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美语情景对话 第1020期:Belgium Cuisine 比利时美食

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So according to you what is the most popular thing in Belgium regarding to food?
  • 你认为比利时最受欢迎的食物是什么?
  • Well it maybe doesn't give us a good name but I have to say chocolate.
  • 也许那并没有什么带来好声誉,不过我还是要说巧克力。
  • I mean Belgian chocolate is the most famous thing we have.
  • 巧克力是比利时最出名的东西。
  • You see chocolate everywhere, whatever occasion we have for celebration, there's chocolate.
  • 你在任何地方、任何场合都可以看到巧克力,我们举行庆典的时候一定会有巧克力。
  • With Christmas we make these figures out of chocolate,
  • 圣诞节时我们会用巧克力来装饰,
  • Easter in the same, all these Eastern figures out of chocolate, waffles with chocolate.
  • 复活节也是一样,复活节的装饰都是用巧克力做的,我们还用巧克力做华夫饼。
  • Everything with chocolate. You should just visit one of our cities and I think every 10 shops is a chocolate shop.
  • 一切都和巧克力有关。你应该去比利时的城市走走,我想大概每10家店中就有一家是巧克力店。
  • Wow! So that means you are very sweet people.
  • 哇哦!这表明你们是非常甜美的人。
  • I hope so.
  • 希望如此。
  • So chocolate, that's it, something else?
  • 巧克力,还有其他的吗?
  • Well, chocolate is the most famous one, but of course we have more.
  • 巧克力是最著名的,当然我们还有其他美食。
  • Not all that tasty because what's also really famous are these Brussel Sprouts, but they're not really my favourite.
  • 虽然不是都很美味,甘蓝小包菜也非常有名,不过这并不是我的最爱。
  • But something else that's really famous in Belgium is these places where you have all kinds of fried things.
  • 比利时还有一些很有名的餐厅,这些餐厅有各式各样的油炸食品。
  • It's actually like a McDonalds or a Burger King, but we have these little places where...
  • 就像麦当劳或汉堡王一样,不过这些餐厅……
  • I mean a lot of people go there, they have their hamburger, they have their fries, some really...
  • 很多人去这类餐厅吃东西,他们在那里吃汉堡、吃油炸食品,
  • it's difficult to explain because it's actually something only Belgium,
  • 这很难解释,不过这是比利时特有的餐厅,
  • where you get your meat, but it's actually competition with McDonalds.
  • 你可以在这些餐厅享用肉类,当然这些餐厅在同麦当劳竞争。
  • A lot of Belgians have tried because it's had so big success in Belgium
  • 有很多比利时人尝试过,因为这类餐厅在比利时非常受欢迎,
  • that they tried and opened one of these things in Spain for example, but they always failed.
  • 所以很多人曾尝试在西班牙等国家开店,但是这些尝试都失败了。
  • I don't know why. It must be really something Belgian, these fried places.
  • 我也不知道原因。这些有油炸食品的餐厅一定充满了比利时特色。
  • Wow! It seems that you really don't have a healthy diet, eat there in Belgium.
  • 哇哦!看起来比利时的饮食不太健康。
  • Yeah. Well it really much looks like it but of course that's not our everyday dish.
  • 对。看起来的确是这样,当然我们并不是每天都吃这些东西。
  • Gracias Chris.
  • 谢谢你,克里斯。


Ade: So according to you what is the most popular thing in Belgium regarding to food?

Chris: Well it maybe doesn't give us a good name but I have to say chocolate. I mean Belgian chocolate is the most famous thing we have. You see chocolate everywhere, whatever occasion we have for celebration, there's chocolate. With Christmas we make these figures out of chocolate, Easter in the same, all these Eastern figures out of chocolate, waffles with chocolate. Everything with chocolate. You should just visit one of our cities and I think every 10 shops is a chocolate shop.
Ade: Wow! So that means you are very sweet people.
Chris: I hope so.
Ade: So chocolate, that's it, something else?
Chris: Well, chocolate is the most famous one, but of course we have more. Not all that tasty because what's also really famous are these Brussel Sprouts, but they're not really my favourite. But something else that's really famous in Belgium is these places where you have all kinds of fried things It's actually like a McDonalds or a Burger King, but we have these little places where... I mean a lot of people go there, they have their hamburger, they have their fries, some really... it's difficult to explain because it's actually something only Belgium, where you get your meat, but it's actually competition with McDonalds. A lot of Belgians have tried because it's had so big success in Belgium that they tried and opened one of these things in Spain for example, but they always failed. I don't know why. It must be really something Belgian, these fried places.
Ade: Wow! It seems that you really don't have a healthy diet, eat there in Belgium.
Chris: Yeah. Well it really much looks like it but of course that's not our everyday dish.
Ade: Gracias Chris.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

tasty ['teisti]


adj. 好吃的





