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白领英语口语速查(MP3+双语字幕) 第10期:工作交流(2)

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  • 在来访本上登记
  • sign in the visitor's book
  • This is our factory.
  • Wow,it's huge!
  • Now you have to put on this badge for safety.And would you sign in the visitor's book please?
  • Yes,of course.
  • 工厂面积多大?
  • How large is the plant?
  • Hi,Howard,I wonder if you can tell me something about our plant.
  • Sure.What do you want to know?
  • How large is the plant?
  • It covers an area of 75,000 square meters.
  • 十周年庆典
  • 10th anniversary
  • The plant is much larger than I expected.
  • Is it?
  • When was it set up?
  • In the late 90s.We'll soon be celebrating our 10th anniversary.
  • 我们实行三班倒工作制。
  • We are running on three shifts.
  • With such a big plant,we must have many employees.
  • That's true.About five hundred.We are running on three shifts.
  • 这在目前非常先进。
  • It's very advanced at present.
  • Here,is this our new production line?
  • Yes,it is.
  • It's very advanced at present.
  • Thank you.I'm afraid you'll have to wear an overall.It's a hygienic requirement.
  • 这是出于安全的要求。
  • It's a security requirement.
  • = It's for your safety.
  • Could you stand back a little bit please?
  • Why? What's wrong?
  • Nothing.It's a security requirement not to touch the machine.
  • Oh,I'm sorry.
  • 这个计划书你必须重做一遍。
  • You are going to have to re


sign in the visitor's book

A: This is our factory.
B: Wow,it's huge!
A: Now you have to put on this badge for safety.And would you sign in the visitor's book please?
B: Yes,of course.

How large is the plant?

A: Hi,Howard,I wonder if you can tell me something about our plant.
B: Sure.What do you want to know?
A: How large is the plant?
B: It covers an area of 75,000 square meters.

10th anniversary

A: The plant is much larger than I expected.
B: Is it?
A: When was it set up?
B: In the late 90s.We'll soon be celebrating our 10th anniversary.

We are running on three shifts.

A: With such a big plant,we must have many employees.
B: That's true.About five hundred.We are running on three shifts.

It's very advanced at present.

A: Here,is this our new production line?
B: Yes,it is.
A: It's very advanced at present.
B: Thank you.I'm afraid you'll have to wear an overall.It's a hygienic requirement.

It's a security requirement.
= It's for your safety.

A: Could you stand back a little bit please?
B: Why? What's wrong?
A: Nothing.It's a security requirement not to touch the machine.
B: Oh,I'm sorry.

You are going to have to redo/revise this planning.

A: I'm sorry,Mr.Zhang.But you are going to have to redo this planning.
It's badly organized.I can't present this to the general manager.
B: I'm sorry,Ms.Brown.I'll rework it.Thanks for your suggestion.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

revise [ri'vaiz]


n. 校订,修正,再校稿
v. 校订,修正,校

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

badge [bædʒ]


n. 徽章,标记,正章,象征
vt. 授给 .

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券





