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美语情景对话 第255期:Elephants 大象

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, Rob, tell me why you don't like elephants!
  • 罗布,跟我说说你为什么不喜欢大象吧。
  • Why don't I like elephants? It's a long story.
  • 我为什么不喜欢大象?这是一个很长的故事。
  • I was traveling in India with a friend of mine
  • 以前我和一个朋友去印度旅行,
  • and one night we decided to spent the night in a national park, looking at wildlife,
  • 一天晚上我们决定在国家公园里过一晚,观赏野生动物,
  • and we were staying in a small hut,
  • 我们要住在一个小茅屋里,
  • and to get to the hut we had to walk across a swamp, and we had to take a boat,
  • 我们要穿过一片沼泽地才能到达那个小茅屋,所以我们不得不划船去,
  • then we had to walk across another swamp, and after walking for about half an hour we reached the hut,
  • 之后我们还要穿过另一片沼泽,然后两走大概半个小时就到小茅屋了,
  • all upon big lakes about 20 meters up in the air,
  • 那个茅屋在大型湖泊的上方,大概有20米高,
  • and I climbed the steps and when I got to the top of the steps,
  • 我得爬台阶上去,当我爬到顶以后,
  • on the other side of the hut there was a huge snake, about 3 or 4 meters long, a cobra.
  • 我看到茅屋的另一面有只巨大的蛇,是一只大约有3、4米长的眼镜蛇。
  • Wow!
  • 哇!
  • I hate snakes. I absolutely hate snakes.
  • 我讨厌蛇。我非常讨厌蛇。
  • So I ran down the steps and said to my friend, "I am not staying here. I can not sleep in this place"
  • 所以我跑下台阶对我朋友说,“我不要待在这里。我不能睡在这种地方。”
  • And we thought about what to do,
  • 我们想了一下要怎么做,
  • and there was a village maybe two kilometers away,
  • 距离那里两公里有个村庄,
  • so my friend walked to the village to find out whether someone could come and scare away the snake
  • 我朋友走过去看看是否有人能过来把蛇赶走,
  • and she came back and said, the people said there is no way, we can not scare the snake off.
  • 她回来跟我说,人们说不可能,我们不能把蛇吓走。
  • Do you think we're crazy? We are not fighting the snake, but you can stay in our huts.
  • 你以为我们疯了吗?我们不会攻击蛇,不过你们可以住在我们的茅屋里。
  • You can stay in the village, so we started walking back to the village,
  • 你们可以住在我们村子里,于是我们就走去那个村庄,
  • and this was about half past six, seven o'clock in the evening and the sun was going down
  • 那时大概是晚上六点半,或七点左右,太阳马上就要下山了,
  • and as we were walking through the jungle we heard all sorts of noises from other parts of the forest
  • 我们穿过丛林的时候听到了森林其他地方传来的各种声音,
  • and there was lots of rustling noises, and oh look, there must be some other animals, wow, cool, some animals
  • 有许多窸窣声,看,那一定有其他的动物,哇,好棒,有动物,
  • and then after a little while a big pig appeared in the middle of the path (Wow)
  • 不久之后就有一头大山猪出现在路中间,
  • and we thought, "Oh, it's a pig" Pigs are not very exciting but it seemed exciting at the time
  • 我们当时想“哦,是猪”。当时看到猪并不是很令人兴奋,
  • and then the pig went walking off in the opposite directions
  • 之后那头猪就往跟我们相反的方向走去,
  • and after about 2 minutes the same pig "bang" came running back in front us.
  • 大约两分钟以后,那头猪跑回来来到了我们面前。
  • We didn't know what had happened, but we could still hear the noises coming slowly, and slowly towards us,
  • 我们不知道发生了什么,但是我们能听到渐渐接近的声音,慢慢地靠近我们,
  • and after a little while the noises started getting louder and louder and louder
  • 一会儿之后那个声音越来越清晰,
  • and then we stopped and at the side of the path in front of us we saw a trunk appear, just one trunk appear,
  • 我们在路边停了下来,我们前面出现了一只大象,就在路边,
  • only the trunk, off to the side of the path, and then another trunk, and then another trunk,
  • 之后又有两只大象出现,
  • so there were three trunks and I was like "Wow, elephants, great"
