Protests continue in Ukraine
About two thousand people take to the streets of Kiev - as anti-government demonstrations continue in the former Soviet republic. Carrying European Union, Ukrainian and opposition flags, demonstrators protested against the government's shelving last week of a free trade agreement with the E.U. and the renewing of closer economic ties with Russia. On Tuesday, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich said he would attend an E.U. summit in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius next week. But, he criticized the E.U. for a quote "humiliating" financial offer.
大约2,000人走向基辅街头——在这个前苏联共和国,反政府示威活动仍在继续Viktor Yanukovich)表示,下周他将参加在立陶宛首都维尔纽斯举行的欧盟峰会 。但是,他批评欧盟提出“耻辱的”财务邀请 。 。上周,政府搁置了与欧盟的自由贸易协定,恢复与俄罗斯更加密切的经济联系,示威者们手持欧盟,乌克兰和反对旗帜表示抗议 。周二,乌克兰总统维克托·亚努科维奇 (
SOUNDBITE: Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich "When it corresponds to our interests, when we have agreed with the E.U. on normal conditions, only then can we consider signing, When can that be, soon or not so soon? Only time will show. I want this moment to come as soon as possible, as soon as possible."
乌克兰总统维克托·亚努科维奇 (Viktor Yanukovich):“只有与我们的利益有关的时候,只有按照正常条件与欧盟达成协议的时候,我们才会考虑签署 。这个时刻何时才会到来,有没有那么快?只有时间能够证明 。我希望这个时刻能够尽快到来 。”
With fears Ukraine could swing back into Russia's sphere of influence, protesters demonstrated into the night.
由于担心乌克兰会重新回到俄罗斯的影响范围,抗议者们一直示威至晚上 。
U.N. committee calls for ending excessive electronic spying
A U.N. General Assembly committee called for an end to excessive electronic surveillance. The committee adopted the German and Brazilian-drafted resolution by consensus, and is expected to be voted on next month.
联合国大会委员会呼吁终止过度电子监控项目 。该委员会采纳了德国和巴西一致起草的决议,预期将于下月进行投票 。
Brazil's Ambassador to the United Nations, Antonio Patriota: (SOUNDBITE) (English) ANTONIO DE AGUIAR PATRIOTA, BRAZIL'S AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS, SAYING: "Mr. Chair, through this resolution, the General Assembly establishes for the first time that human rights should prevail irrespective of the medium and therefore need to be protected both off-line and online. It also reiterates that human rights are universal."
巴西驻联合国大使帕特里奥塔(Antonio Patriota)发表了讲话 。巴西驻联合国大使帕特里奥塔(Antonio Patriota):“主席先生,通过该决议,联合国大会首次确认,人权与媒体的多样性无关,因此无论是在线还是离线都应该受到保护 。该决议还强调,人权是广泛适用的 。”
The draft text does not name specific countries but North Korea's deputy U.N. envoy, Ri Tong-il, did mention names.
草案文本没有提名,但是朝鲜常驻联合国副代表李东日(Ri Tong-Il)却提到了具体的国家 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) RI TONG IL, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA'S DEPUTY AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS, SAYING:"It is not a secret that since 2007 the United States has been operating the code-named PRISM massive surveillance program domestically and this created another condemnation already."
朝鲜人民共和国常驻联合国副代表李东日(Ri Tong-Il):“这并不是秘密 。自2007年以来,美国一直在国内大规模实施棱镜项目,这已经引起人们的谴责 。”
The draft resolution comes after U.S. contractor Edward Snowden released details of a global spying program by the U.S. National Security Agency.
该决议草案出炉之前,美国雇员斯诺登泄露了美国国家安全局实施的全球监控项目的细节 。
Haitian migrant boat capsizes
海地移民船只倾覆 至少10人死亡
Dramatic images taken by the U.S. Coast Guard show about 100 Haitian migrants clinging to an overloaded freighter that capsized in the Bahamas Tuesday. At least 10 Haitian migrants were killed when the 40 foot vessel overturned Monday night.Officials say the boat was overloaded and likely hit choppy waters too. U.S. Coast Guard and the Royal Bahamian Defense Force crews worked alongside a U.S helicopter hoisting survivors. They also used life rafts and dropped food and other supplies to survivors.
美国海岸警卫队展示的触目惊心的画面显示,大约100名海地移民紧紧抓着周二在巴哈马群岛倾覆的超载货轮 。周一晚上,这艘长40英尺的船只翻船,造成至少10名海地移民死亡 。官员们表示,船只超载,而且可能触礁 。美国海岸警卫队和皇家巴哈马国防军与一艘美国直升机一起营救幸存者 。他们还使用了救生筏,并向幸存者投递了食物和其他必需品 。