Shaken not slurred
Fashionable urbanites revive a temperance tradition
None for the road
WEST LONDON,Friday night, 9pm. In the Redemption bar, music hums and candles flicker. A barman shakes cocktails under a neon sign. But the rowdy carousing often associated with British pubs at the weekend is absent. Although the cocorita is served with a margarita-style rim of salt, it contains no alcohol. Redemption is one of a small but growing number of drinkeries that serve no liquor.

Worries about booze are on the rise. Hospitals complain that alcohol-related admissions are soaring; some police chiefs have called for new powers to tackle disorderly drunks. On February 4th the Home Office announced a new plan that ought to stop retailers from selling alcoholic drinks below cost—something they occasionally do to attract shoppers. This, said Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat minister in charge, would “stop the worst examples of very cheap and harmful drink”.
Yet Britain is in many ways becoming more abstemious. In 2001 the average household consumed 1.5 litres of alcoholic drinks a week; by 2011, the latest year for which figures are available, that had fallen to 1.1 litres. The young in particular seem to be giving up boozing: over the same period, the number of 18- to 24-year-old men admitting to drinking heavily at least once a week fell from 37% to 22%; women became less sozzled, too. This year four times as many people gave up booze for “dry January” as did so last year, says Emily Robinson of Alcohol Concern, a charity. Dry bars benefit from this fad: Redemption's customers quadrupled between December and January.
英国在很多方面都变得更加节制。在2001年,平均每家每周消费1.5升酒饮料;到了2011年,最近的一个有相关统计数字的年份,这一消费量降到了1.1升。年轻人放弃酗酒的尤其多: 2001年时,18-24周岁的男青年中有37%的人每周至少酗酒一次;到了2011年,这一比例降为22%。女性在饮酒方面也变得更加节制。艾米丽·鲁滨逊来自一家名为“关注饮酒”的慈善组织,她说,今年响应“二月戒酒”运动的人是去年同期的三倍。戒酒酒吧从这一风气中受益:Redemption的顾客在12月到1月之间翻了两番。
Abstemious bars have also opened in Liverpool and Nottingham, and are planned for Brighton and Newcastle—two famously high-living towns. Unlike many cafés, they stay open late. They emulate bars in other ways, with live music, comedy acts and films to pull in punters. When the lights go down and the DJ plays at Sobar, which opened in Nottingham in January, it looks like any city bar, hopes Alex Gillmore, the manager. Redemption misses the hefty profits made on alcohol, but temperance brings its own benefits. Business remains steady throughout the week rather than spiking at the weekend, says Catherine Salway, its founder. The absence of drunken, obstreperous patrons means that bouncers are unnecessary.
Sobar, like the Brink in Liverpool, is linked to a do-gooding drug and alcohol charity. But ordinary drinking dens are becoming a little drier, too, out of business sense rather than temperance principle. Pubs can make almost as much selling food as drink—and more are serving it. Both in pubs and at home, less boozy drinks are becoming popular. Total sales of beer by volume dropped slightly in the year to January, but those of the weaker kinds, with just 1.3-3.3% alcohol by volume, jumped 32%, according to Kantar Worldpanel, a market-research firm. Sales of “adult” sparkling soft drinks are growing too. Perhaps the café-culture British politicians have so long yearned for is at last emerging. A sobering thought.
Kantar Worldpanel的数据显示:截止到1月份,今年来啤酒的总销量略有下降,但是酒精度数较低的品种—酒精占比为1.3-3.3%(体积比例)的啤酒——销量下降了32%。成年人软饮料的销量不断增加。英国政客所向往的咖啡文化或许正在涌现。这是一种有节制的理念。译者:姜开锋 校对:周雨晴