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  • How about that?He is gonna come back later when the show
  • 刚刚怎么样 他等下会再次上场
  • And he is gonna talk,And we will have some time with Justin
  • 他会来聊聊天 我们将和Justin聊聊
  • How about him Tonny?Tonny,Wow that's pretty impressive
  • 你觉得他怎么样 让人印象深刻
  • He is impressive he is cute,First of all he's sweet
  • 的确让人印象深刻 他很可爱 首先 他很贴心
  • And he sings he dances he acts,He wrote a book,He is a kid and got at all
  • 他会唱歌 会跳舞 会表演 还写了一本书 他还是个孩子 但什么都会
  • He is getting very well,He is the quadupo threat,It is what it is
  • 他很不错 他是恐怖分子 没错 就是这样
  • Yesterday I think he was elected to the congress,Possibly Possibly
  • 我昨天好像看到他当选议员了 有可能 很有可能
  • Did you all vote yesterday,Oh no not the election
  • 你们昨天参加投票了吗 我说的可不是选举
  • I mean Dancing with the Stars,That's what I meant,Are you watching the Dancing with the Stars
  • 我说的是《星随舞动》 我指的是那个 你们看《星随舞动》吗
  • Last week Audrina Patridge was kicked off,which I was very very surprised
  • 上个星期Audrina Patridge被踢出去了(淘汰) 我挺震惊的
  • She was doing very well.And Audrina handled that so wellAudrina
  • 她跳得挺好的 当时掌控的很好
  • I don't know if you saw,But when she kicked off
  • 我不知道你们看见没 但是当她被踢掉的时候
  • That's rude she wasn't kicked off,They didn't… She was voted off
  • 这样说有点粗鲁 她没被踢掉 不是的 她是被评委投票淘汰的
  • But her mother has not handled so well,She had a lot to say
  • 但是她的妈妈就没有处理的那么好了 她说了许多话
  • She went out that night and some paparazzi,I think we were around
  • 她当天晚上离开现场了 有些狗仔队跟着她 我们当时正好在附近
  • Maybe she had a sip of two of wine,You know how my mama has a TV show
  • 可能她泯了两三口红酒 你们都知道我的妈妈有一个自己的电视节目
  • Now Audrina mama has one too,We got an exclusive sneak peek
  • 现在Audrina的老妈也弄了一个 我们就弄了一个独家的片段


How about that?He is gonna come back later when the show

刚刚怎么样 他等下会再次上场

And he is gonna talk,And we will have some time with Justin

他会来聊聊天 我们将和Justin聊聊

How about him Tonny?Tonny,Wow that's pretty impressive

你觉得他怎么样 让人印象深刻

He is impressive he is cute,First of all he's sweet

的确让人印象深刻 他很可爱 首先 他很贴心

And he sings he dances he acts,He wrote a book,He is a kid and got at all

他会唱歌 会跳舞 会表演 还写了一本书 他还是个孩子 但什么都会

He is getting very well,He is the quadupo threat,It is what it is

他很不错 他是恐怖分子 没错 就是这样

Yesterday I think he was elected to the congress,Possibly Possibly

我昨天好像看到他当选议员了 有可能 很有可能

Did you all vote yesterday,Oh no not the election

你们昨天参加投票了吗 我说的可不是选举

I mean Dancing with the Stars,That's what I meant,Are you watching the Dancing with the Stars

我说的是《星随舞动》 我指的是那个 你们看《星随舞动》吗

Last week Audrina Patridge was kicked off,which I was very very surprised

上个星期Audrina Patridge被踢出去了(淘汰) 我挺震惊的

She was doing very well.And Audrina handled that so wellAudrina

她跳得挺好的 当时掌控的很好

I don't know if you saw,But when she kicked off

我不知道你们看见没 但是当她被踢掉的时候

That's rude she wasn't kicked off,They didn'tShe was voted off

这样说有点粗鲁 她没被踢掉 不是的 她是被评委投票淘汰的

But her mother has not handled so well,She had a lot to say

但是她的妈妈就没有处理的那么好了 她说了许多话

She went out that night and some paparazzi,I think we were around

她当天晚上离开现场了 有些狗仔队跟着她 我们当时正好在附近

Maybe she had a sip of two of wine,You know how my mama has a TV show

可能她泯了两三口红酒 你们都知道我的妈妈有一个自己的电视节目

Now Audrina mama has one too,We got an exclusive sneak peek

现在Audrina的老妈也弄了一个 我们就弄了一个独家的片段

重点单词   查看全部解释    
threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

sip [sip]


n. 啜饮
v. 啜饮,啜

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

exclusive [iks'klu:siv]


adj. 独占的,唯一的,排外的
n. 独家新

achievement [ə'tʃi:vmənt]


n. 成就,成绩,完成,达到





