Two people are dead after a Seattle news helicopter crashes outside of its station
Two people were killed in Seattle Tuesday after a news helicopter crashed on top of at least three vehicles outside Seattle Center - sending plumes of thick smoke over the city, during the morning rush hour.
周二早高峰时段,一架新闻采访直升机在西雅图中心外坠毁,砸中至少三辆汽车,造成2人死亡 。城市上空浓烟滚滚 。
(SOUNDBITE) KYLE MOORE, SEATTLE FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYING: "When they got here on scene, it was such a heavy cloud of black smoke. We didn't even really know what it was until we got some water on there, and saw a helicopter in there."
西雅图消防部门工作人员KYLE MOORE:“消防员到达现场的时候一片浓烟滚滚 。我们甚至不知道起火的是什么,放水灭火后才看到一架直升机 。”
It happened near the Space Needle at the home of KOMO-ABC television. KOMO confirmed it is their helicopter. The station says the helicopter was apparently lifting off from its rooftop when it possibly hit the side of the building and went down,hitting several vehicles below on Broad Street.
坠毁地点在KOMO-ABC电视台地标太空针附近 。KOMO证实是他们的直升机 。该电视台表示,这架直升机刚刚从屋顶起飞,可能撞上建筑边缘坠落,在百老汇大街上砸中几辆汽车 。
(SOUNDBITE) CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS, WITNESS SAYING: "It did a clockwise turn, maybe 80 degrees, and went off and nose-dose off,side nose-dive into the street." "I saw the whole street light up on fire, and a huge smoke cloud come up and about 55 feet of gasoline fire."
目击者CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS:“飞机做了一个顺时针旋转,大概80度,然后俯冲而下,坠落到街道上 。”“我看到整条街都起火,大量浓烟冲向空中,火苗高达55英尺 。”
A third person, a 37-year-old man, has been taken to the hospital in critical condition. He was in one of the cars, but managed to pull himself out.
第三名目击者,一名37岁的男子,被送往医院,情况危急 。他就在被砸中的一辆汽车中,但是成功地逃出来 。
(SOUNDBITE) UNNAMED WITNESS SAYING: "I heard the boom and looked up and two seconds later flames started spreading out." "The second guy came out of his car, bleeding from his head and shirt ripped and a little bit on fire as well."
未透露姓名的目击者:“我听到巨大的响声,抬头往上看,两秒钟后就看到火苗开始扩散 。”“第二个人从汽车中逃出来,头部流血,衬衣撕裂并着火 。”
The weather was cloudy with winds of about 7 mph at the time of the crash. Police say investigators from the FAA and NTSB are en route.
飞机坠毁时,天气阴沉,风速大约7英里每小时 。警方表示,美国联邦航空管理局和国家运输安全委员会正在途中 。
Celebrations in Crimea; concerns in Kiev
克里米亚举行庆祝活动 基辅忧心忡忡
When news reaches Crimea that President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty making the Black Sea peninsula part of Russia --celebrations. Putin called Crimea "an inseparable part of Russia."
俄罗斯总统普京签署协议,同意这个黑海半岛成为俄罗斯的一部分 。消息传到克里米亚,人们举行了庆祝活动 。普京称克里米亚是“俄罗斯不可分割的一部分” 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) SEVASTOPOL RESIDENT IRINA YAROVAYA, SAYING: "It is such a momentous day today. We want to say that we are very proud of our president, Vladimir Putin, because what we have heard from him just now - all these years we could not even dream to hear that."
塞瓦斯托波尔市居民IRINA YAROVAYA:“今天是非常重要的日子 。我们要说,我们为普京总统感到非常自豪 。因为我们听到了他的心声,这么多年来我们一直梦想听到他的声音 。”
A very different scene in Kiev, where they remember the dozens killed in late February in Ukraine's worst violence since Soviet times.
而基辅则是截然不同的场景,他们正在纪念二月末自苏联时代以来乌克兰最严重的暴力中遇难的数十人 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) OLEKSANDR SHKLYAROV, KIEV RESIDENT, SAYING: "Vladimir Putin turned out to be a simple swindler, a dodger. Having approved the referendum under the barrels of guns. I think that he shamed himself before the whole world. I think that the whole world will end relations with him."
基辅居民OLEKSANDR SHKLYAROV:“普京是个大骗子 。是个欺瞒者 。他在枪炮的威胁下通过了全民公投 。我认为他在全世界面前羞辱了自己 。我认为全世界都将终止与他的关系 。”
Despite strongly worded condemnations, Western nations have been cautious in their first steps against Moscow. Analysts say the hope is to leave the door open for a diplomatic solution.
尽管作出了严厉的语言谴责,西方国家在应对莫斯科的初步阶段非常谨慎 。分析人员表示,他们希望为外交解决方案留下后路 。
Michigan man arrested, charged with supporting Hezbollah
Federal agents arrested a 22-year-old man at the Detroit Airport who they say was heading to Syria to help Hezbollah battle rebel fighters like these. Mohammad Hassan Hamdan is charged with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization. The FBI says he told an undercover agent about his plans to travel to the Middle East on behalf of the group. Former FBI special agent Dan Roberts says it can take months, if not years to gather enough information to bring terrorism charges.
联邦特工在底特律机场逮捕了一名22岁的男子Mohammad Hassan Hamdan被控告试图向外国恐怖组织提供物资支持 。FBI表示,他向一名秘密特工交代了前往中东地区支持该组织的计划 。前FBI特工Dan Roberts表示,即使不需要几年,也需要几个月的时间来收集足够的信息,完成该恐怖主义控告 。 。他们称此人正前往叙利亚帮助真主党打击叛军战士 。
SOUNDBITE: FBI special agent Dan Roberts "Most of the time when you see these material support cases, you are talking about fundraising, you are collecting money here to ship overseas to give to Hezbollah, Hamas, or al Qaeda."
FBI特工Dan Roberts:“大部分时候当你看到这种支持恐怖主义的案件,都是融资,筹集资金送往海外自主黎巴嫩真主党,哈马斯或基地组织 。”
Hamdan is the second person to be arrested in the U.S. this week on charges of attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization.
Hamdan是本周美国因试图为恐怖组织提供物资支持而被捕的第二个人 。