  • 那里有三只大象,我当时想“哇,大象,真棒”,
  • and then one of the elephants came out onto the path and looked right at us and then we were not so happy,
  • 之后其中一只大象走出来,直直地看着我们,那时我们就不太高兴了,
  • but we thought we're unyielding, we're tourist, so we took photos of the elephants
  • 不过我们想我们很英勇,我们是游客,于是我们给大象拍了照,
  • but unfortunately my camera flashed and the elephant was very unhappy, "RRRR" but he did nothing.
  • 但是不幸的是我的相机开了闪光灯,大象变得很烦躁,并发出一些声音,可是它什么都没做。
  • He just stood, but we knew he was angry so we ran and hid behind a tree
  • 它只是站在那里,不过我们知道它生气了,所以我们就跑了,躲在一棵树后面,
  • and after about ten minutes we thought, OK, the elephants will have gone so we started walking down the path again,
  • 大约十分钟以后我们想,“嗯,大象已经走了”,于是我们再次沿着路出发了,
  • and all the bushes and the grass was above our heads
  • 所有的灌木和草丛都比我们高,
  • and then we suddenly came to an area where the grass was only two or three feet high,
  • 这时我们突然来到了一片区域,这里的草只有两三英尺高,
  • so we could see big area again and we looked over to our left
  • 我们可以看到一大片区域,我们向左边望了望,
  • and there were three elephants staring right at us, waiting for us, maybe about 30 meters away,
  • 发现那三只大象就那样直直地盯着我们,等着我们,它们离我们大概有30米的距离,
  • and unfortunately at school in England they don't tell you what to do if you see an elephant,
  • 不幸的是英国的学校并没有教我们如果看见大象要怎么做,
  • so we didn't know, should we walk past, should we run, should we make lots of noise,
  • 所以我们不知道,我们是应该往回走,还是应该逃走,还是要发出一些声响,
  • so we decided to walk, do nothing, don't do anything suddenly, just walk,
  • 最终我们决定什么都不做,继续走,不做突然的事情,只是走路,
  • and we walked about two or three steps and there was this sudden "RRRRRRRRRRR" Boom, boom, boom, boom.
  • 我们走了两三步以后,突然听到"RRRRRRRRRRR"的轰响。
  • Oh, my god!
  • 哦,我的天哪!
  • In one second we looked at each other, "Run"
  • 我们互相看了一眼,“跑!”
  • I was carrying a rucksack, so I was running very slowly.
  • 当时我带了一个旅行包,所以我跑得很慢。
  • My friend ran very fast.
  • 我朋友跑得非常快。
  • I was running with the rucksack and then I dropped the rucksack and I jumped into a bush.
  • 而我要背着旅行包,于是我把旅行包扔了,然后跳进了灌木丛。
  • Unfortunately it was a thorn bush, so I cut myself lots (Oh, no)
  • 不幸的是,那是一个有刺的灌木众,所以我身上好多地方都划伤了,
  • and three elephants decided I looked, maybe they thought I looked more delicious than my friend,
  • 我在想那三只大象怎么想,它们可能认为我看起来比多朋友更好吃,
  • so they came after me and the three elephants came charging over on top of me and I was underneath one of the elephants
  • 所以它们来追我,那三只大象已经来到了我的上方,我就在一只大象的下面,
  • and it kicked me on the left leg and then I just, and then went past making lots of noise trying to scare us off
  • 它踢到了我的左腿,然后就走了,发出了许多的声响想把我们吓跑。
  • Were you OK?
  • 你还好吗?
  • I was OK that night but my leg was completely black the next day
  • 那天晚上还好,不过第二天我的腿就完全乌青了,
  • cause I had a huge bruise from where the elephant had kicked me
  • 因为被大象的踢到的地方有一个很大的伤口,
  • and I have lots of cuts and bruises from the bushes and they broke my rucksack which I was very unhappy about
  • 而且我被灌木丛划伤了许多地方,它们还弄坏了我的背包,这令我非常不高兴,
  • and then we continued walking to the village which was only about 50 meters away
  • 那之后我们我们继续向村庄走去,村庄离那里大概只有50米的距离了,
  • and there was a large group of other tourists watching the elephants playing in the lane,
  • 那里有许多游客在观看大象在小路上玩耍的景象,
  • and "How wonderful! Are they sweet? Aren't they lovely?" No!
  • 他们说“多好啊!它们是不是很可爱?它们可爱吧?”完全不!
  • Sounds very frightening!
  • 听起来非常可怕!
  • I don't like elephants!
  • 我不喜欢大象!


