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编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "I 'll break it for him," said I, now flying into a passion again at this unaccountable farrago of the landlord's.
  • “我会替他打破他的脑袋,”我说,店主的这些莫名其妙、乱七八糟的胡话让我火冒三丈了。
  • "It's broke already," said he.
  • “他的脑袋已经破了。”他说。
  • "Broke," said I, "BROKE, do you mean?"
  • “破了,”我说,“破了,是真的吗?”
  • "Certain,and that's the very reason he can not sell it,I guess."
  • “当然了,我猜那正是他的脑袋卖不出去的原因。”
  • "Landlord," said I, going up to him as cool as Mt. Hecla in a snow storm, "landlord, stop whittling.
  • “老板,”我走到他跟前,冷静得就像暴风雪中的赫克拉山,“老板,别削了。
  • You and I must understand one another,and that too without delay.I come to your house and want a bed;
  • 你和我一定要彼此了解了解,片刻都不要耽搁。我来到你的店里,我需要一张床位,
  • you tell me you can only give me half a one;that the other half belongs to a certain harpooneer.
  • 你告诉我只能给我半张床;另一半属于一个什么标枪手。
  • And about this harpooneer,
  • 而关于这个标枪手,
  • whom I have not yet seen,
  • 我还没有见到过,
  • you persist in telling me the most mystifying and exasperating stories tending to beget in me an uncomfortable feeling towards the man whom you design for my bedfellowa sort of connexion,landlord,
  • 你一直在对我说些阴阳怪气令人气恼的鬼话,让我对你安排和我同睡一床的人起了一种很不舒服的感觉——老板,
  • which is an intimate and confidential one in the highest degree.
  • 同睡一床是一种关系,是一种最高程度的亲密和信任的关系。
  • I now demand of you to speak out and tell me who and what this harpooneer is,and whether I shall be in all respects safe to spend the night with him.
  • 我现在要求你说清楚,告诉我这个标枪手是谁,是什么样的人,我和他过夜是否绝对安全。
  • And in the first place,you will be so good as to unsay that story about selling his head,
  • 首先你最好收回那个关于他出售自己脑袋的鬼话,
  • which if true I take to be good evidence that this harpooneer is stark mad,and I've no idea of sleeping with a madman;
  • 如果事情是真的,这便再好不过地证明这个标枪手是个十足的疯子,我不想和一个疯子睡在一起;
  • and you,sir,YOU I mean,landlord,YOU,sir,by trying to induce me to do so knowingly,would thereby render yourself liable to a criminal prosecution."
  • 而你,先生,我指的是你,老板,你,先生,你故意哄骗我和他睡在一起,你这样做,就有资格面临刑事指控了。”
  • "Well," said the landlord,fetching a long breath, "that's a pretty long sermon for a chap that rips a little now and then.
  • “好啊,”店主人深深地吸了口长气,“对于一个时不时发点小脾气的人来说,这真是个漫长美妙的布道啊。
  • But be easy,be easy,this here harpooneer I have been telling you of has just arrived from the south seas,
  • 不过放松些,放松,我和你说的这位标枪手刚好来自南海一带,
  • where he bought up a lot of balmed New Zealand heads(great curios,you know),and he's sold all of them but one,
  • 他在那里买了很多涂了香油的新西兰人头(你知道,那可是了不起的古董),他全都卖了,只剩下一个,
  • and that one he's trying to sell to night,cause tomorrow's Sunday,
  • 他打算今晚把它卖掉,因为明天是星期天,
  • and it would not do to be selling human heads about the streets when folks is going to churches.He wanted to,last Sunday,
  • 人们都会去教堂做礼拜,那时候满街叫卖人头是不合体统的。上个星期天他就想卖,
  • but I stopped him just as he was going out of the door with four heads strung on a string,for all the earth like a string of onions."
  • 他刚要出门时我把他拦住了,他用绳子串着四颗人头,那样子就像提着一串洋葱头。”
  • This account cleared up the otherwise unaccountable mystery,and showed that the landlord,
  • 这个解释澄清了整件事那莫名其妙的神秘色彩,表明老板这个人,
  • after all,had had no idea of fooling me but at the same time what could I think of a harpooneer who stayed out of a Saturday night clean into the holy Sabbath,
  • 毕竟没有愚弄我的意思,但是与此同时,对于这样的标枪手,我能作何感想呢?他在星期六晚上夜不归宿,一直到神圣的安息日,
  • engaged in such a cannibal business as selling the heads of dead idolators?
  • 兜售偶像崇拜者的死人头,做着这种凶残的买卖。
  • "Depend upon it,landlord,that harpooneer is a dangerous man."
  • “就凭这一点,老板,那个标枪手就是个危险人物。”
  • "He pays regular" was the rejoinder. "But come,it's getting dreadful late,you had better be turning flukes. It's a nice bed;
  • “他按时付账的,”店主人回答说,“好啦,天色不早了,你最好还是钻被窝去吧——那是张不错的床;
  • Sal and me slept in that ere bed the night we were spliced.There's plenty of room for two to kick about in that bed;
  • 萨尔和我结婚时睡的就是那张床。床上的地方够大的,两个人足可以踢蹬腿的了;
  • it's an almighty big bed that.Why,afore we give it up,Sal used to put our Sam and little Johnny in the foot of it.
  • 那是张非常大的大床。嘿,我们在放弃它之前,萨尔习惯把萨姆和小强尼放在我们的脚下。
  • But I got a dreaming and sprawling about one night,and somehow,Sam got pitched on the floor,and came near breaking his arm.
  • 可是有一天我做梦时乱折腾,结果把萨姆蹬到了地上,差点摔断了胳膊。


