Will Retiring Later Preserve Your Brain?
In the battle against those senior moments, the Americans have turned everything from crosswords to Sudoku, but there is a new report out that finds that it could boil down that old injunction. Maybe it's really better to wear-out than rest-out. Deberol Roberts has more.
在应对大脑衰老的战争中,美国人尝试了各种方法,从字谜到桥牌,但是一份新的报告或许有助于缓和人们反对旧禁令的声音Deberol Roberts报道更详细内容 。 。或许努力劳作比整天休息好得多 。
At a time when many of his friends have long retired, Dan Morgenstern wouldn't think of it.
Dan Morgenstern的许多朋友已经退休很长时间了,而他仍然不考虑退休 。
--It's something that I still enjoy doing. And that's why I am still here.
这仍然是我喜欢做的工作 。所以我依然坚守在这里 。
For the past 34 years, he's been at work, running a Jazz music institute at Rutgers University. Morgenstern is 80 years old.
过去34年,他一直工作Morgenstern现在已经80岁了 。 。他在罗格斯大学创办了一个爵士音乐工作研究所 。
--I am absolutely certain that continuing to work is helping me to keep my mind alert.
我非常确信,持续工作可以帮助我的大脑保持敏捷 。
He may be onto something. A new analysis suggests that putting off retirement and working longer in life with all of its mental work place vigors may keep your brain sharp. Playing a daily game of chess may not be enough.
或许他是对的 。一项新的分析表明,推迟退休,增加脑力劳动者工作年限或许可以保持大脑清醒 。仅仅每天下象棋或许是不够的 。
--The big difference here is that people spend thousands of hours at work and work can be a very powerful environment.
其重大影响就是,人们花费大量时间在工作上,而工作是一个非常有力的环境 。
The economic professors behind it all looked into 20 years worth of data involving thousands of aging people from the US and 11 other countries. All were given a simple memory test and Americans who tend to retire latter in life scored highest.
这项研究的经济学教授查看了美国和其他11个国家数千名老年人长达20年的数据 。所有人都接受了简单的记忆测试,退休年龄较老的美国人得分更高 。
They don't know what it is about work. Is it the job you do or the social interaction that's helping? Some scientists though are convinced they want more data but they say it is a persuasive argument for the old adage:use it or lose it.
他们并不清楚其原理 。能够保持大脑敏捷的是工作还是社交活动?然而,一些科学家认为他们需要更多数据 。但是他们说,那个古老的说法是很有说服力的:用进废退!
Deberol Roberts, ABC News, New York.
ABC新闻,Deberol Roberts在纽约报道 。