Adrienne: So, Rob, tell me why you don't like elephants!

Rob: Why don't I like elephants? It's a long story. I was traveling in India with a friend of mine and one night we decided to spent the night in a national park, looking at wildlife, and we were staying in a small hut, and to get to the hut we had to walk across a swamp, and we had to take a boat, then we had to walk across another swamp, and after walking for about half an hour we reached the hut, all upon big lakes about 20 meters up in the air, and I climbed the steps and when I got to the top of the steps, on the other side of the hut there was a huge snake, about 3 or 4 meters long, a cobra.
Adrienne: Wow!
Rob: I hate snakes. I absolutely hate snakes. So I ran down the steps and said to my friend, "I am not staying here. I can not sleep in this place" And we thought about what to do, and there was a village maybe two kilometers away, so my friend walked to the village to find out whether someone could come and scare away the snake and she came back and said, the people said there is no way, we can not scare the snake off. Do you think we're crazy? We are not fighting the snake, but you can stay in our huts. You can stay in the village, so we started walking back to the village, and this was about half past six, seven o'clock in the evening and the sun was going down and as we were walking through the jungle we heard all sorts of noises from other parts of the forest and there was lots of rustling noises, and oh look, there must be some other animals, wow, cool, some animals and then after a little while a big pig appeared in the middle of the path (Wow) and we thought, "Oh, it's a pig" Pigs are not very exciting but it seemed exciting at the time and then the pig went walking off in the opposite directions and after about 2 minutes the same pig "bang" came running back in front us. We didn't know what had happened, but we could still hear the noises coming slowly, and slowly towards us, and after a little while the noises started getting louder and louder and louder and then we stopped and at the side of the path in front of us we saw a trunk appear, just one trunk appear, only the trunk, off to the side of the path, and then another trunk, and then another trunk, so there were three trunks and I was like "Wow, elephants, great" and then one of the elephants came out onto the path and looked right at us and then we were not so happy, but we thought we're unyielding, we're tourist, so we took photos of the elephants but unfortunately my camera flashed and the elephant was very unhappy, "RRRR" but he did nothing. He just stood, but we knew he was angry so we ran and hid behind a tree and after about ten minutes we thought, OK, the elephants will have gone so we started walking down the path again, and all the bushes and the grass was above our heads and then we suddenly came to an area where the grass was only two or three feet high, so we could see big area again and we looked over to our left and there were three elephants staring right at us, waiting for us, maybe about 30 meters away, and unfortunately at school in England they don't tell you what to do if you see an elephant, so we didn't know, should we walk past, should we run, should we make lots of noise, so we decided to walk, do nothing, don't do anything suddenly, just walk, and we walked about two or three steps and there was this sudden "RRRRRRRRRRR" Boom, boom, boom, boom.
Adrienne: Oh, my god!
Rob: In one second we looked at each other, "Run" I was carrying a rucksack, so I was running very slowly. My friend ran very fast. I was running with the rucksack and then I dropped the rucksack and I jumped into a bush. Unfortunately it was a thorn bush, so I cut myself lots (Oh, know) and three elephants decided I looked, maybe they thought I looked more delicious than my friend, so they came after me and the three elephants came charging over on top of me and I was underneath one of the elephants and it kicked me on the left leg and then I just, and then went past making lots of noise trying to scare us off
Adrienne: Were you OK?
Rob: I was OK that night but my leg was completely black the next day cause I had a huge bruise from where the elephant had kicked me and I have lots of cuts and bruises from the bushes and they broke my rucksack which I was very unhappy about and then we continued walking to the village which was only about 50 meters away and there was a large group of other tourists watching the elephants playing in the lane, and "How wonderful! Are they sweet? Aren't they lovely?" No!
Adrienne: Sounds very frightening!
Rob: I don't like elephants!

重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 不屈的;坚强的;不易弯曲的

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

thorn [θɔ:n]


n. 刺,荆棘

tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺

frightening ['fraitniŋ]


adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的

swamp [swɔmp]


n. 沼泽,湿地
v. 淹没,陷于沼泽

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

trunk [trʌŋk]


n. 树干,躯干,干线, 象鼻,(汽车后部)行李箱

boom [bu:m]


n. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅
vi. 急速增





