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美语情景对话 第485期:Thai Cooking 泰国料理

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, Akane, you've been to Thailand, right?
  • 茜,你去过泰国,对吧?
  • That's right. I went once on a holiday with my friends for Chinese New Year.
  • 没错。我和朋友们在中国新年期间去泰国度假。
  • Wow. I've always wanted to go to Thailand.
  • 哇。我一直很想去泰国。
  • Yes, it's a really nice place. I really enjoyed it.
  • 嗯,那是个很不错的地方。我很喜欢那里。
  • So what did you do there?
  • 你在泰国做了什么事情?
  • Well, one of the things I did there was to take a Thai cooking course and I learned how to make Thai food.
  • 嗯,我上了个泰式烹饪的课程,学习如何做泰国美食。
  • Oh, wow. So how do you make Thai food?
  • 哇。那要怎么做泰国美食呢?
  • Well, I don't know if I remember but I really enjoyed the cooking course.
  • 我可能记不太清楚了,不过我很喜欢那个烹饪课程。
  • What was the course like?
  • 那个课程都教些什么?
  • Well, it was really interesting actually.
  • 实际上非常有意思。
  • They picked me up first thing in the morning and drove me to an outdoor market where they sold all kinds of fruits and vegetables and meats and spices
  • 他们早上会先来接我,然后开车送我去卖各种水果、蔬菜、肉类和辣椒的露天市场,
  • and it was a kind of market where only the local people would go
  • 那是只有当地人会去的那种市场,
  • and they introduced me to a lot of different kinds of herbs and spices and fruits and vegetables that I've never even seen before so that was really interesting,
  • 他们给我介绍了许多种我以前从来没见过的草药、辣椒、水果和蔬菜,真的很有趣,
  • and then they took me to the kitchen which was actually an outdoor kitchen right by a beach
  • 之后他们带我去了一个厨房,那是一个在海滩边上的露天厨房,
  • so I got to do cooking right in front of a beach it was very beautiful.
  • 我要在海滩前面烹饪,那场景真的很美。
  • Wow.
  • 哇。
  • I was really lucky that day because I was the only student.
  • 我很幸运,因为我是那天唯一一个学生。
  • It was still a new company that just opened up so I was the only student and so I got a lot of attention.
  • 那是家新公司,所以只有我一个学生,我自然受到了很多关注。
  • There were two teachers that taught me how to do all these things
  • 有两个老师教我如何烹饪这些食材,
  • and there was a lot of extra time at the end so they even taught me how to do fruit carving.
  • 后来我们还有富余时间,于是他们就教我水果雕刻。
  • I made leaves out of cucumber and flowers out of papaya fruit and things like that.
  • 我把黄瓜雕刻成树叶,把木瓜雕刻成花朵,大概就是这样。
  • That sounds fantastic.
  • 听起来好神奇。
  • It really was.
  • 的确是。
  • And do you ever cook Thai at home now?
  • 你现在在家里还会做泰国食物吗?
  • Ah, unfortunately I don't, but maybe if I have some time I might try it.
  • 很可惜我现在不做了,如果我有时间我可能会试着做做的。
  • Good.
  • 好的。


Ruth: So, Akane, you've been to Thailand, right?

Akane: That's right. I went once on a holiday with my friends for Chinese New Year.
Ruth: Wow. I've always wanted to go to Thailand.
Akane: Yes, it's a really nice place. I really enjoyed it.
Ruth: So what did you do there?
Akane: Well, one of the things I did there was to take a Thai cooking course and I learned how to make Thai food.
Ruth: Oh, wow. So how do you make Thai food?
Akane: Well, I don't know if I remember but I really enjoyed the cooking course.
Ruth: What was the course like?
Akane: Well, it was really interesting actually. They picked me up first thing in the morning and drove me to an outdoor market where they sold all kinds offruits and vegetables and meats and spices and it was a kind of market where only the local people would go and they introduced me to a lot of different kinds of herbs and spices and fruits and vegetables that I've never even seen before so that was really interesting, and then they took me to the kitchen which was actually an outdoor kitchen right by a beach so I got to do cooking right in front of a beach it was very beautiful.
Ruth: Wow.
Akane: I was really lucky that day because I was the only student. It was still a new company that just opened up so I was the only student and so I got a lot of attention. There were two teachers that taught me how to do all these things and there was a lot of extra time at the end so they even taught me how to do fruit carving. I made leaves out of cucumber and flowers out of papaya fruit and things like that.
Ruth: That sounds fantastic.
Akane: It really was.
Ruth: And do you ever cook Thai at home now?
Akane: Ah, unfortunately I don't, but maybe if I have some time I might try it.
Ruth: Good.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
branch [brɑ:ntʃ]


n. 分支,树枝,分店,分部
v. 分支,分岔

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





