Tourists undeterred by Thai protests
About 200 anti-government protesters were still occupying the Thai finance ministry in Bangkok on Tuesday. The atmosphere was relatively calm after the occupation of the building by about a thousand who forced their way in the day before. There's an escalating campaign to oust Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. It's plunged Thailand into its deepest political uncertainty since the bloody unrest of three years ago. Despite that many tourists arriving at Bangkok were either unaware or unconcerned.
周二,大约200名反政府抗议者仍然占领着曼谷泰国财政部Yingluck Shinawatra)的活动愈演愈烈,导致泰国进入自三年前的血腥动乱以来最深切的政治动荡 。尽管如此,许多抵达曼谷的游客并未觉察,或者并不担忧 。 。一天之前,大约1,000人强行占领这栋建筑之后,这里的气氛相对平静 。试图推翻总统英拉·西那瓦(
(SOUNDBITE) (English) TOURIST FROM BRAZIL ELIANE GOMES SAYING: "I'm not scared, I don't know what's going on, so, but I'm very curious. Yes."
来自巴西的游客ELIANE GOMES:“我并不害怕 。我不知道发生了什么事,但是我很好奇 。是的 。”
(SOUNDBITE) (English) TOURIST FROM SPAIN ENRIQUE SAYING: "I don't know, I didn't know that. I just came for a few months here to have a good time."
来自西班牙的游客ENRIQUE:“我不知道这件事 。我来这里是想度过几个月的快乐时光 。”
(SOUNDBITE) (English) TOURIST FROM GERMANY REGINA SAYING: "I've read about it, but, and I've heard about it, but, and I think it's safe for tourists, so."
来自德国的游客REGINA:“我在新闻上看到了,我听说过,但是,我认为对游客来说是安全的 。”
Yingluck was facing a no-confidence debate on Tuesday which she'll almost certainly survive given her party's parliamentary majority.
周二,英拉面临不信任辩论 。由于她的党派在议会占据大多数席位,她几乎肯定能够通过 。
Baghdad cafe bombing
巴格达咖啡馆爆炸 宗派暴力升级
At least 17 people died as two bombs exploded outside a cafe in the Iraqi capital on Monday. Another 37 have been wounded. It was the latest in a series of attacks on the few social meeting places still open in Baghdad. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bloodshed. The attack happened in a mainly Shi'ite Muslim district in the east of the city. Sunni Muslim insurgents have regularly targeted cafes, restaurants and sports venues since the start of 2013. The latest bombing is part of Iraq's worst spate of violence in five years.
周一,两枚炸弹在伊拉克首都巴格达一家咖啡馆外爆炸,造成至少17人死亡,另外37人受伤 。这是巴格达仍然开放的少数社交公共场所一系列袭击中最新的一起 。目前还无人宣称对这起血腥事件负责 。袭击发生在巴格达东部主要的什叶派穆斯林地区 。自2013年初以来,逊尼派穆斯林反叛分子经常袭击咖啡馆,餐馆和体育场 。最新的爆炸是五年来伊拉克最严重的暴力袭击之一 。
Syrian peace talks set for January
The United Nations announces a peace summit for Syria starting on January 22 in Geneva. With more than 100,000 dead in the civil war in Syria since 2011, the summit will mark the first direct talks between the government of President Bashir al-Assad and the rebels looking to overthrow him. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the goal the so-called "Geneva 2" conference will be transitional government in Syria.
联合国宣布,叙利亚安全峰会将于1月22日在日内瓦开始 。自2011年以来,已有超过100,000人在叙利亚内战中死亡 。这次峰会将是总统阿萨德政府和试图推翻总统的叛军之间首次直接对话 。联合国秘书长潘基文表示,“日内瓦二次会议”的目标将是在叙利亚组建过渡政府 。
Soundbite: U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, saying: "We have a full goal, the full implementation of the Geneva Communique of 30 June 2012 - including the establishment, based on mutual consent, of a transitional governing body with full executive powers, including over military and security entities."
联合国秘书长潘基文:“我们的目标是全面实施2012年6月30日《日内瓦公报》的内容——包括在双方同意的基础上成立拥有全面执行权力的过渡政府,包括军事和安全机构在内 。”
On Monday, the U.N.'s special envoy for Syria - Lakhdar Brahimi - met with U.S. and Russian officials in Geneva. A major stumbling block in the negotiations had been whether Syria's ally - Iran - would attend the conference. U.N. special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi.
周一,联合国叙利亚特使卜拉希米(Lakhdar Brahimi)与美国和俄罗斯官员在日内瓦会晤 。谈判中僵持不下的主要问题是叙利亚的盟国伊朗是否参加会议 。联合国特使卜拉希米(Lakhdar Brahimi)发表了讲话 。
SOUNDBITE: U.N.'s special envoy for Syrian Lakhdar Brahimi, saying: "We are still discussing the complete list of participants and we will be meeting again on the 20th of December for another trilateral."
联合国叙利亚特使卜拉希米(Lakhdar Brahimi):“我们仍在讨论与会国的完整名单,我们将在12月20日再次举行会晤,商讨三边谈判事宜 。”
The U.S. has opposed Tehran's participation in talks for Syria - while Russia and Brahimi supported it.
美国反对德黑兰参加叙利亚会谈,而俄罗斯和卜拉希米则支持其参加 。