"I'll break it for him," said I, now flying into a passion again at this unaccountable farrago of the landlord's.

"It's broke a'ready," said he.

"Broke," said I—"BROKE, do you mean?"

"Sartain, and that's the very reason he can't sell it, I guess."

"Landlord," said I, going up to him as cool as Mt. Hecla in a snow-storm—"landlord, stop whittling. You and I must understand one another, and that too without delay. I come to your house and want a bed; you tell me you can only give me half a one; that the other half belongs to a certain harpooneer. And about this harpooneer, whom I have not yet seen, you persist in telling me the most mystifying and exasperating stories tending to beget in me an uncomfortable feeling towards the man whom you design for my bedfellowa sort of connexion, landlord, which is an intimate and confidential one in the highest degree. I now demand of you to speak out and tell me who and what this harpooneer is, and whether I shall be in all respects safe to spend the night with him. And in the first place, you will be so good as to unsay that story about selling his head, which if true I take to be good evidence that this harpooneer is stark mad, and I've no idea of sleeping with a madman; and you, sir, YOU I mean, landlord, YOU, sir, by trying to induce me to do so knowingly, would thereby render yourself liable to a criminal prosecution."

"Wall," said the landlord, fetching a long breath, "that's a purty long sarmon for a chap that rips a little now and then. But be easy, be easy, this here harpooneer I have been tellin' you of has just arrived from the south seas, where he bought up a lot of 'balmed New Zealand heads (great curios, you know), and he's sold all on 'em but one, and that one he's trying to sell to-night, cause to-morrow's Sunday, and it would not do to be sellin' human heads about the streets when folks is goin' to churches. He wanted to, last Sunday, but I stopped him just as he was goin' out of the door with four heads strung on a string, for all the airth like a string of inions."

This account cleared up the otherwise unaccountable mystery, and showed that the landlord, after all, had had no idea of fooling mebut at the same time what could I think of a harpooneer who stayed out of a Saturday night clean into the holy Sabbath, engaged in such a cannibal business as selling the heads of dead idolators?

"Depend upon it, landlord, that harpooneer is a dangerous man."

"He pays reg'lar," was the rejoinder. "But come, it's getting dreadful late, you had better be turning flukesit's a nice bed; Sal and me slept in that ere bed the night we were spliced. There's plenty of room for two to kick about in that bed; it's an almighty big bed that. Why, afore we give it up, Sal used to put our Sam and little Johnny in the foot of it. But I got a dreaming and sprawling about one night, and somehow, Sam got pitched on the floor, and came near breaking his arm.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
confidential [.kɑ:nfi'denʃəl]


adj. 秘密的,值得信赖的,机密的

induce [in'dju:s]


vt. 引起,引诱,导致

render ['rendə]


vt. 使成为,提供,报答,着色; 执行,实施

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

string [striŋ]


n. 线,一串,字串
vt. 串起,成串,收紧

intimate ['intimeit,'intimit]


adj. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的
n. 密友<

liable ['laiəbl]


adj. 有义务的,应负责的,有 ... 倾向

sprawling ['sprɔ:liŋ]


adj. 蔓生的,不规则地伸展的 v. (手脚)不自然地

thereby ['ðɛə'bai]


adv. 因此,从而

prosecution [.prɔsi'kju:ʃən]


n. 实行,经营,起诉





