n. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科
vt. 训练,惩
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- Look I am sure She was alert.I was almost.
- 我就知道她很警觉的 我差一点
- By the way,look what has been.How did you get in like nothing?I know.
- 顺带说一句 你怎么悄无声息的窜进来的? 对吧?
- Oh you crawled down that.I'm so sorry.Here's the thing.
- 原来你从那个地方爬进来的 抱歉 其实是这样的
- I was so panic because I want the segment to go so well for you.
- 我很紧张因为我希望这进行得顺利
- And I was like,where's her music?What's happening? And where is she?I was worried about you.
- 我想 她的音乐呢? 发生什么了?她在哪里? 我在担心你
- Would it be really scarry you if I didn't show up at all.
- 如果我根本不出现 会真的吓到你
- At all.Yeah. But it did kind of scarred me.
- 如果根本不出现 是 但这确实吓到我一点
- I think there's a little bit of fear.I saw it.
- 我觉得有一点点害怕 我看到了
- But did you saw some fear?all right,it's hard.
- 你看到一点害怕吗? 好吧 这很难
- she was like this,and you were like this.
- 她像这样 然后你像这样
- I, eh, it's hard to scar me.You got me a little bit.a little bit.
- 我 呃 要吓到我很难 你吓到我一点 一点点
- Apparently the throw a body off the building.Dummy bodies along the lot.Just a flinch.
- 他们以前从楼上扔了个假人身体下来 地上的假人身体 只是吓了一下
- Yeah,they have. They threw a body when I was walking to,
- 是 他们扔了个身体下来
- one time,from my dressing room to the stage and I just.she stepped over it.
- 在我从化妆间走向舞台的时候 然后我只是 她从上面踩了过去
- sorry,I have a gift that I wanna give to you.Eh,it's actually not from me.
- 对不起 我有个礼物要给你 这其实不是我的
- It's one of the amazing fans of the show.
- 是节目的一个很棒的粉丝
- They make these incredible things and Ellen just saw this
- 他做了这个无与伦比的东西 Ellen 看到了这个
- and I found as I was just sneaking around the office so.
- 然后我在办公室旁边走的时候看到了这个
- I got so many things that people make for me.
- 我收到很多人们为我做的东西
- And Portia doesn't get to see them all the time.no,I don't.
- 但Portia 不是一直都能看到它们 不 我看不到
- So Jen saw this and said Let's give it to Portia.
- 所以Jen看到这个 然后说让我们把这个给Portia
- we are gotta show her because this is just.because you are involved also.Ah,oh,no!
- 我们要给她看因为这实在是 因为你也在里面 天哪!


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