书了,
- because I always have it with me and it's light and it's portable and it holds like so many books.
- 因为我一直带着iTouch,它很轻便,而且里面有很多书。
- Yeah, I know, it's so convenient, you can just take everything with you, your whole library.
- 对,非常方便,相当于你带上了整个图书馆。
- Yeah. So tell me about the iTouch. I've actually never used one but it seems to me that it's really small.
- 嗯。和我讲讲iTouch吧。我从没用过,我认为它太小了。
- Can you actually read on it and use it easily?
- 你能在上面阅读?使用简单吗?
- Yeah, well it's just like the same size as an iPhone but you can change the text size on it so if you wanted the text larger you can.
- 对,iTouch的大小和iPhone一样,不过你可以调整文本的大小,让文本内容变大。
- But it really doesn't bother me if the text is small because I have really good eyesight, so.
- 文本太小对我来说并不是困扰,因为我的视力非常好。
- Some people swear by the Kindle, so you mentioned that you used one before, why did you stop using that?
- 有些人非常信赖Kindle,你刚才说你之前用过,那你为什么不再用了呢?
- It's a little heavier, a little bigger, a little heavier
- 因为它有点儿重,有点儿大,
- and so I tend not to carry it with me all the time so therefore I don't always have it with me.
- 我不想一直带着它,所以我不太常随身携带。
- If I'm in my apartment I use the Kindle but if I'm out or on the bus or something like that then I'll just use my iTouch.
- 如果我在公寓里,我会用Kindle,但如果我在公交车上,我就会用iTouch。
- Yeah because it's very pocket size really, isn't it?
- 嗯,因为iTouch可以装在口袋里,对吧?
- Yes, same size as a phone, so very convenient.
- 没错,和手机的大小一样,非常方便。
- How about audio books, do you listen to any audio books?
- 那有声书呢?你听过有声书吗?
- Not really audio books but definitely audio, like language series so sort of like audio books.
- 应该不算是有声书,我听过语言课程的音频,相当于有声书吧。
- So when I'm trying to learn a language I listen to those a lot.
- 我在学语言的时候会经常听。
- Oh, okay. Yeah, I like listening to audio book when I'm driving somewhere especially because they make long journeys go quicker.
- 哦,好。我喜欢在开车的时候听有声书,因为这样会让长途旅行变得更快。
- I guess when I'm travelling on the train or airplane then I like to read and then I often like to read on paper.
- 我坐火车或飞机出行时,我喜欢阅读,一般我会看报纸。
- It's funny, I think with the glare of the screen sometimes makes my eyes really tired when I have to read using my iPhone or tablet or something then.
- 这很有趣,我在用iPhone或平板电脑阅读时,屏幕发出的刺眼亮光有时让我的眼睛感觉非常累。
- But yeah, most of the time it's fun to take everything along and see what you can read and enjoy different things I guess.
- 不过大部分时间随身携带这些物品会带来很多乐趣,因为可以阅读不同的内容,享受美好时光。
- What's the latest audio book that you've listened to?
- 你最近听的有声书是什么?
- I think I've listened to a series of comedy sketches.
- 我最近听的是喜剧小品。
- That's always funny because it keeps you awake while you're driving.
- 非常搞笑,这使我在开车的时候保持清醒。
- And yeah, it's just a selection of comedy sketches and it's really entertaining. But that's the latest one I've listened to.
- 我听的是喜剧小品精选集,非常有趣。我最近听的是这个。
- I think before that I listened to, I think it was some kind of heavy ... some heavy linguistic topic
- 以前我听过一些语言类的有声书,
- that I was ...some book that I was interested in so yeah. And you?
- 我对这方面比较感兴趣。你呢?
- I have never tried the audio book and I'm interested. You should, it's quite fun. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
- 我从来没听过有声书,不过我有兴趣试试。你应该尝试一下,非常有趣。嗯。好的。
1. tend to do sth. 往往会;经常就;
例句:Like causes tend to produce like results.
2. swear by 极其信赖;对…推崇备至;
例句:Many people swear by vitamin C's ability to ward off colds.
3. sort of 有几分;近似;有那么点儿;
例句:I guess he's sort of a miser like most bachelors.
4. be interested in 感兴趣的;有兴趣的;关心的;
例句:I think you may be interested in our new product.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201703/497039.shtml