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  • In 1543, a law was introduced restricting the reading of the Bible in English to churchmen, noblemen and gentry.
  • 1543年 一部新法颁布 严令禁止向教士 贵族和士绅 诵读英文《圣经》
  • For ordinary people who'd got used to the idea of an English-speaking God,this was a real deprivation.
  • 对于熟知英文《圣经》的普通大众 无异是剥夺了一项重大权利
  • We get an inkling of that in a brief inscription written that year by an Oxfordshire shepherd on the flyleaf of a small religious tract.
  • 我们在当年的一本宗教小册子的衬页中 一位牛津郡牧羊人曾写下的题词中 多少能察觉到写蛛丝马迹
  • It reads,I bought this book when the Testament was abrogated That shepherds might not read it.
  • 上面写道 在《圣经》废除时我买了这一本 可牧羊人是不可以读这本书的
  • I pray God amend that blindness.Written by Robert Williams,keeping sheep upon Saintbury Hill.
  • 我祈求上帝改正他们的无知 罗伯特·威廉写于塞恩斯伯里山放羊途中
  • By the time Williams wrote his prayer on his hillside,the course of reform in England had suffered major setbacks.
  • 威廉在山坡上书写着祷告时 英国的改革进程 遭受了重大挫折
  • In 1540, Cromwell had fallen,tossed to the executioner after his schemes for an alliance with europe's Lutheran princess collapsed.
  • 1540年 克伦威尔倒台 在策划与欧洲路德教公主联姻的计划失败后 被送上了断头台
  • Unfortunately for Cromwell,the Lutheran princess, Anne of Cleves,the mail-order bride he'd arranged for Henry,
  • 克伦威尔时运不济 他为亨利物色的那未曾谋面的第四任妻子 路德教公主克利夫斯的安妮
  • had turned out to be nowhere near as cute as Hans Holbein had painted her.
  • 结果没有半点 汉斯·荷尔拜所绘画像上的可人
  • By then, Parliament had enacted the six articles which under pain of death outlawed marriage for priests and reaffirmed the sanctity of the Mass.
  • 是时 国会颁布了《六项条文》 禁止神父结婚 违者处死 并重申弥撒仪式神圣不可侵犯


In 1543, a law was introduced restricting the reading of the Bible in English to churchmen, noblemen and gentry.

1543年 一部新法颁布 严令禁止向教士 贵族和士绅 诵读英文《圣经》

For ordinary people who'd got used to the idea of an English-speaking God,this was a real deprivation.

对于熟知英文《圣经》的普通大众 无异是剥夺了一项重大权利

We get an inkling of that in a brief inscription written that year by an Oxfordshire shepherd on the flyleaf of a small religious tract.

我们在当年的一本宗教小册子的衬页中 一位牛津郡牧羊人曾写下的题词中 多少能察觉到写蛛丝马迹

It reads,I bought this book when the Testament was abrogated That shepherds might not read it.

上面写道 在《圣经》废除时我买了这一本 可牧羊人是不可以读这本书的

I pray God amend that blindness.Written by Robert Williams,keeping sheep upon Saintbury Hill.

我祈求上帝改正他们的无知 罗伯特·威廉写于塞恩斯伯里山放羊途中

By the time Williams wrote his prayer on his hillside,the course of reform in England had suffered major setbacks.

威廉在山坡上书写着祷告时 英国的改革进程 遭受了重大挫折

In 1540, Cromwell had fallen,tossed to the executioner after his schemes for an alliance with europe's Lutheran princess collapsed.

1540年 克伦威尔倒台 在策划与欧洲路德教公主联姻的计划失败后 被送上了断头台

Unfortunately for Cromwell,the Lutheran princess, Anne of Cleves,the mail-order bride he'd arranged for Henry,

克伦威尔时运不济 他为亨利物色的那未曾谋面的第四任妻子 路德教公主克利夫斯的安妮

had turned out to be nowhere near as cute as Hans Holbein had painted her.

结果没有半点 汉斯·荷尔拜所绘画像上的可人

By then, Parliament had enacted the six articles which under pain of death outlawed marriage for priests and reaffirmed the sanctity of the Mass.

是时 国会颁布了《六项条文》 禁止神父结婚 违者处死 并重申弥撒仪式神圣不可侵犯

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reform [ri'fɔ:m]


v. 改革,改造,革新
n. 改革,改良

blindness ['blaidnis]


n. 失明;无知;[军]盲区

prayer [prɛə]


n. 祈祷,祷告,祷文
v. 祷告,祷文

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st]


n. 预测,预报
v. 预测

inkling ['iŋkliŋ]


n. 暗示,微微觉得

aviary ['eiviəri]


n. 大鸟笼,鸟舍

amend [ə'mend]


v. 修正,改进

deprivation [.depri'veiʃən]


n. 剥夺,免职,匮乏,丧失,夺去





