n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压
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- We were just talking in the break,you look fanstastic by the way,you're looking fantastic.Thanks,I'm not draining much,what are you doing
- 刚在广告时间里我们还说了话 不过你看起来真好看 你看起来很棒 谢谢 我其实没那么瘦 你是怎么做的
- I,literally,I'm not draining much.It's really the dress
- 我说实在的 没怎么瘦 是裙子的关系
- It's zoning it all,No,it just adventures me and I sucks in
- 裙子把什么都包住了 也没 我挑战了一下 把自己塞了进去
- It just sucks all I got in.I did,I started doing yoga,more because a therapist told me to start it
- 我就是全都塞进去了 实际上我在做瑜伽 更大程度上是因为我的医师让我这么做的
- So it was like,I just feel like I have really hard time slowing down
- 这就像 我感觉自己很难放慢节奏
- So she told me to do a few meditation proper this,so you're going,if you've ever done yaga
- 于是她让我做些冥想之类的来改善
- you go into the class and that's like these 70-years-old and older women,just with the legs above their heads
- 我参加了一个课程 然后好多七老八十的老太太们 就这样把腿抬到头上
- and doing these like tree pose,animal pose,whatever the poses and I'm like sitting there,just trying to get one of my legs up like feeling very hot,so
- 摆出树式或者什么动物式之类的 然后我还只能坐在那 光试着抬一条腿就惹得不行
- I don't know what kind of class you're going to,but.it's a different kind to go.No,it's just hard,yoga's hard
- 我不懂 你这都上的是什么课啊 这种比较不一样 没有啦 只是高级的 瑜伽高级班
- It will,you can go with your own pace though,you don't have to have your legs wrap on your head so
- 是嘛 你其实可以按自己的节奏来 你不用一定要把腿绕在头上什么的
- But even sitting there is hard for me,just like a downward dog and there'll like "breathe" and then focus on your breath and I'm just like "Lord".Oh,really
- 不过光坐在那儿就已经够难的了 像小狗一样趴在那儿 他们会说“深呼吸”集中注意力于呼吸上 我心里一直说“我的天啊” 真的么
- I can't focus,it's so hard for me to just,I have no off botton and I'm just like,all the time
- 我没法集中精神 对我来说太难了 我身上没有停止键 我会一直胡思乱想
- Me too,and I started meditating recently and it helps me tremendously
- 我也是 我最近也在做冥想 超级有用
- Me too,my happiness level.Yeah.Skyrocket it,I know.I don't konw
- 我也是 是《我的幸福标准》么 是啊 最近很火 我知道 其实我不了解
- That's good,the meditation is very very nice,especially for people like us that're always thinking
- 那挺好的 做冥想非常好 特别是像我们这种总是在思考的人
- Like my mind is always,hard to shut off,very hard to shut up.and I want to read something that came from your mind and then into a tweet.Uh-oh
- 我的脑子总是 没法停下来 很难让它停止 我想读一段你最近在想还写到推特里的东西 啊哦

重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
pressure | ['preʃə] | 联想记忆 | ||
adventure | [əd'ventʃə] | 联想记忆 | ||
fantastic | [fæn'tæstik] | |||
population | [.pɔpju'leiʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
absolutely | ['æbsəlu:tli] | |||
therapist | ['θerəpist] | |||
tension | ['tenʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
meditation | [.medi'teiʃən] |

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