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经济学人:无酗酒酒吧 酒不醉人

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  • Britain Booze-free bars Shaken not slurred
  • 英国 无酗酒酒吧 酒不醉人
  • Fashionable urbanites revive a temperance tradition
  • 时尚的都市人恢复了节制饮酒的传统
  • WEST LONDON, Friday night, 9pm.
  • 伦敦西部,星期五晚上9点。
  • In the Redemption bar, music hums and candles flicker.
  • Redemption酒吧里,闪闪的烛光中飘扬着音乐。
  • A barman shakes cocktails under a neon sign.
  • 霓虹灯下酒吧服务员摇晃着鸡尾酒杯。
  • But the rowdy carousing often associated with British pubs at the weekend is absent.
  • 然而,往常周末经常会有的吵闹的欢饮,却没有在这里出现。
  • Although the cocorita is served with a margarita-style rim of salt, it contains no alcohol.
  • 酒吧虽然提供了cocorita,但是里面却不含酒精。
  • Redemption is one of a small but growing number of drinkeries that serve no liquor.
  • 不提供烈性酒的酒吧虽少,但它们的数量在不断增加,Redemption就是其中之一。
  • Worries about booze are on the rise.
  • 人们对酗酒的担忧日益加剧。
  • Hospitals complain that alcohol-related admissions are soaring; some police chiefs have called for new powers to tackle disorderly drunks.
  • 医院抱怨称因酒就医的人越来越多;警察部门的负责人呼吁当局给予他们更多权力来对付酗酒的人。
  • On February 4th the Home Office announced a new plan that ought to stop retailers from selling alcoholic drinks below cost—something they occasionally do to attract shoppers.
  • 2月4日,内政部出台新规定,旨在禁止零售商销售低于成本价的酒饮料—他们经常用这种廉价的酒品来吸引顾客。
  • This, said Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat minister in charge, would "stop the worst examples of very cheap and harmful drink".
  • 内政部防止罪案次长,自由民主党人诺曼·贝克说,该项规定将消除过于便宜的劣质酒所带来的非常恶劣的影响。
  • Yet Britain is in many ways becoming more abstemious.
  • 英国在很多方面都变得更加节制。
  • In 2001 the average household consumed 1.5 litres of alcoholic drinks a week;
  • 在2001年,平均每家每周消费1.5升酒饮料;
  • by 2011, the latest year for which figures are available, that had fallen to 1.1 litres.
  • 到了2011年,最近的一个有相关统计数字的年份,这一消费量降到了1.1升。
  • The young in particular seem to be giving up boozing: over the same period, the number of 18- to 24-year-old men admitting to drinking heavily at least once a week fell from 37% to 22%; women became less sozzled, too.
  • 年轻人放弃酗酒的尤其多: 2001年时,18-24周岁的男青年中有37%的人每周至少酗酒一次;到了2011年,这一比例降为22%。
  • This year four times as many people gave up booze for "dry January" as did so last year, says Emily Robinson of Alcohol Concern, a charity.
  • 女性在饮酒方面也变得更加节制。艾米丽·鲁滨逊来自一家名为“关注饮酒”的慈善组织,她说,今年响应“二月戒酒”运动的人是去年同期的三倍。
  • Dry bars benefit from this fad:
  • 戒酒酒吧从这一风气中受益:
  • Redemption's customers quadrupled between December and January.
  • Redemption的顾客在12月到1月之间翻了两番。
  • Abstemious bars have also opened in Liverpool and Nottingham, and are planned for Brighton and Newcastle—two famously high-living towns.
  • 利物浦和诺丁汉也开了一些节制酒吧,两个著名的奢侈之城—布赖顿和纽卡尔斯也有此计划。
  • Unlike many cafes, they stay open late.
  • 与咖啡厅不同,戒指酒吧在夜里会开到很晚。
  • They emulate bars in other ways, with live music, comedy acts and films to pull in punters.
  • 在其他方面,它们与正常酒吧相仿,用轻音乐、喜剧表演和电影招徕顾客。
  • When the lights go down and the DJ plays at Sobar, which opened in Nottingham in January, it looks like any city bar, hopes Alex Gillmore, the manager.
  • 诺丁汉的Sobar开张于今年的1月份,其经理亚历克斯·吉尔默希望当灯光变暗,DJ响起时,它看起来像正常酒吧一样。
  • Redemption misses the hefty profits made on alcohol, but temperance brings its own benefits.
  • Redemption失去了酒品带来的丰厚的利润,但是节制饮酒会带来它自身的利润。
  • Business remains steady throughout the week rather than spiking at the weekend, says Catherine Salway, its founder.
  • Redemption的创始人凯瑟琳·梭威说,酒吧的生意每天都保持在一个稳定的水平,而不是在周末的时候有个峰值。
  • The absence of drunken, obstreperous patrons means that bouncers are unnecessary.
  • 没有了酒鬼,没有了喧闹,说明海量的人并不是必须的。
  • Sobar, like the Brink in Liverpool, is linked to a do-gooding drug and alcohol charity.
  • 同利物浦的Brink一样,Sobar也与一家倡导戒毒戒酒的慈善组织有关。
  • But ordinary drinking dens are becoming a little drier, too, out of business sense rather than temperance principle.
  • 但是,普通的酒吧也开始迎合戒酒的风尚了,它们是出于商业的目的,而不是因为节制的原则。
  • Pubs can make almost as much selling food as drink—and more are serving it.
  • 酒吧几乎可以卖出同酒品销量一样多的食品,而且很多酒吧都在提供食物。
  • Both in pubs and at home, less boozy drinks are becoming popular.
  • 无论是在酒吧还是在家里,少饮酒都成为了一种时尚。
  • Total sales of beer by volume dropped slightly in the year to January, but those of the weaker kinds, with just 1.3-3.3% alcohol by volume, jumped 32%, according to Kantar Worldpanel, a market-research firm.
  • 市场调查公司Kantar Worldpanel的数据显示:截止到1月份,今年来啤酒的总销量略有下降,但是酒精度数较低的品种—酒精占比为1.3-3.3%(体积比例)的啤酒—销量下降了32%。
  • Sales of "adult" sparkling soft drinks are growing too. Perhaps the cafe-culture British politicians have so long yearned for is at last emerging.
  • 成年人软饮料的销量不断增加。英国政客所向往的咖啡文化或许正在涌现。
  • A sobering thought.
  • 这是一种有节制的理念。译者:姜开锋 校对:周雨晴


1.associate with 与…交往,联系

例句:But vishaal believes that combat gent can find a place for itself by providing lower cost clothes than high-end boutiques without the stigma some shoppers associate with low-end discount stores.
不过维沙尔相信,Combat Gent可以提供比高端服装店价格更低的服装,却又不会让购物者把它与低端折扣店联系在一起。 for 要求;需要

例句:Your plan will call for a lot of money.

3.ought to 理应;应当

例句:You ought to kick back at such malicious slander.

4.give up 放弃;投降

例句:Despite rumblings in the press, it's not time yet to give up on the electric car.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
malicious [mə'liʃəs]


adj. 怀恶意的,恶毒的

abstemious [æb'sti:miəs]


adj. 节制的

principle ['prinsəpl]


n. 原则,原理,主义,信念

emerging [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

temperance ['tempərəns]


n. (行为,饮食)节制,禁酒

disorderly [dis'ɔ:dəli]


adj. 混乱的,无秩序的;骚乱的;无法无天的 adv.

complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉





