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  • Publishing companies are growing increasingly concerned about generative AI, especially a model developed by Google.
  • 出版公司越来越担忧生成式人工智能,尤其担心谷歌开发的一个模型。
  • Since May, Google has begun releasing a new form of search in the United States, India, and Japan powered by generative AI.
  • 自今年5月以来,谷歌开始在美国、印度和日本推出一种由生成式人工智能驱动的新搜索形式。
  • The product is called Search Generative Experience, or SGE.
  • 该产品被称为生成式搜索平台,简称SGE。
  • SGE uses AI to create summaries for some search questions.
  • SGE使用人工智能为一些搜索问题生成摘要。
  • Google says those summaries appear on the top of the Google search homepage, with links to "dig deeper."
  • 谷歌表示,这些摘要出现在谷歌搜索主页的顶部,并附有“深入挖掘”的链接。
  • If publishers want to prevent their content from being used by Google's AI to create those summaries, they must use the same tool that would prevent them from appearing in Google search results.
  • 如果出版公司想要防止谷歌的人工智能利用他们的内容生成那些摘要,他们就必须使用同样的工具来阻止它们出现在谷歌的搜索结果中。
  • That would make it difficult for people using search to find the publishers that choose not to be involved in SGE.
  • 这将会让使用该搜索平台的人很难找到那些选择不参与SGE的出版公司。
  • Google says that the AI-generated summaries are put together from many web pages and that the links are designed to be a starting point to learn more.
  • 谷歌表示,人工智能生成的摘要是从许多网页中汇总而成的,这些链接旨在成为了解更多信息的起点。
  • The company describes SGE as an opt-in experiment for users, who will help develop and improve the product.
  • 该公司将SGE描述为用户的选择试验,用户将会帮助开发和改进产品。
  • To publishers, however, the new search tool is the latest concern in an unusual relationship.
  • 然而,对于出版公司来说,新的搜索工具是一种不同寻常的关系中的最新担忧。
  • Publishers both compete against Google for online advertising and depend on the company for search traffic.
  • 出版公司既要在网络广告上与谷歌竞争,又依赖谷歌的搜索流量。
  • Four major publishers spoke to Reuters news agency recently.
  • 四家主要出版公司最近接受了路透社的采访。
  • The businesses said they are trying to understand their place in a world where AI could control how users find and pay for information.
  • 这些企业表示,他们正在努力了解其在一个人工智能可以控制用户如何查找信息并为信息付费的世界中的位置。
  • The publishers asked not to be identified because of ongoing negotiations with Google.
  • 由于这些出版公司正在与谷歌进行谈判,他们要求匿名。
  • Publisher concerns relate to a number of issues.
  • 出版公司担忧许多问题。
  • They include the issue of web traffic; whether publishers will be credited as the providers of information that appears in the SGE summaries; and whether those summaries are correct.
  • 其中包括网络流量问题;是否将出版公司视为SGE摘要中出现的信息的提供者;以及这些摘要是否正确。
  • Most importantly, publishers want to be paid for the content on which Google and other AI companies train their AI tools.
  • 最重要的是,出版公司希望谷歌和其他人工智能公司为训练其人工智能工具所采用的内容付费。
  • A Google spokesperson said in a statement: "As we bring generative AI into Search, we're continuing to prioritize approaches that send valuable traffic to a wide range of creators, including news publishers, to support a healthy, open web."
  • 谷歌的一位发言人在一份声明中说:“当我们将生成式人工智能引入搜索平台时,我们将会继续优先考虑为包括新闻出版商在内的众多创作者提供有价值的流量的方法,以支持一个健康、开放的网络。”
  • On the issue of payments, Google said it is developing a better understanding of the business of generative AI applications and getting opinions from publishers and others.
  • 在款项问题上,谷歌表示,其正在更好地理解生成式人工智能应用程序的业务,并征求出版公司和其他机构的意见。
  • In late September, Google announced a new tool called Google-Extended.
  • 9月下旬,谷歌发布了一款名为Google-Extended的新工具。
  • It gives publishers the choice to block their content from being used by Google to train its AI models.
  • 它让出版公司可以选择阻止他们的内容被谷歌用来训练其人工智能模型。
  • Giving publishers the choice to not be used for AI is a "good faith gesture," said Danielle Coffey, president and chief executive of the News Media Alliance, an industry trade group.
  • 行业贸易组织新闻媒体联盟的总裁兼首席执行官丹妮尔·科菲表示,让出版公司选择不被用于人工智能是一种“善意的姿态”。
  • "Whether payments will follow is a question mark, and to what extent there is openness to having a healthier value exchange," Coffey added.
  • 科菲补充说:“是否会为之付款还不确定,以及在多大程度上进行更健康的价值交换还需坦率地进行讨论。”
  • The new tool does not permit publishers to block their content from being used for SGE without disappearing from traditional Google search.
  • 新工具不允许出版公司在不从传统的谷歌搜索平台中消失的情况下阻止其内容被SGE使用。
  • Publishers want evidence that people are using their websites to secure advertisers.
  • 出版公司希望有证据表明,人们正在使用他们的网站来争取广告客户。
  • Showing up in Google search is important to their business.
  • 出现在谷歌搜索平台上对他们的业务很重要。
  • The design for SGE has pushed the links that appear in traditional search further down the webpage.
  • SGE的设计目的是将传统搜索平台中出现的链接推到了网页的更下端。
  • That might reduce traffic to those links by as much as 40 percent, said an official at one of the publishers.
  • 其中一家出版公司的一名官员表示,这可能会将这些链接的流量减少高达40%。
  • More worrying is the possibility that people searching the web will avoid clicking any of the links if the SGE passage meets the users' need for information.
  • 更令人担忧的是,如果SGE的文章满足了用户对信息的需求,人们在搜索网页时可能会避免点击任何链接。
  • Nikhil Lai is an expert with Forrester Research, a company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • 尼基尔·赖是总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市的弗雷斯特研究公司的专家。
  • He said SGE is "definitely going to decrease publishers'…traffic and they're going to have to think about a different way to measure the value of that content, if not click through rate."
  • 他说,SGE“肯定会减少出版公司的流量,他们将不得不考虑一种不同的方式来衡量内容的价值,如果不是点击率的话。”
  • Even so, he believes publishers will remain trusted because their links will appear in SGE.
  • 即便如此,他认为出版公司仍将会被信任,因为他们的链接将会出现在SGE中。
  • I'm John Russell.
  • 约翰·拉塞尔为您播报。


