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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A new report suggests many girls across the world are not using the internet because of online abuse, discrimination or other issues.
  • 一份新的报告显示,由于网络虐待、歧视等问题,世界上许多女孩不使用互联网。
  • The report was produced by a non-profit group called Girl Effect.
  • 这份报告是由一个名为“女孩效应”的非营利组织制作的。
  • The organization carries out research and programs aimed at linking young girls to education, useful products and technology.
  • 该组织开展研究和项目的目的是将年轻女孩与教育、有用的产品和技术联系起来。
  • The effort was also supported by the Malala Fund, the United Nations Children's agency UNICEF and the Vodafone Americas Foundation.
  • 这一努力还得到了马拉拉基金会、联合国儿童基金会和沃达丰美洲基金会的支持。
  • The report says many girls face numerous barriers to using the internet, especially on mobile devices.
  • 该报告称,许多女孩在使用互联网方面面临着许多障碍,尤其是在手机上。
  • Girl Effect describes a situation on the internet that it says can favor boys over girls.
  • “女孩效应”指的是互联网上存在的一种情况,即男性使用互联网的比例比女性多。
  • It calls the situation a "digital divide."
  • 该报告称这种情况为“数字鸿沟”。
  • "The digital gender divide is real and is creating public spaces where women, especially girls, are being left behind," said Girl Effect chief executive Jessica Posner Odede in a statement.
  • “女孩效应”组织首席执行官杰西卡·波斯纳·奥迪德在一份声明中说:“数字性别鸿沟是真实存在的,它正在创造公共空间,让女性,尤其是女孩,被甩在后面。”
  • She added that girls are often told they are "vulnerable, less competent, and unable to protect themselves online."
  • 她补充说,女孩们经常被告知她们“脆弱,能力较差,在网上无法保护自己。”
  • The group's report said these kinds of statements can reshape girls' beliefs and opinions and prevent them from fully taking part in numerous online activities.
  • 该组织的报告称,这类言论可能会重塑女孩的信仰和观点,并阻止她们充分参与大量在线活动。
  • This can severely limit the information they see and can block educational and job progress.
  • 这可能会严重限制她们看到的信息,并可能会阻碍教育和工作进步。
  • Online abuse and concerns about internet safety have resulted in many girls "setting up more protections and behaving more conservatively when connecting with others and sharing personal information online," the report said.
  • 报告称,网络虐待和对网络安全的担忧导致许多女孩“在与他人联系和在网上分享个人信息时设置了更多的保护措施,表现得更加保守”。
  • The report is based on a public opinion study involving more than 10,000 boys and girls aged 14 to 21.
  • 这份报告的依据是一项针对1万多名年龄在14至21岁的男孩和女孩的民意调查。
  • A separate part questioned parents of the youth.
  • 另一个依据是一项针对年轻人父母的民意调查。
  • Data was collected in seven countries: Ethiopia, India, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Tanzania.
  • 数据来自七个国家:埃塞俄比亚、印度、约旦、肯尼亚、尼日利亚、卢旺达和坦桑尼亚。
  • Comparative data came from Britain and the United States.
  • 对比数据来自英国和美国。
  • The report noted that, "Women across low- and middle-income countries are seven percent less likely than men to own a mobile phone and are 19 percent less likely to use mobile internet."
  • 该报告指出,“中低收入国家的女性拥有手机的比例比男性低7%,使用移动互联网的比例比男性低19%。”
  • The report suggests a digital gender divide exists although governments worldwide have taken steps to prevent it.
  • 该报告指出,虽然世界各国政府已采取措施加以防止,但数字性别鸿沟仍然存在。
  • A UNICEF study released earlier this year showed that in 54 countries, there is a median gender ratio of 71.
  • 联合国儿童基金会今年早些时候发布的一项研究表明,54个国家的性别比例中位数为71。
  • This means that for every 100 young boys and men who use the internet, only 71 young girls and women do.
  • 这意味着,只有71%的年轻女孩和妇女使用互联网。
  • Recent studies have also shown that women experience more online abuse, persuading large numbers of girls to quit social media services such as Facebook and Instagram.
  • 最近的研究还表明,女性遭受的网络虐待更多,这迫使大量女孩退出脸书和照片墙等社交媒体平台。
  • The Girl Effect report found that among digitally connected youth, 12 percent more girls than boys said they feel self-conscious while using social media.
  • “女孩效应”组织发布的报告发现,在数字互联的年轻人中,表示在使用社交媒体时感到不自在的女孩比男孩多12%。
  • The report also said girls are 11 percent less likely to place photos or comments online compared to boys of the same age.
  • 该报告还称,与同龄男孩相比,女孩在网上发布照片或评论的比例低11%。
  • Mitali Nikore is a gender policy specialist at research group Nikore Associates based in New Delhi.
  • 米塔利·尼科尔是新德里研究机构Nikore Associates的性别政策专家。
  • She told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that girls who limit their online activity often carry this behavior with them into the workplace.
  • 她告诉汤森路透基金会,限制上网活动的女孩往往会把这种行为带到工作场所。
  • This can lead to difficulties for women who might hold back "in demonstrating their skills and building strategic connections," Nikore said.
  • 尼科尔说,这可能会给女性带来困难,她们可能会“在展示技能和建立战略关系方面”犹豫不决。
  • Nikore noted she thinks several things are needed to help solve the problems girls are facing.
  • 尼科尔指出,她认为需要做几件事来帮助解决女孩面临的问题。
  • One is to improve the availability of mobile devices for girls and young women across the world.
  • 一是改善全球女孩和年轻女性使用手机的情况。
  • Other possible solutions include establishing more digital literacy programs and efforts to end gender-based discrimination.
  • 其他可能的解决方案包括建立更多的数字扫盲项目,并努力结束基于性别的歧视。
  • I'm Bryan Lynn.
  • 布莱恩·林恩为您播报。


