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美语情景对话 第493期:Hip Hop Music 嘻哈音乐

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Now Jeanie, you listen to Hip-hop music.
  • 珍妮,你听嘻哈音乐吗?
  • Yeah.
  • 听。
  • Right. Actually me too. I like Hip-hop when I run.
  • 好。我也听。我跑步的时候喜欢听嘻哈音乐。
  • Do you think that Hip-hop music negatively influences people?
  • 你认为嘻哈音乐会对人们产生不良影响吗?
  • Do you think it should be censored or should be controlled in anyway?
  • 你认为这种音乐应该进行删改吗,或者应该进行管控吗?
  • I feel like it has a tendency to negatively influence people,
  • 我认为嘻哈音乐有会对人们产生不良影响的倾向,
  • mostly because the people it influences aren't very strong or very confident in themselves.
  • 受影响的大部分是那种不太强壮、不太自信的人。
  • They feel like that in order to be something they have to do what the people who made money are doing.
  • 他们会认为要想变得强壮就要像能挣大钱的人那样做。
  • For them it looks like the easy way out.
  • 对他们来说这是摆脱困境最容易的办法。
  • For example if you're stuck in poverty
  • 举例来说,如果你无法摆脱贫穷,
  • and you look at the TV and you look at people who are exactly like you, who are stuck in poverty
  • 这时你看到电视上有和你一样陷入贫穷的人,
  • and suddenly all they did was, they did gang banging and stuff like that,
  • 而他们实施了团伙暴力犯罪行为,
  • and then they rapped about it, and they got money, it's like Wow, why don't I do that.
  • 并在说唱中讲述了这件事,然后挣到了钱,这时你就会想:哇,我为什么不这么做呢。
  • And I have to build up this hard image so that I can make money. You know, get to the top.
  • 我也要建立这种强大的形象,这样我也能挣到钱了。你知道,就是那种飞黄腾达。
  • So you're saying part of the problem is for people to aspire to be a popular Hip-hop artist,
  • 你的意思是说立志成为流行嘻哈歌手的人
  • they actually have to do some type of criminal activity first?
  • 要先实施犯罪行为吗?
  • Yeah, it's the image that you get because in all the music they're rapping about what they did.
  • 对,这就是你从嘻哈乐中得到的形象,因为他们的说唱都是在讲他们曾经做过的事。
  • You know, and if you ask somebody later on, oh did you really do that?
  • 你知道,如果你问他们,你真的做过这件事吗?
  • and they say, Oh, no. It was just for a song then you know, people are all Oh, you're not cool.
  • 他们说:不,没有。这只是首歌而已,那人们的反应就是:你一点也不不酷。
  • You know, you want to rap about something that you've actually been through.
  • 所以你的说唱要讲你真正经历过的事情。
  • It's a really, you know, Yeah I did this. I'm really hard. You know. Otherwise you're just, you're just speaking.
  • 这样别人问你时你就能回答:对,我做过。我非常冷酷。否则你就只是说说而已。
  • Well, do you think that the music should be censored in anyway?
  • 那你认为应该对嘻哈乐进行删改吗?
  • I think to a point it should be, just as far as kids, children don't need to hear this stuff all the time
  • 我觉得应该删剪,这样至少孩子们不会经常在歌中听到这种事情,
  • and you know, unfortunately what you get, even if they censor it in the stores and say Oh, it's, this is not for kids,
  • 不幸的是,即使一些店铺去掉了不良内容,而且表示这不是孩子们听的,
  • or you know, stuff like that, you're going to get in these areas,
  • 但是你也会在其他地方听到,
  • people driving down the street in their big expensive cars blasting this kind of music,
  • 人们开着昂贵的汽车在街上兜风时会大声播放这种音乐,
  • so the kids are going to hear it anyway, so I don't feel that there is a real way to censor it.
  • 所以孩子们还是会听到,所以我认为需要采取实质的方法进行删剪。
  • Yeah, I guess this problem is always going to be around.
  • 嗯,我想这个问题一直存在。
  • Yeah.
  • 没错。


Todd: Now Jeanie, you listen to Hip-hop music.

Jeanie: Yeah.
Todd: Right. Actually me too. I like Hip-hop when I run. Do you think that Hip-hop music negatively influences people? Do you think it should be censored or should be controlled in anyway?
Jeanie: I feel like it has a tendency to negatively influence people, mostly because the people it influences aren't very strong or very confident in themselves. They feel like that in order to be something they have to do what the people who made money are doing. For them it looks like the easy way out. For example if you're stuck in poverty and you look at the TV and you look at people who are exactly like you, who are stuck in poverty and suddenly all they did was, they did gang banging and stuff like that, and then they rapped about it, and they got money, it's like "Wow", why don't I do that. And I have tobuild up this hard image so that I can make money. You know, get to the top.
Todd: So you're saying part of the problem is for people to aspire to be a popular Hip-hop artist, they actually have to do some type of criminal activity first?
Jeanie: Yeah, it's the image that you get because in all the music they're rapping about what they did. You know, and if you ask somebody later on, "oh did you really do that?" and they say, "Oh, no. It was just for a song" then you know, people are all "Oh, you're not cool." You know, you want to rap about something that you've actually been through. It's a really, you know, "Yeah I did this. I'm really hard." You know. Otherwise you're just, you're just speaking.
Todd: Well, do you think that the music should be censored in anyway?
Jeanie: I think to a point it should be, just as far as kids, children don't need to hear this stuff all the time and you know, unfortunately what you get, even if they censor it in the stores and say "Oh, it's, this is not for kids", or you know, stuff like that, you're going to get in these areas, people driving down the street in their big expensive cars blasting this kind of music, so the kids are going to hear it anyway, so I don't feel that there is a real way to censor it.
Todd: Yeah, I guess this problem is always going to be around.
Jeanie: Yeah.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
tendency ['tendənsi]


n. 趋势,倾向

reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声

criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

expenditure [iks'penditʃə]


n. (时间、劳力、金钱等)支出,使用,消耗

resemble [ri'zembl]


vt. 相似,类似,像

eavesdrop ['i:vzdrɔp]


vi. 偷听

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

confident ['kɔnfidənt]


adj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的





