adj. 欢闹的,愉快的
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- I saw there are pictures of you with every...
- 我看到还有很多你的照片 和每个...
- That' s my offices.You were in the bushes.That's my parking spot.That's amazing.
- 那是我的办公室 你们去了灌木丛 那是我的停车位 真不错
- So you were excited. It was on Friday, and we wasn't shooting.
- 所以你们当时很兴奋 那天是周五 我们没录节目
- Yes, but it's still the best day of my life.
- 是的 但那天仍是我一生中最棒的一天
- Now you are here.And we sent Ari to surprises you.
- 现在你们在现场了 我们节目还派了阿力给你们带去惊喜
- What did you think when Ari came in?Oh my god. It was hilarious.
- 阿力进屋的时候 你们什么感觉 天呐 太有意思了
- I cannot stop laughing. And when he walked in.
- 我笑翻了 他进门的时候
- I feel like this insane Jewish connection I start yelling Shalom...
- 我感觉到了 犹太人之间的心有灵犀,我开始大喊Shalom
- We all like really start stucking like that don't have 85 a day.
- 我们都很激动 明星可不常见
- Were you start struck, are you really?Yeah.He is a very humble guy.
- 你很激动吗 是的 他是个很谦虚的人
- So he probably doesn't look himself as a celebrity or anything like that.
- 所以他可能不怎么把自己 当明星或者名人
- But he is really funny, isn't he?
- 但是他真的很搞笑 是吧
- All right. Let's take a look at what happened when he visited.
- 好了 让我们看看到底发生了什么
- This is my fourth time doing this.Hi, Ellen. I am here at Alpha
- 这是我第四次这么做了 你好 艾伦 我在俄亥俄州 哥伦布市
- Epsilon Phi sorority house at Columbus, Ohio
- 阿尔法姐妹会会馆
- Ohio out here today really a beautiful day outside.
- 今天外面天气真好
- The towing guy is here.Are they towing us?They are.
- 有人在拖车 他们在拖我们的车吗 是我们的车


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