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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • That's excited.So now when is your formal?Uh April 24th.
  • 真令人兴奋 正式约会是什么时候 4月24日
  • April 24th. And did he say he would really go with you?
  • 4月24日 他说他真会去吗
  • He said he would. He's my date so.. I hope he does.
  • 他说他会去 他要和他约会 我希望他去
  • He is your date. Alright. I think he's.. Where is he?
  • 他是要和你约会 好了 他现在在哪儿
  • Is he in the... in the... um. Is he in the Reef Raft Room?
  • 他是在礁石房间吗
  • Alright.I'll see him in a minute. Alright.
  • 好吧 我等会儿去见他
  • So you were such good hosts when Ari was there.
  • 你们很好地招待了阿力
  • We wanted to give you something.What is the name of the sorority?
  • 所以我们节目想送点东西给你们 你们姐妹会的名字叫什么
  • Alpha Epsilon Phi.Alright. We have gifts for you.
  • 阿尔法·艾斯隆·菲力 我们有礼物给你们
  • We have special-made hoodies with...Oh my God! Oh my God!!
  • 我们节目定制了一些连帽外套 天呐 天呐
  • It's amazing! Alright.So these are for you, and Thank you so much! Thank you so much!
  • 真棒 好了 这些是送给你们的礼物 谢谢,谢谢
  • Alright we got you something to bring back to your room for you sorority house.
  • 我们还给你们准备了礼物 可以带回你们姐妹会会馆
  • Anyway I don't know where it's gonna hang.Oh my God! Ari!!
  • 真不知道你们会把它挂在哪 天呐 阿力
  • Alright we'll be right back. Isn't that nice?Thank you!! That's amazing..
  • 好了 稍后见 这礼物不错吧 谢谢 真的很棒


That's excited.So now when is your formal?Uh April 24th.

真令人兴奋 正式约会是什么时候 4月24日

April 24th. And did he say he would really go with you?

4月24日 他说他真会去吗

He said he would. He's my date so.. I hope he does.

他说他会去 他要和他约会 我希望他去

He is your date. Alright. I think he's.. Where is he?

他是要和你约会 好了 他现在在哪儿

Is he in the... in the... um. Is he in the Reef Raft Room?


Alright.I'll see him in a minute. Alright.

好吧 我等会儿去见他

So you were such good hosts when Ari was there.



We wanted to give you something.What is the name of the sorority?

所以我们节目想送点东西给你们 你们姐妹会的名字叫什么

Alpha Epsilon Phi.Alright. We have gifts for you.

阿尔法·艾斯隆·菲力 我们有礼物给你们

We have special-made hoodies with...Oh my God! Oh my God!!

我们节目定制了一些连帽外套 天呐 天呐

It's amazing! Alright.So these are for you, and Thank you so much! Thank you so much!

真棒 好了 这些是送给你们的礼物 谢谢,谢谢

Alright we got you something to bring back to your room for you sorority house.

我们还给你们准备了礼物 可以带回你们姐妹会会馆

Anyway I don't know where it's gonna hang.Oh my God! Ari!!

真不知道你们会把它挂在哪 天呐 阿力

Alright we'll be right back. Isn't that nice?Thank you!! That's amazing..

好了 稍后见 这礼物不错吧 谢谢 真的很棒

重点单词   查看全部解释    
exposure [iks'pəuʒə]


n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光

raft [rɑ:ft]


n. 筏,救生艇,大量 v. 乘筏,制成筏

nicotine ['nikəti:n]


n. 尼古丁

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

penalty ['penəlti]


n. 处罚,惩罚

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派





