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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Are these available for the public,yeah.
  • 这些可以播出来么 可以的
  • I'm telling you that I don't mean to just endorse your underwear,but they're really super comfortable underwear
  • 说实话 我不是想为你打广告 但是这些内衣真的超级舒服
  • They are,they're best seller.Yeah,they're great.You should have somewhere on the underwear
  • 确实 它们最畅销了 真的很棒 你的确应该在内衣上有自己的品味
  • So it's a good time for you right now,are your shows nominated for the best comedy,yes
  • 这段时间你风头正劲呐 你出演的剧被提名为最佳喜剧了吧 是的
  • And you're in a hit movie Moneyball which is a big,it's a chunk time for you right now
  • 而且你又出演了这部超火的电影 现在你的状态真好
  • Yeah,this is great,this is a great time,I feel like,you know,one a scale one of ten
  • 是啊 真是非常非常好 这种感觉如果从一到十来打分的话
  • I can't hit the ten when I stop having to serve people food
  • 我无时无刻取悦着观众 都没拿过十分
  • So I haven't ever been in ten,So this is like a really nice part of that.yeah,this is fantastic,this is great
  • 我之前从没做到十分 所以这段时间真的很开心 是啊 无与伦比 特别好
  • And had you met Brad before.Brad pitt.yes,Brad Pitt
  • 你之前见过Brad么 Brad Pitt啊 是啊 Brad Pitt啊
  • No,I never met him before till the audition,we met in the audition I believe.I don't remember.yeah,we met in audition
  • 没见过 试镜的时候第一次见 我记得应该是试镜的时候认识的 我不记得了 好吧 我们在试镜的时候见过
  • You know,I don't know.Did he make you nervous.I'm nervous right now
  • 是吧 我也不知道 当时他让你紧张么 我现在就很紧张
  • It felt the day you have to kind of put off a suffer side,It means like we're talking about you,like you're not here but,you know
  • 就算你不舒服也要把情绪隐藏起来 就好像我们在讨论你 还要装作你不在似的
  • You make people nervous and you made me nervous,but you did everything you could
  • 你让别人都很紧张 让我也紧张 不过我感觉你好像一直
  • to make me not nervous I feel like you know,You put out that side and you just,I still don't remember
  • 尽量使我放松些 你努力那么做 然后就 我还是不记得
  • yeah,I used to say that he was a such regular guy but,yeah,and now no longer,now he's
  • 呃 我之前说他是个大好人 不过 从现在起不是了 现在
  • He is,and you said that anybody else is not a compliment.that a regular guy.yeah and I think he would be.I'm right here
  • 他是 你对其他任何人说这样的话都不是赞美 对他是 他真是好人 我觉得他是 我现在就在这儿


Are these available for the public,yeah.

这些可以播出来么 可以的

I'm telling you that I don't mean to just endorse your underwear,but they're really super comfortable underwear

说实话 我不是想为你打广告 但是这些内衣真的超级舒服

They are,they're best seller.Yeah,they're great.You should have somewhere on the underwear

确实 它们最畅销了 真的很棒 你的确应该在内衣上有自己的品味

So it's a good time for you right now,are your shows nominated for the best comedy,yes

这段时间你风头正劲呐 你出演的剧被提名为最佳喜剧了吧 是的

And you're in a hit movie Moneyball which is a big,it's a chunk time for you right now

而且你又出演了这部超火的电影 现在你的状态真好

Yeah,this is great,this is a great time,I feel like,you know,one a scale one of ten

是啊 真是非常非常好 这种感觉如果从一到十来打分的话

I can't hit the ten when I stop having to serve people food

我无时无刻取悦着观众 都没拿过十分

So I haven't ever been in ten,So this is like a really nice part of that.yeah,this is fantastic,this is great

我之前从没做到十分 所以这段时间真的很开心 是啊 无与伦比 特别好

And had you met Brad before.Brad pitt.yes,Brad Pitt

你之前见过BradBrad Pitt啊 是啊 Brad Pitt

No,I never met him before till the audition,we met in the audition I believe.I don't remember.yeah,we met in audition

没见过 试镜的时候第一次见 我记得应该是试镜的时候认识的 我不记得了 好吧 我们在试镜的时候见过

You know,I don't know.Did he make you nervous.I'm nervous right now

是吧 我也不知道 当时他让你紧张么 我现在就很紧张

It felt the day you have to kind of put off a suffer side,It means like we're talking about you,like you're not here but,you know

就算你不舒服也要把情绪隐藏起来 就好像我们在讨论你 还要装作你不在似的

You make people nervous and you made me nervous,but you did everything you could

你让别人都很紧张 让我也紧张 不过我感觉你好像一直

to make me not nervous I feel like you know,You put out that side and you just,I still don't remember

尽量使我放松些 你努力那么做 然后就 我还是不记得

yeah,I used to say that he was a such regular guy but,yeah,and now no longer,now he's

呃 我之前说他是个大好人 不过 从现在起不是了 现在

He is,and you said that anybody else is not a compliment.that a regular guy.yeah and I think he would be.I'm right here

他是 你对其他任何人说这样的话都不是赞美 对他是 他真是好人 我觉得他是 我现在就在这儿

重点单词   查看全部解释    
champion ['tʃæmpjən]


n. 冠军,优胜者,拥护者,勇士
vt. 保卫

compliment ['kɔmplimənt]


n. 称赞,恭维,(复数)致意
vt. 称赞,

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运

nominate ['nɔmineit]


vt. 提名,指派,登记赛马参加比赛

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

audition [ɔ:'diʃən]


n. 听,听力,试听

comedy ['kɔmidi]


n. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

endorse [in'dɔ:s]


vt. 支持,赞同,背书于