A new report suggests many girls across the world are not using the internet because of online abuse, discrimination or other issues.


The report was produced by a non-profit group called Girl Effect.


The organization carries out research and programs aimed at linking young girls to education, useful products and technology.


The effort was also supported by the Malala Fund, the United Nations Children's agency UNICEF and the Vodafone Americas Foundation.


The report says many girls face numerous barriers to using the internet, especially on mobile devices.


Girl Effect describes a situation on the internet that it says can favor boys over girls.


It calls the situation a "digital divide."


"The digital gender divide is real and is creating public spaces where women, especially girls, are being left behind," said Girl Effect chief executive Jessica Posner Odede in a statement.


She added that girls are often told they are "vulnerable, less competent, and unable to protect themselves online."


The group's report said these kinds of statements can reshape girls' beliefs and opinions and prevent them from fully taking part in numerous online activities.


This can severely limit the information they see and can block educational and job progress.


Online abuse and concerns about internet safety have resulted in many girls "setting up more protections and behaving more conservatively when connecting with others and sharing personal information online," the report said.


The report is based on a public opinion study involving more than 10,000 boys and girls aged 14 to 21.


A separate part questioned parents of the youth.


Data was collected in seven countries: Ethiopia, India, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Tanzania.


Comparative data came from Britain and the United States.


The report noted that, "Women across low- and middle-income countries are seven percent less likely than men to own a mobile phone and are 19 percent less likely to use mobile internet."


The report suggests a digital gender divide exists although governments worldwide have taken steps to prevent it.


A UNICEF study released earlier this year showed that in 54 countries, there is a median gender ratio of 71.


This means that for every 100 young boys and men who use the internet, only 71 young girls and women do.


Recent studies have also shown that women experience more online abuse, persuading large numbers of girls to quit social media services such as Facebook and Instagram.


The Girl Effect report found that among digitally connected youth, 12 percent more girls than boys said they feel self-conscious while using social media.


The report also said girls are 11 percent less likely to place photos or comments online compared to boys of the same age.


Mitali Nikore is a gender policy specialist at research group Nikore Associates based in New Delhi.

米塔利·尼科尔是新德里研究机构Nikore Associates的性别政策专家。

She told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that girls who limit their online activity often carry this behavior with them into the workplace.


This can lead to difficulties for women who might hold back "in demonstrating their skills and building strategic connections," Nikore said.


Nikore noted she thinks several things are needed to help solve the problems girls are facing.


One is to improve the availability of mobile devices for girls and young women across the world.


Other possible solutions include establishing more digital literacy programs and efforts to end gender-based discrimination.


I'm Bryan Lynn.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
vulnerable ['vʌlnərəbl]


adj. 易受伤害的,有弱点的

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

availability [ə.veilə'biliti]


n. 有效,有用,有益;可得到的人(或物)

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

numerous ['nju:mərəs]


adj. 为数众多的,许多

literacy ['litərəsi]


n. 识字,读写能力

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的





