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白领英语口语速查(MP3+双语字幕) 第8期:日常办公用语(2)

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  • 假期过得好吗?
  • Did you have a good holiday?
  • Hello,John.Did you have a good holiday?
  • Great,thanks.Good food,good weather.I enjoyed it very much.
  • That's so nice.
  • Anything special happened when I was away?
  • Nothing that you could call special,no.
  • 一切顺利吗?
  • How is everything going on?
  • =How are you doing?
  • How's everything going on,Tom? I know you've been pretty busy lately.
  • Everything's going well,Mr.Palmer.Except for one thing.
  • Oh? What is it?
  • This copier.I really think we need to buy a new one.It's been breaking down quite often.
  • Is that so? I'll have Dennis take care of it then.
  • 别太辛苦了。
  • Don't work too hard.
  • = Take it nice and easy.
  • You don't look well,dear,you must be tired.
  • Not really.I've been so busy that I haven't had time to think about it.
  • Anyway,don't work too hard.
  • I'll try not to.Thanks for all you've done for me.
  • 今天就到这儿吧。
  • Let's call it a day.=Let's wrap things up.
  • Let's call it a day.
  • Ok,see you tomorrow.
  • 明天从这儿接着干。
  • We'll take it from here tomorrow.
  • =We'll resume tomorrow.
  • Shall we stop here today?
  • OK,we'll take it from here tomorrow.
  • 辛苦了!
  • Thanks for your hard work.
  • Thanks for your hard work.Have a good rest.
  • Thank you,you too.
  • 下班了。
  • Time to go home.
  • = It's time to return from work.
  • Time to go home!
  • It's six o'clock already? Can't believe it!
  • 再给我五分钟。
  • Give me 5 more minutes.
  • Come on,it's six thirty,let's go home before it gets dark.
  • OK,just give me 5 more minutes.
  • 我要走了。
  • I'm off.=I will go now.
  • I'm off.Bye!
  • See you!
  • 没落下什么东西吧?
  • Have you forgotten anything?
  • You'll go? Have you forgotten anything?
  • En, I don't think so.
  • 别忘了打出勤卡。
  • Remember to punch your time card.
  • = Don't forget to punch out.
  • I'm going home now,bye.
  • Remember to punch your time card.
  • 你能帮我打一下出勤卡吗?
  • Could you punch me in?
  • Could you punch me in?
  • Sure,where's your time card?
  • 干嘛这么着急?
  • What's the hurry?
  • What's the hurry?
  • It's time for the last bus.


Did you have a good holiday?

A: Hello,John.Did you have a good holiday?
B: Great,thanks.Good food,good weather.I enjoyed it very much.
A: That's so nice.
B: Anything special happened when I was away?
A: Nothing that you could call special,no.

How is everything going on?
=How are you doing?

A: How's everything going on,Tom? I know you've been pretty busy lately.
B: Everything's going well,Mr.Palmer.Except for one thing.
A: Oh? What is it?
B: This copier.I really think we need to buy a new one.It's been breaking down quite often.
A: Is that so? I'll have Dennis take care of it then.

Don't work too hard.
= Take it nice and easy.

A: You don't look well,dear,you must be tired.
B: Not really.I've been so busy that I haven't had time to think about it.
A: Anyway,don't work too hard.
B: I'll try not to.Thanks for all you've done for me.

Let's call it a day.=Let's wrap things up.

A: Let's call it a day.
B: Ok,see you tomorrow.

We'll take it from here tomorrow.
=We'll resume tomorrow.

A: Shall we stop here today?
B: OK,we'll take it from here tomorrow.

Thanks for your hard work.

A: Thanks for your hard work.Have a good rest.
B: Thank you,you too.

Time to go home.
= It's time to return from work.

A: Time to go home!
B: It's six o'clock already? Can't believe it!

Give me 5 more minutes.

A: Come on,it's six thirty,let's go home before it gets dark.
B: OK,just give me 5 more minutes.

I'm off.=I will go now.

A: I'm off.Bye!
B: See you!

Have you forgotten anything?

A: You'll go? Have you forgotten anything?
B: En, I don't think so.

Remember to punch your time card.

= Don't forget to punch out.
A: I'm going home now,bye.
B: Remember to punch your time card.

Could you punch me in?

A: Could you punch me in?
B: Sure,where's your time card?

What's the hurry?

A: What's the hurry?
B: It's time for the last bus.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

punch [pʌntʃ]


n. 打洞器,钻孔机,殴打
n. (酒、水、糖

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

resume [ri'zju:m]


v. 再继续,重新开始
n. 简历,履历; 摘