Publishing companies are growing increasingly concerned about generative AI, especially a model developed by Google.


Since May, Google has begun releasing a new form of search in the United States, India, and Japan powered by generative AI.


The product is called Search Generative Experience, or SGE.


SGE uses AI to create summaries for some search questions.


Google says those summaries appear on the top of the Google search homepage, with links to "dig deeper."


If publishers want to prevent their content from being used by Google's AI to create those summaries, they must use the same tool that would prevent them from appearing in Google search results.


That would make it difficult for people using search to find the publishers that choose not to be involved in SGE.


Google says that the AI-generated summaries are put together from many web pages and that the links are designed to be a starting point to learn more.


The company describes SGE as an opt-in experiment for users, who will help develop and improve the product.


To publishers, however, the new search tool is the latest concern in an unusual relationship.


Publishers both compete against Google for online advertising and depend on the company for search traffic.


Four major publishers spoke to Reuters news agency recently.


The businesses said they are trying to understand their place in a world where AI could control how users find and pay for information.


The publishers asked not to be identified because of ongoing negotiations with Google.


Publisher concerns relate to a number of issues.


They include the issue of web traffic; whether publishers will be credited as the providers of information that appears in the SGE summaries; and whether those summaries are correct.


Most importantly, publishers want to be paid for the content on which Google and other AI companies train their AI tools.


A Google spokesperson said in a statement: "As we bring generative AI into Search, we're continuing to prioritize approaches that send valuable traffic to a wide range of creators, including news publishers, to support a healthy, open web."


On the issue of payments, Google said it is developing a better understanding of the business of generative AI applications and getting opinions from publishers and others.


In late September, Google announced a new tool called Google-Extended.


It gives publishers the choice to block their content from being used by Google to train its AI models.


Giving publishers the choice to not be used for AI is a "good faith gesture," said Danielle Coffey, president and chief executive of the News Media Alliance, an industry trade group.


"Whether payments will follow is a question mark, and to what extent there is openness to having a healthier value exchange," Coffey added.


The new tool does not permit publishers to block their content from being used for SGE without disappearing from traditional Google search.


Publishers want evidence that people are using their websites to secure advertisers.


Showing up in Google search is important to their business.


The design for SGE has pushed the links that appear in traditional search further down the webpage.


That might reduce traffic to those links by as much as 40 percent, said an official at one of the publishers.


More worrying is the possibility that people searching the web will avoid clicking any of the links if the SGE passage meets the users' need for information.


Nikhil Lai is an expert with Forrester Research, a company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


He said SGE is "definitely going to decrease publishers'traffic and they're going to have to think about a different way to measure the value of that content, if not click through rate."


Even so, he believes publishers will remain trusted because their links will appear in SGE.


I'm John Russell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

announced [ə'naunst]



extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

permit ['pə:mit,pə'mit]


n. 许可证,执照
v. 允许,许可

gesture ['dʒestʃə]


n. 手势,姿态
v. 作手势表达

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

openness ['əupənnis]


n. 公开;宽阔;率真



adj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

secure [si'kjuə]


adj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的
vt. 固定





