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白领英语口语速查(MP3+双语字幕) 第12期:电话用语(2)

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  • 请转分机8096。
  • Extension 8096,please.
  • Extension 8096,please.
  • One moment while I connect you.
  • 挂断电话
  • hang up the phone =get off the phone
  • Tell him to come tomorrow.
  • He has just hung up the phone.
  • 电话会议
  • telephone conference
  • There is a telephone conference you need to attend this afternoon.
  • I got it,thanks!
  • 打国际长途
  • make/place an international call
  • =call overseas
  • I'd like to make an international call.
  • What's the number?
  • 对方付费电话
  • collect call
  • I need to make a collect call.
  • Just one second,I will connect you.
  • 您太太的电话。
  • It's your wife calling.
  • =Your wife is on the phone.
  • It's your wife calling.
  • Please tell her I'll be right with her.
  • 您的电话
  • There is a call for you.
  • =You have a call.
  • Mr.Smith,there is a call for you.
  • Thank you.I'll take it here.
  • 打电话求援
  • call for help/assistance
  • It seems we should call for help.
  • Yes,tell them to hurry.
  • 稍等。
  • Just a moment. =Hold on,please.
  • Hello,thank you for calling Mail Company.This is Adam speaking,how may I help you?
  • Hello,I would like to speak to your manager of human resources,please.
  • Just a moment,I'll check to see if she is at her desk.May I tell her who is calling?
  • This is Catherine from Ping'an Insurance.I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Monday.
  • (电话)联系上…
  • get hold of sb.= get in touch with sb.
  • Hello,Bill, Daisy speaking.What can I do for you?
  • Hello,Miss Daisy.So glad to get hold of you.
  • I have an unexpected department meeting next Monday.
  • Is there any possibility we can move our appointment for that day to Thursday?
  • 我想电话确认。
  • I'm calling to confirm/check again.
  • Hello.This is Emma.Who is calling please?
  • This is Adam of Mail Company.
  • I'm calling to confirm whether you are still available for the reception held by our company next Monday.
  • 我打电话是想…
  • I'm calling to...
  • Good afternoon,Mr.Joseph.This is Amy of Mail Company.
  • I'm calling to see if it's possible for you to meet me sometime tomorrow.
  • Ok,would it be convenient for you to come in at 10 a.m.?
  • 我没听清。
  • I didn't quite catch that.
  • I'm sorry,I didn't quite catch that,could you please repeat the number?
  • No problem,my office number is 82793796.


Extension 8096,please.

A: Extension 8096,please.
B: One moment while I connect you.

hang up the phone =get off the phone

A: Tell him to come tomorrow.
B: He has just hung up the phone.

telephone conference

A: There is a telephone conference you need to attend this afternoon.
B: I got it,thanks!

make/place an international call
=call overseas

A: I'd like to make an international call.
B: What's the number?

collect call

A: I need to make a collect call.
B: Just one second,I will connect you.

It's your wife calling.
=Your wife is on the phone.

A: It's your wife calling.
B: Please tell her I'll be right with her.

There is a call for you.
=You have a call.

A: Mr.Smith,there is a call for you.
B: Thank you.I'll take it here.

call for help/assistance

A: It seems we should call for help.
B: Yes,tell them to hurry.

Just a moment. =Hold on,please.

A: Hello,thank you for calling Mail Company.This is Adam speaking,how may I help you?
B: Hello,I would like to speak to your manager of human resources,please.
A: Just a moment,I'll check to see if she is at her desk.May I tell her who is calling?
B: This is Catherine from Ping'an Insurance.I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Monday.

get hold of sb.= get in touch with sb.

A:Hello,Bill, Daisy speaking.What can I do for you?
B: Hello,Miss Daisy.So glad to get hold of you.
I have an unexpected department meeting next Monday.
Is there any possibility we can move our appointment for that day to Thursday?

I'm calling to confirm/check again.

A: Hello.This is Emma.Who is calling please?
B: This is Adam of Mail Company.
I'm calling to confirm whether you are still available for the reception held by our company next Monday.

I'm calling to...

A: Good afternoon,Mr.Joseph.This is Amy of Mail Company.
I'm calling to see if it's possible for you to meet me sometime tomorrow.
B: Ok,would it be convenient for you to come in at 10 a.m.?

I didn't quite catch that.

A: I'm sorry,I didn't quite catch that,could you please repeat the number?
B: No problem,my office number is 82793796.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

extension [iks'tenʃən]


n. 伸展,延长,扩充,电话分机

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

unexpected ['ʌnik'spektid]


adj. 想不到的,意外的

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

collect [kə'lekt]


v. 收集,聚集
v. 推论

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案





