More help in missing plane hunt
Chinese investigators are set to help Malaysia's government in the search for missing flight MH370. On Monday French experts arrived to add their weight to the growing international hunt.
中国调查人员即将帮助马来西亚政府搜索失踪的MH370航班 。周日,法国专家抵达,加入不断扩大的国际搜索队伍行列 。
(SOUNDBITE)(English) JEAN-PAUL TROADEC, FORMER DIRECTOR OF BUREAU D'ENQUETES ET D'ANALYSTES, SAYING: "I don't think there is any sense in starting a search in the sea as long as we have not located any debris because the uncertainty zone for the moment is huge and there is no sense in starting searches under the sea when we don't have a more precise idea of the plane's location."
法国航空事故调查和分析局前局长让·保罗·特洛阿德克(Jean-Paul Troadec):“我认为在确定任何残骸的位置之前开始海上搜索没有任何意义,因为目前不确定的区域范围非常大,当我们没有关于飞机位置更确切的信息之前开始海下搜索也没有任何意义 。”
Australia's taken charge of scouring the Indian Ocean as the search for the Malaysia Airlines Boeing widens. Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the measure was in response to a direct request from his Malaysian counterpart.
随着搜索这架马来西亚航空波音飞机的范围逐渐扩大,澳大利亚已经开始负责搜索印度洋Tony Abbott)表示,该措施是对马来西亚总理提出的直接要求作出回应 。 。澳大利亚总理托尼·艾伯特(
(SOUNDBITE)(English) AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER TONY ABBOTT SAYING: "He asked that Australia take responsibility for the the search in the southern vector which the Malaysian authorities now think was one possible flight path for the ill-fated aircraft. I agreed that we would do so. If offered the Malaysian Prime Minister additional maritime surveillance resources which he gratefully accepted."
澳大利亚总理托尼·艾伯特(Tony Abbott):“他请求澳大利亚负责搜索南方,马来西亚当局现在认为这是失联飞机可能的飞行路线之一 。我赞同这样做 。这样可以为马来西亚总理提供额外的海上监控来源,他非常感激地接受了这一点 。”
On Sunday India, one of up to 25 nations involved in the search for the missing plane, put its operations on hold while Malaysia reassesses the hunt, now into its second week. Flight MH370 vanished with 290 passengers and crew on board on March 8th. A huge air and sea search has found no trace and there is growing evidence that the plane's disappearance was carefully planned. Investigators are increasingly convinced the aircraft was deliberately steered way off its intended course by someone with enough knowledge to disable the plane's automatic tracking systems. Background checks are underway on all those on board the jet as the mystery of Flight MH370 deepens by the day.
现在,对失联航班的搜索工作已经进入第二周,共有25个国家参加了搜索工作MH370航班联通机上290名乘客和机组人员一起消失 。巨大的空中和海上搜索行动没有发现任何线索,越来越多的证据表明这架飞机的失踪是经过缜密策划的 。调查人员越来越确信这架飞机是由完全了解如何破坏飞机自动轨道系统的人故意劫持的 。对飞机上所有人员的背景调查正在进行 。MH370航班失踪之谜逐渐加深 。 。周日,由于马来西亚对搜索工作进行重新评估,印度暂停行动 。3月8日,
Crimea vote heightens tensions
Pro-Russian Crimeans celebrate the outcome of a referendum showing a large majority in support of leaving Ukraine to join Russia. Internationally it's created a controversy which has brought threatened sanctions against Moscow a step closer. The European Union views the referendum as illegal. EU foreign ministers meeting on Sunday said sanctions were being finalised. 全民公投结果表明大多数人支持脱离乌克兰,加入俄罗斯,支持俄罗斯的克里米亚人开心庆祝 。该事件在国际社会引起争议,导致莫斯科面临制裁的威胁更近了一步 。欧盟认为这次全民公投是非法的 。周日,欧盟成员国外交部长表示,制裁措施已经最后确定 。
(SOUNDBITE)(English) DUTCH FOREIGN MINISTER FRANS TIMMERMANS SAYING: "I would do anything possible to avoid sanctions because I believe everybody would suffer if we get into sanctions but the only ones who can prevent this are the Russians."
荷兰外交部长蒂默曼斯(Frans Timmermans):“我将尽最大努力避免实施制裁措施,因为我相信如果采取制裁措施,任何人都会从中受害 。但是能够制止制裁措施的只有俄罗斯人 。”
(SOUNDBITE)(English) CZECH FOREIGN MINISTER LUBOMIR ZAORALEK SAYING: "I am very concerned about it that in the last days from the side of Russia there was no willingness to return to diplomatic, to the table and use diplomatic means for solution."
捷克外交部长扎拉莱克(Lubomir Zaoralek):“我非常担忧,因为过去几天,俄罗斯方面没有任何意愿通过外交方法,通过谈判,使用外交途径来寻找解决方法 。”
A statement on the White House web site delivered a stark condemnation of Russia's military intervention in Ukraine. It warned Russia would pay a price in the form of sanctions and increased instability. In Russia a prominent TV host appeared to suggest a nuclear strike on the U.S. may be an option. Dmitry Kiselyov's show, News of the Week, is closely watched for clues to Kremlin policy and signs of how the government wants Russians to perceive events.
白宫网站上一份声明严厉谴责俄罗斯军事入侵乌克兰的行为Dmitry Kiselyov)的《本周新闻》节目受到密切关注,是克里姆林宫政策的风向标,政府通过这个节目来影响俄罗斯人的观点 。 。白宫警告俄罗斯将以受到制裁和形势动荡的形式付出代价 。在俄罗斯,一位著名的电视节目主持人暗示对美国采取核武器攻击可能是一个选择 。俄新社社长基赛尔约夫(
South Korea condemns North missile launch
North Korea fired 25 short-range missiles into the sea off the east of the Korean peninsula on Sunday. It was an unusually large number but South Korea said they were obsolete weapons, probably about 40 years old. Even so, Seoul said the missile launch was provocative.
周日,朝鲜向朝鲜半岛东海岸发射了25枚短程导弹 。其数量不同寻常,然而韩国则声称这是废弃武器,可能已有40年的历史 。尽管如此,首尔方面表示,朝鲜发射导弹的行为是挑衅性的 。
(SOUNDBITE)(Korean) KIM MIN-SEOK, SOUTH KOREAN DEFENCE MINISTRY SPOKESMAN, SAYING: "We're analysing the intention of so many firings but there's no question in our view that it's a provocative action and a show of force that they fired so many."
韩国国防部发言人金珉奭(Kim Min-Seok):“我们正在分析朝鲜发射如此大量的导弹的意图,但是按照我们的观点,毫无疑问,这是挑衅性的行为,也是为了展示他们的武力 。”
North Korea isn't banned from firing short-range weapons under U.N. sanctions and frequently tests its arsenal. The U.S. State Department says it's monitoring the situation following the missile launch.
按照联合国的制裁措施,朝鲜并未被禁止发射短程武器,也经常对其兵器进行测试 。美国国务院表示,朝鲜发射导弹后,他们正在密切监视形势变化 。