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美语情景对话 第258期:Life in England 英格兰的生活

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, where did you grow up in England?
  • 你是在英格兰哪里长大的?
  • So, I grew up in a place called Bradford.
  • 我是在一个叫做布拉福德的地方长大的。
  • Yeah.
  • 好。
  • Actually Bradford is famous in England for two things.
  • 实际上,布拉福德有两样东西在英格兰很出名。
  • One, it's famous for curry.
  • 一件是,布拉福德的咖喱很有名。
  • Indian curry because in Bradford we have a lot of Indian and muslim people,
  • 印度咖喱,因为布德福德有许多印度人和穆斯林,
  • but also it's famous for riots because Bradford had major riots in England,
  • 而布拉福德也因混乱而出名,因为布拉福德是英格兰最混乱的地方,
  • it's had maybe the two worst riots in England for the past 10 years and that's due to racism basically.
  • 在过去10年间那里发生了英格兰历史上最严重的两场暴乱,引发暴乱的原因是种族主义。
  • Really.
  • 是吗?
  • Yeah.
  • 对。
  • Oh, no! Is it a rough area?
  • 哦,不!那里治安不好吗?
  • Yeah, it's very working class.
  • 对,那里都是工人阶级。
  • Yeah, not so much money in Bradford, pretty poor.
  • 嗯,布拉福德并不富有,非常穷。
  • What was it like growing up there, like, what did you do as a kid?
  • 在那里长大怎么样,你小时候都做些什么?
  • What did I do as a kid?
  • 我小时候做什么?
  • It was, it was tough, I lived on a government, well we call it councilor estate,
  • 很艰难,我住在,我们称之为政府工厂,
  • maybe in America it's called maybe government assisted housing,
  • 可能在美国称为政府资助的房屋,
  • so my area was pretty tough, but always there were lots of kids around
  • 所以我生活的地方非常艰苦,不过周围有许多孩子,
  • so we were always playing football, cricket, or riding bikes or sometimes causing mischief.
  • 所以我们经常一起踢足球、打板球、或是骑自行车,或是其他的恶作剧之类的。
  • How would you cause mischief?
  • 你怎么恶作剧?
  • It depends, maybe sometimes there's an old guy who nobody likes who lives near us
  • 这要看情况,那里有住在我们附近但是大家都讨厌的老人,
  • so we go and throw maybe eggs at his windows
  • 所以我们可能会往他家的窗户扔鸡蛋,
  • and as we grew older we started throwing rocks at his windows, yeah.
  • 我们长大以后,会向他的窗户扔石块。
  • What would you do if you had a house now and some kid threw eggs at your house?
  • 那如果现在你有了自己的房子,而有些孩子向你的房子扔鸡蛋你会怎么做?
  • If some kid threw eggs at my house I'd probably buy a big dog
  • 如果有孩子们往我的房子扔鸡蛋,我可能会买只大狗,
  • and set the dog off the least and the dog can chase the kids away.
  • 放开狗的绳子,让狗把孩子们赶走。


Todd: So, where did you grow up in England?

Mark: So, I grew up in a place called Bradford.
Todd: Yeah.
Mark: Actually Bradford is famous in England for two things. One, it's famous for curry. Indian curry because in Bradford we have a lot of Indian and muslim people, but also it's famous for riots because Bradford had major riots in England, it's had maybe the two worst riots in England for the past 10 years and that's due to racism basically.
Todd: Really.
Mark: Yeah.
Todd: Oh, no! Is it a rough area?
Mark: Yeah, it's very working class. Yeah, not so much money in Bradford, pretty poor.
Todd: What was it like growing up there, like, what did you do as a kid?
Mark: What did I do as a kid? It was, it was tough, I lived on a government, well we call it councilor estate, maybe in America it's called maybe government assisted housing, so my area was pretty tough, but always there were lots of kids around so we were always playing football, cricket, or riding bikes or sometimes causing mischief.
Todd: How would you cause mischief?
Mark: It depends, maybe sometimes there's an old guy who nobody likes who lives near us so we go and throw maybe eggs at his windows and as we grew older we started throwing rocks at his windows, yeah.
Todd: What would you do if you had a house now and some kid threw eggs at your house?
mark: If some kid threw eggs at my house I'd probably buy a big dog and set the dog off the least and the dog can chase the kids away.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
estate [is'teit]


n. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产

scheme [ski:m]


n. 方案,计划,阴谋
v. 计画,设计,体系

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

chase [tʃeis]


n. 追求,狩猎,争取
vt. 追捕,狩猎





