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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Beneath these delusions of omnipotence, though,Richard remained neurotically insecure.
  • 在如此疯狂的严密保护下 理查神经质般地缺乏安全感
  • On the merest suspicion of treason,he rashly condemned John of Gaunt's son,Henry Bolingbroke,
  • 仅仅是心存怀疑会遭到背叛 他仓促地宣判冈特的约翰的儿子 亨利·博林布鲁克有罪
  • to ten years in exile without even the pretence of a show trial.
  • 流放十年 甚至省略了装模作样的公审
  • If such summary justice made the English nobility uneasy,what happened next left them stunned.
  • 这样的即决裁判令英格兰贵族惶恐不安 而接下来发生的事情则令他们目瞪口呆
  • When John of Gaunt finally died,Richard decided to increase Bolingbroke's sentence to banishment for life,
  • 冈特的约翰最终去世之时 理查决定将博林布鲁克 由放逐加刑为死刑
  • and seized the young Duke's inheritance,the valuable Lancastrian estates,in the name of the Crown.
  • 以君主之名 剥夺了这位年轻公爵的继承遗产 以及兰开斯特家族的宝贵土地
  • The magnates of England must have looked at this and said, He's got to be stopped or it's my turn next.
  • 英格兰的大人物们看到此番情景都说 必须要阻止他 否则下一个遭殃的就是我
  • Richard was one blunder away from disaster.The final, fatal distraction was Ireland.
  • 理查即将铸成大错 最终 爱尔兰将他推向深渊
  • He had decided to bring the Irish princes to heel,
  • 他决定远征爱尔兰 将其收入囊中
  • but he took just enough soldiers to leave himself defenceless at home and not enough to cow the Irish nobles.
  • 但他带走的兵力 足以让自己的家园不堪一击 却不能撼动爱尔兰的贵族们
  • And before he could finish his business there,he heard news that Henny Bolingbroke had landed with an army on the Yorkshire coast,
  • 还未解决爱尔兰的战事 他就听说亨利·博林布鲁克 带领一支军队在约克郡海岸登陆
  • and the alienated English lords had flocked to his banner.
  • 被疏远的英格兰贵族都聚集在他的麾下
  • By the time Richard returned,had landed with an army on the Yorkshire coast,of the southern and eastern heartland of England.
  • 待理查回国之时 博林布鲁克已经占领了 英格兰南部和东部的中心地带


Beneath these delusions of omnipotence, though,Richard remained neurotically insecure.

在如此疯狂的严密保护下 理查神经质般地缺乏安全感

On the merest suspicion of treason,he rashly condemned John of Gaunt's son,Henry Bolingbroke,

仅仅是心存怀疑会遭到背叛 他仓促地宣判冈特的约翰的儿子 亨利·博林布鲁克有罪

to ten years in exile without even the pretence of a show trial.

流放十年 甚至省略了装模作样的公审

If such summary justice made the English nobility uneasy,what happened next left them stunned.

这样的即决裁判令英格兰贵族惶恐不安 而接下来发生的事情则令他们目瞪口呆

When John of Gaunt finally died,Richard decided to increase Bolingbroke's sentence to banishment for life,

冈特的约翰最终去世之时 理查决定将博林布鲁克 由放逐加刑为死刑

and seized the young Duke's inheritance,the valuable Lancastrian estates,in the name of the Crown.

以君主之名 剥夺了这位年轻公爵的继承遗产 以及兰开斯特家族的宝贵土地

The magnates of England must have looked at this and said, He's got to be stopped or it's my turn next.

英格兰的大人物们看到此番情景都说 必须要阻止他 否则下一个遭殃的就是我

Richard was one blunder away from disaster.The final, fatal distraction was Ireland.

理查即将铸成大错 最终 爱尔兰将他推向深渊

He had decided to bring the Irish princes to heel,

他决定远征爱尔兰 将其收入囊中

but he took just enough soldiers to leave himself defenceless at home and not enough to cow the Irish nobles.

但他带走的兵力 足以让自己的家园不堪一击 却不能撼动爱尔兰的贵族们

And before he could finish his business there,he heard news that Henny Bolingbroke had landed with an army on the Yorkshire coast,

还未解决爱尔兰的战事 他就听说亨利·博林布鲁克 带领一支军队在约克郡海岸登陆

and the alienated English lords had flocked to his banner.


By the time Richard returned,had landed with an army on the Yorkshire coast,of the southern and eastern heartland of England.

待理查回国之时 博林布鲁克已经占领了 英格兰南部和东部的中心地带

重点单词   查看全部解释    
insecure [,insi'kujə]


adj. 不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

valuable ['væljuəbl]


adj. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

condemn [kən'dem]


vt. 谴责,判刑
vt. 宣告(建筑)

uneasy [ʌn'i:zi]


adj. 不自在的,心神不安的,不稳定的,不舒服的

academic [.ækə'demik]


adj. 学术的,学院的,理论的

fatal ['feitl]


adj. 致命的,毁灭性的,决定性的

exile ['eksail]


n. 放逐,流放,被放逐者
vt. 放逐,流放

treason ['tri:zn]


n. 叛逆,通敌,背叛,叛国罪





