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美语情景对话 第259期:The Land of Australia 澳大利亚的土地

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Now, Aaron, Australia's a big place.
  • 亚伦,澳大利亚非常大。
  • Can you describe the Australian landscape?
  • 你能描述一下澳大利亚的风景吗?
  • No worries. In Australia, there are cities and then there is country.
  • 没问题。澳大利亚有城市也有乡村。
  • Not many people live in the country, and the desert.
  • 住在乡村和沙漠的人并不是很多。
  • About 70% of the population live on the East Coast on a very small area,
  • 澳大利亚70%的人口都居住在东海岸,那是一片非常小的区域,
  • and 80% maybe 70% of Australia is just desert.
  • 其实澳大利亚有80%,也许是70%的地方都是沙漠。
  • Nobody lives there, or it's just farms and nobody lives there as well.
  • 没有人住在那里,当然也没有人住在农田里。
  • The cities aren't like Japan.
  • 澳大利亚的城市与日本的不同。
  • They're very small cities, and there's a one high-rise area and then the rest of it is just flat.
  • 澳大利亚都是小城市,其中一个城市位于高海拔地区,其余的城市都位于平原地区。
  • How about the natural landscapes like deserts and rainforests, and things like that?
  • 那像沙漠和雨林这样的自然景色怎么样?
  • No worries. The rainforests are in the south, mainly in Tasmania, and in the tropics to the north,
  • 嗯。雨林位于南部,主要在塔斯马尼亚岛和北部的热带地区,
  • but the desert is the center of Australia and the north of Australia as well and on the west coast.
  • 而沙漠则位于澳大利亚中部、北部以及西海岸。
  • There's not much rainforest. There's a lot of desert.
  • 雨林并不多。但是沙漠面积广大。
  • Not many rainforests and the rest is just built up area. Suburban areas.
  • 雨林地区并不多,其他地方就是建筑物密集区。郊区等等。
  • Um, Australia is know for it's beaches.
  • 嗯,澳大利亚的海滩非常著名。
  • What area has the nicest beaches?
  • 哪个地方的海滩最棒?
  • The nicest beaches are probably in Queensland, or the Gold Coast.
  • 最好的海滩可能要属昆士兰的黄金海岸了。
  • The West Coast has some great beaches as well,
  • 西海岸也有许多很棒的海滩,
  • but there are now cities over there, so it's not so popular,
  • 不过那里有许多城市,所以海滩没有那么受欢迎,
  • but I think the best beaches are in Queensland, cause the pollution is so low.
  • 不过我认为最棒的海滩在昆士兰,因为那里污染小。
  • In the cities, in the south, the beaches are a bit dirty, so you can't always swim there.
  • 南部城市中的海滩有些脏,你不能经常在那里游泳。


Todd: Now, Aaron, Australia's a big place. Can you describe the Australian landscape?

Aaron: No worries. In Australia, there are cities and then there is country. Not many people live in the country, and the desert. About 70% of the population live on the East Coast on a very small area, and 80% maybe 70% of Australia is just desert. Nobody lives there, or it's just farms and nobody lives there as well. The cities aren't like Japan. They're very small cities, and there's a one high-rise area and then the rest of it is just flat.
Todd: How about the natural landscapes like deserts and rainforests, and things like that?
Aaron: No worries. The rainforests are in the south, mainly in Tasmania, and in the tropics to the north, but the desert is the center of Australia and the north of Australia as well and on the west coast. There's not much rainforest. There's a lot of desert. Not many rainforests and the rest is just built-up area. Suburban areas.
Todd: Um, Australia is know for it's beaches. What area has the nicest beaches?
Aaron: The nicest beaches are probably in Queensland, or the Gold Coast. The West Coast has some great beaches as well, but there are now cities over there, so it's not so popular, but I think the best beaches are in Queensland, cause the pollution is so low. In the cities, in the south, the beaches are a bit dirty, so you can't always swim there.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
landscape ['lændskeip]


n. 风景,山水,风景画
v. 美化景观

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成





