but only 5 in the north-east, according to IPPR North, a think-tank.
Britain's proposed high-speed railway will not help much, and not for a long time.
Under current plans HS2 will take until 2033 to reach the north-east, some seven years after it stretches to the West Midlands.
Even then many are worried:
Edward Twiddy, leader of the North East Local Enterprise Partnership, fears that journeys to Leeds in Yorkshire will become longer and that investment will be drawn away from the East Coast mainline.
Railway tracks are being electrified in the north-west, but only as far as York.
Unless parts of the north-east are electrified too, areas like Middlesbrough risk being cut off even more than at present.
Better rolling-stock would get more people on trains.
If another platform were added to Darlington station
a pretty, if sparse, Victorian structure—then congestion on the line to London would be reduced, as local and freight services would no longer need to cross the main tracks.
Such projects are less exciting than a whizzy new railway.
Government officials tend to glaze over when they are mentioned, says Ed Cox of IPPR North.
A more integrated approach to transport planning would help.
This is slowly starting to happen:
from April 1st seven local authorities in the north-east will hive off some functions to a combined authority, similar to the set-up in Manchester.
This should give the north-east a stronger voice.
When two northern rail franchises come up for renewal in 2016 local authorities will play a larger part in the bidding process.
In many ways the region is lagging 20 years behind everywhere else, thinks Penny Marshall, the regional director of the Institution of Civil Engineers in the north-east.