Explaining "Man Flu"
In this morning's Health Watch, the truth about man flu. Have you ever noticed that sometimes certain men have a tendency to, I don't wanna say why, but perhaps complain a little bit more at the first sight they have a sniff or even a slight headache, complain like at the end of the world. Well, a new study suggests man actually do get sick more often than women do. Dr. Jennifer Ash is here with the details. So with this actually giving a little fuel to the fire?
在今天早上的《健康观察》部分,记者带我们了解男士感冒的问题Jennifer Ash医生在这里为我们介绍详细情况 。这是否火上浇油? 。你是否注意到,有时某些男性在打喷嚏甚至轻微的头痛等症状最初出现时比较容易抱怨,就好像世界末日来临一样 。我不想说是什么原因 。一项新的研究表明,男人比女人更经常得病 。
There are may in fact be evidence now scientifically that there is a real entity called the wimp factor, so they looked at the study in South Korea 1200 workers. Ask them about their level of stress, then went back 6 months later and ask them how many they had colds, in fact the people who had supported that they had the highest stress in their job, the men were 74% more likely to call in sick due to a cold over that time of period. They didn't have a lot of women in the study because in South Korea not as many women at work, but it does appear to support that there is a real entity called the wimp factor.
实际上,现在有科学证据表明确实有脆弱的因素存在 。所以他们查看了针对韩国1200名工人进行的调查 。询问他们的压力水平,然后六个月之后再回来,问其中多少人患了感冒 。实际上,宣称自己工作压力最大的人在这段时间内感冒的几率高74% 。研究对象中女性数量并不多,因为韩国没有很多女性工作 。但是这似乎支持了脆弱因素的说法 。
So this seems it tied a little bit more to the stress in your job which you know in the United States, as you mentioned, might come out a little bit differently because there are women who work outside the home. However, does that translate to a real medical evidence that there are something different in the immune system?
这似乎让人们更多地和工作压力联系起来,就像美国的情况 。不过根据你提到的,美国的情况可能会有点不同,因为美国的女性会外出工作 。然而,这是否可以理解为有科学证据表明男女的免疫系统存在差异?
Well, in terms of physiology, there is no actual evidence to support a difference between men and women yet. But of course, possible theories include some hormone differences that may make men actually becomes a little sicker when they are exposed to cold virus. Remember in the past, heart disease was thought to be the same entity between men and women. We know now that's not true. (Right.) The women actually experience in slightly different manners. The cold virus may turn out to be the same thing. There might be differences between men and women.
在生理学方面,没有切实的证据支持男女免疫系统存在差异 。但是当然,一些理论认为荷尔蒙差异造成男人接触感冒病毒时更容易生病 。在过去,人们认为男女患心脏病的几率是相同的 。而现在我们知道事实并非如此 。女人的情况有所不同 。感冒病毒可能也是这种情况 。男女可能存在差异 。
So there is a chance that they experience differently, that they may feel sicker than women do. But on the flipside, women also aren't perhaps as ready to say I feel terrible because they don't feel that they can.
所以有可能他们的感受有所不同,他们会觉得比女人病得严重 。但是另一方面,女人可能不会说,我觉得好难受,因为她们觉得自己不能这么说 。
Exactly. Traditionally, women are the caregivers in the home at least. And a lot more women certainly in this country in the work force. They have to be more stoic. They can't get sick. You know, they just don't have that flexibility in their day-to-day life. Who will take care of the children if the mum gets sick? So potentially that has something to do with all that stuff.
确实如此 。传统来讲,女人是家里的照料者 。现在越来越多的女性出现在职场 。她们必须更加坚韧,她们不能生病 。你知道,她们在日复一日的生活中缺乏灵活性 。如果母亲生病了,谁来照顾孩子?所以,或许与很多因素有关 。
And men are used to be taken care of. That's why sometimes, not all men, my husband, if you’re watching, I wanna throw him into the bus. But you know some men do sort of you know, act like big babies when they are sick.
男人习惯了被照顾 。当然并不是所有男性 。有时候,我的丈夫,如果你没有看着的话,我真想把他丢进公交车 。但是你知道许多男人生病时的表现就像小孩 。
Well, we could be accomplices in perpetrating this. You know men can complain more because they can complain more. And traditionally they are less likely to seek medical attention. They may not be accustomed to expressing their feelings. When they are happy or sad or feeling ill, so all these things can really stack the deck against them when they do get sick or you are gonna hear about it.
在这一方面,我们可能是同谋 。你知道男人会抱怨得更多,因为他们可以抱怨得更多 。传统来说,他们可能更少去看医生 。他们可能不习惯表达自己的感受 。当他们开心或悲伤或感觉不舒服的时候,当他们真的生病的时候,他们就会抓住机会抱怨,让你听到 。
So really the bottom line takes away is we’re still stronger because we can handle it better right?
Oh, I think so.
是的,我认为如此 。
Jen, thanks.
谢谢 。
You bet.
当然 。
Not that either one of us is biased.
我们两人都没有偏见 。