FDA Issues Warning About Aspirin and Heart Attacks
A new warning from the FDA about aspirin and heart attacks. And ABC Dr. Richard Besser here to explain that which so many of us have heard the advice about, you know, taking a baby aspirin to prevent heart attack. But this warning says it's not for everyone.
来自食品药品监督管理局关于阿司匹林和心脏病的一个新警示ABC的Richard Besser医生在这里为我们解释 。那么多人听到服用阿司匹林来预防心脏病的建议 。但是FDA这个警告表示,这条建议并不适用每一个人 。 。
Yeah, I mean, this is really a big controversy. There's absolutely no disagreement if you had a heart attack or stroke, taking a daily aspirin will reduce the chances you have another one and save lives. But that's the manufacturer wanted to say in the label, taking aspirin to prevent your first heart attack, FDA said "No way."
是的,我的意思是,这条建议存在巨大的争议FDA表示“不可能” 。 。如果你患有心脏病或中风,每天服用阿司匹林可以降低患病风险,挽救你的生命,这并无争议 。但是生产商标签上说明,服用阿司匹林来预防心脏病首次出现,
Well, I don't have any heart problems, what my doctor has recommended, you know, taking aspirin.
我的心脏没有问题,但是我的医生建议我服用阿司匹林 。
That's right. And many doctors recommending that. What FDA found though, was that the evidence prevent that first heart attack isn't there and aspirin can cause internal bleeding. And so they don't think it's for everybody. But here is the thing, there's been diagreement here, the American Heart Association says take that aspirin, even the government panel that was asked to review this says if you're at high risk,take the aspirin. So if you're already on an aspirin, I wouldn't stop until you talk to your doctor.
是的,许多医生这样建议FDA发现,有证据表明,阿司匹林不能预防心脏病,反而会导致内出血 。所以不要认为这种药物适用于每一个人 。但是问题是,现在存在不同的意见 。美国心脏病协会建议服用阿司匹林,甚至我们要求进行重新审查的政府委员会也表示,如果你患心脏病的风险比较高,也服用阿司匹林 。所以,如果你正在服用的话,我不会制止你,可以先向医生咨询 。 。然而,
And the FDA's been on this for a long time.
FDA已经关注这个问题很长时间了 。
They were asked to rule on this 10 years ago, took them 10 years to come to this conclusion. And I think we haven't heard the end of the controversy.
十年前,相关部门就要求他们出台相关规定,花费了十年的时间才得出结论 。我想关于该争议还没有最终结论 。
Ok, Richard Besser, thanks very much.
好的,非常感谢Richard Besser 。