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  • For the price of peace would doubtless include the relegitimising of Lady Mary,and to this Anne would never agree.
  • 为实现和平 无疑要恢复玛丽小姐的合法继承人身份 但安妮却决不会同意
  • Therefore, so Cromwell reasoned, Anne must go.
  • 克伦威尔为此 必须除掉安妮
  • On the 29th of January, Anne miscarried.Had the baby lived, it would have been a boy.
  • 1月29日 安妮流产了 这个孩子 本是个男孩
  • The disaster seems to have reawakened Henry's darkest fears.
  • 厄运再次唤起了亨利心灵最深处的恐惧
  • I see now that God will never give me a male heir,He told Anne.
  • 上帝不会再赐予我男性继承人了" 他对安妮说
  • To one of his intimates he hinted that Anne had seduced him through witchcraft.
  • 他曾对一位至交 暗示安妮运用巫术勾引他
  • Anne was defenceless.Cromwell moved against her with breathtaking speed and ferocity.
  • 安妮孤立无援 而克伦威尔却凶残而疾速地紧逼而来
  • From the decision to act,taken around Easter time 1536,to the first arrests, took just two weeks.Anne was doomed.
  • 仅在1536年复活节期间 便完成了决定到行动的全过程 在安妮被捕后仅两周 便死于非命
  • What Cromwell now cooked up was a thing of pure devilry,
  • 这次克伦威尔捏造出的罪行 十恶不赦
  • a finely measured brew,one part paranoia, one part pornography.
  • 精心设计 利用某人的多疑妄想 掺杂进些许情色
  • Moments of dalliance,nothing really untoward in a Renaissance court.
  • 嬉戏调情 在文艺复兴时期的宫廷 并非难事
  • A handkerchief dropped at a May Day tilt,not belonging to the king.A dance taken with a young man, also not the king.
  • 五朔节的宴会上 将手帕遗落他人手中 而非国王 与年轻的男子翩翩起舞 亦非国王
  • A blown kiss, a giggle.all these were twisted by Cromwell into a carnival of unholy, traitorous sex.
  • 一个飞吻 一回调情讪笑 这一切都被克伦威尔歪曲成 不洁的狂欢 不忠的性爱
  • The Queen, it seems, had had sex with just about everyone.
  • 王后看起来已是人尽可夫
  • She'd had sex with her court musician,she'd had sex with the Groom of the Stool,the most important courtier in the privy chamber.
  • 和每个宫廷乐师有染 勾引国王的近侍男仆 王宫中最重要的朝臣
  • She'd had sex with the king's tennis partner, presumably between sets.
  • 和国王的网球搭档在场间休息时偷情
  • She'd even had sex with her own brother.
  • 甚至与自己的同胞兄弟发生关系
  • She had presided like some possessed Messalina over this diabolical orgy of treason,
  • 她就像像梅萨利纳附身一样 进行着疯狂不忠的纵欲
  • even perhaps conspiring to pass off the poisoned fruit of all this copulation as the royal heir.
  • 甚至还图谋 将这些淫乱的恶果 滥竽充数 作为皇家继承人


For the price of peace would doubtless include the relegitimising of Lady Mary,and to this Anne would never agree.

为实现和平 无疑要恢复玛丽小姐的合法继承人身份 但安妮却决不会同意

Therefore, so Cromwell reasoned, Anne must go.

克伦威尔为此 必须除掉安妮

On the 29th of January, Anne miscarried.Had the baby lived, it would have been a boy.

1月29日 安妮流产了 这个孩子 本是个男孩

The disaster seems to have reawakened Henry's darkest fears.


I see now that God will never give me a male heir,He told Anne.

上帝不会再赐予我男性继承人了" 他对安妮说

To one of his intimates he hinted that Anne had seduced him through witchcraft.

他曾对一位至交 暗示安妮运用巫术勾引他

Anne was defenceless.Cromwell moved against her with breathtaking speed and ferocity.

安妮孤立无援 而克伦威尔却凶残而疾速地紧逼而来

From the decision to act,taken around Easter time 1536,to the first arrests, took just two weeks.Anne was doomed.

仅在1536年复活节期间 便完成了决定到行动的全过程 在安妮被捕后仅两周 便死于非命

What Cromwell now cooked up was a thing of pure devilry,

这次克伦威尔捏造出的罪行 十恶不赦

a finely measured brew,one part paranoia, one part pornography.

精心设计 利用某人的多疑妄想 掺杂进些许情色

Moments of dalliance,nothing really untoward in a Renaissance court.

嬉戏调情 在文艺复兴时期的宫廷 并非难事

A handkerchief dropped at a May Day tilt,not belonging to the king.A dance taken with a young man, also not the king.

五朔节的宴会上 将手帕遗落他人手中 而非国王 与年轻的男子翩翩起舞 亦非国王

A blown kiss, a giggle.all these were twisted by Cromwell into a carnival of unholy, traitorous sex.

一个飞吻 一回调情讪笑 这一切都被克伦威尔歪曲成 不洁的狂欢 不忠的性爱

The Queen, it seems, had had sex with just about everyone.


She'd had sex with her court musician,she'd had sex with the Groom of the Stool,the most important courtier in the privy chamber.

和每个宫廷乐师有染 勾引国王的近侍男仆 王宫中最重要的朝臣

She'd had sex with the king's tennis partner, presumably between sets.


She'd even had sex with her own brother.


She had presided like some possessed Messalina over this diabolical orgy of treason,

她就像像梅萨利纳附身一样 进行着疯狂不忠的纵欲

even perhaps conspiring to pass off the poisoned fruit of all this copulation as the royal heir.

甚至还图谋 将这些淫乱的恶果 滥竽充数 作为皇家继承人

重点单词   查看全部解释    
doomed [dumd]


adj. 命中注定的 动词doom的过去式和过去分词

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

intimate ['intimeit,'intimit]


adj. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的
n. 密友<

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

assignment [ə'sainmənt]


n. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)

carnival ['kɑ:nivəl]


n. 嘉年华会,狂欢节,饮晏狂欢

discretion [di'skreʃən]


n. 谨慎,判断力,个人选择,选择的自由

giggle ['gigl]


v. 吃吃地笑,格格地笑

untoward [ʌn'təuəd]


adj. 麻烦的,不利的,不适当的,失控的 adj. [

groom [gru:m]


n. 马夫,新郎,男仆
vt. 刷洗,照看马,





