1. take over
eg. The army is / are threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.
军方声称如内乱不平息将实行军管 。
eg. We don't want the ultras to take over France.
我们不想让激进分子来控制法国 。
2. get along
eg. You can't get along without water.
没有水无法活下去 。
eg. Many older people cannot get along on just their Social Security checks.
许多老年人仅靠社会保障金无法生活 。
3. for the most part
eg. The lemon drink was for the most part of water.
那柠檬饮料多半成分是水 。
eg. For the most part he left the books to his managers and accountants.
他通常都把账册交给经理和会计们处理 。
4. instead of
eg. Instead of pressing forward, they drew back.
他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了 。
eg. He wishes to see more new programs instead of repeat on television.
他希望看到更多新的电视节目,而不是重播的节目 。
5. at odds with
eg. I think I'm at odds with you over the supply plan.
我想在供应计划问题上我们有分歧 。
eg. It's no necessary to be at odds with them.
没必要与他们争执 。
6. get rid of
eg. He hoped to get rid of the burden.
他希望去掉这个包袱 。
eg. How to get rid of the difficulties is still a great problem.
怎样才能摆脱困境仍是个大问题 。
7. rely on
eg. We will get nowhere if we rely on luck.
如果我们只依靠运气,那将一事无成 。
eg. But she can use and rely on other strengths.
但她可以借用、依赖其他的力量 。
8. in order to
eg. In order to survive the competition a company should be proactive not reactive.
要在竞争中生存下来,公司不应该消极应变,而应当先发制人 。
eg. They were working double tides in order to finish the job in time.
他们昼夜工作以及时完成工作 。
adj. 忠实的,率直的,坦诚的