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  • Across the United States, schools are working hard to help students catch up in math.
  • 全美各地的学校都在努力帮助学生赶上数学进度。
  • Test scores after the pandemic show just how behind students are.
  • 疫情过后的考试成绩显示出学生的落后程度。
  • On average, education experts say American students' math knowledge is about half a school year behind where it should be.
  • 教育专家表示,平均而言,美国学生的数学知识落后于应有水平约半个学年。
  • Children lost ground on reading tests, too, but the math declines were more severe.
  • 孩子们的阅读测试成绩也有所下降,但数学成绩下降得更为严重。
  • Experts say online learning made it more difficult for math instruction.
  • 专家表示,在线学习增加了数学教学的难度。
  • It was harder for teachers to guide students over a screen or see weaknesses in their skills.
  • 老师更难隔着屏幕指导学生,也更难发现他们能力上的弱点。
  • At home, parents were more likely to read with their children than to practice math.
  • 在家里,父母更有可能和孩子一起阅读,而不是练习数学。
  • The result: students' math skills declined around the nation.
  • 结果是:全国学生的数学能力都有所下降。
  • And students are not recovering as quickly as educators hoped.
  • 学生并没有像教育工作者希望的那样迅速恢复。
  • Educators worry about how they will perform in high school and whether science, technology and medical fields will be available to them.
  • 教育工作者担心他们在高中的表现如何,以及他们是否有机会进入科学、技术和医疗领域。
  • Students had been making progress on national math tests since 1990.
  • 自1990年以来,学生们在全国数学考试中取得了进步。
  • But over the past year, fourth- and eighth-grade math scores fell to the lowest levels in about 20 years.
  • 但在过去的一年里,四年级和八年级的数学成绩降到了大约20年来的最低水平。
  • The information comes from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, known as the "Nation's Report Card."
  • 这些信息来自“国家教育进步评估”(即“全美成绩单”)。
  • "It's a generation's worth of progress lost," said Andrew Ho.
  • 安德鲁·何说:“一代人的进步付之东流。”
  • He is a professor at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education.
  • 他是哈佛大学教育研究生院的教授。
  • Jennifer Matthews teaches eighth grade at Moultrie Middle School in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.
  • 詹妮弗·马修斯在南卡罗来纳州芒特普莱森的莫尔特里中学教八年级。
  • She said her students have shown little interest in understanding her pre-algebra and Algebra I lessons.
  • 她说,她的学生对理解她的初级代数和代数I课程几乎没有兴趣。
  • "They don't allow themselves to process the material. They don't allow themselves to think, 'This might take a day to understand or learn,'" she said.
  • 她说:“他们不允许自己处理这些材料。他们不允许自己想,‘这可能需要一天的时间才能理解或学习’”。
  • Many students lack an understanding of math concepts.
  • 许多学生对数学概念缺乏理解。
  • Basic fractions, for example, continue to confuse many of them, she said.
  • 例如,基础分数仍让他们中的许多人感到困惑,她说。
  • Using federal pandemic money, some schools have added tutors.
  • 一些学校利用联邦疫情救助资金增加了教师。
  • Some have started new approaches to teaching to help in the recovery.
  • 一些学校开始采用新的教学方法来帮助恢复学生成绩。
  • But that money will run out by next September before many children have caught up.
  • 但到明年9月,这些钱就会被用完,而那时许多孩子还没有赶上进度。
  • Like other school systems across the country, Jefferson County Schools in Birmingham, Alabama, saw students' math skills fall from 2019 to 2021.
  • 与全国其他学校系统一样,阿拉巴马州伯明翰杰斐逊县学校的学生的数学成绩从2019年到2021年一直在下降。
  • Using pandemic aid, the system placed math coaches in all middle schools.
  • 利用疫情救助资金,该系统在所有中学都安排了数学应试辅导教师。
  • The coaches help teachers learn new and better ways to teach students.
  • 这些辅导教师帮助老师学习新的更好的方法来教学生。
  • About 1 in 5 public schools in the United States have a math coach, federal data says.
  • 联邦数据显示,美国约五分之一的公立学校有数学应试辅导教师。
  • The efforts appear to be working: State testing shows math scores have started to increase for most of the Jefferson County middle schools.
  • 这些措施似乎正在奏效:州测试显示,杰斐逊县大多数中学的数学成绩已经开始提高。
  • Adding to the difficulty of catching kids up is the debate over how math should be taught.
  • 关于应该如何教授数学的争论增加了帮助孩子追赶学习进度的难度。
  • Some say schools should center procedural learning, like teaching kids to memorize how to solve problems step-by-step.
  • 一些人表示,学校应该以程序性学习为中心,比如教孩子们记住如何一步一步地解决问题。
  • Others prefer conceptual understanding, in which students learn underlying math relationships.
  • 其他人更喜欢概念理解,学生利用此方法学习潜在的数学关系。
  • Kevin Dykema is president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • 凯文·戴克马是美国数学教师委员会主席。
  • He said many people do not think of math as a fun subject.
  • 他说,许多人认为数学不是一门有趣的学科。
  • But "When people start to understand what's going on, in whatever you're learning but especially in math, you develop a new appreciation for it."
  • 但“当人们开始理解自己学的到底是什么,尤其是数学,才会对它产生新的欣赏。”
  • Sarah Powell is a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who researches math instruction.
  • 莎拉·鲍威尔是得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的教授,她研究数学教学。
  • She said teaching math should not be either one way or another way.
  • 她说,数学教学不应该是一种或另一种方式。
  • A change too far in the conceptual direction, she said, risks losing students who have not fully learned basic math skills.
  • 她说,在概念方向上改变得太大,可能会让那些没有完全掌握基本数学技能的学生远离数学。
  • Even at a nationally recognized magnet school, the effect of the pandemic on students' math skills is clear.
  • 即使是全国公认的磁力学校,疫情对学生数学技能的影响也是显而易见的。
  • At the Townview School of Science and Engineering in Dallas, the incoming ninth graders in Lance Barasch's summer program needed to relearn the meaning of words like "term" and "coefficient."
  • 在达拉斯的科学与工程学院,兰斯·巴拉克的暑期项目迎来了一批九年级学生,他们需要重新学习“项”和“系数”等词的含义。
  • Barasch was not surprised that the students were missing some skills after their middle school years during the pandemic.
  • 对于学生在疫情期间中学生活中失去了一些数学技能,巴拉克并不感到惊讶。
  • The hope is that by taking a step back, students can begin to move forward.
  • 希望通过后退一步,学生们可以开始向前迈进。
  • I'm Dan Novak.
  • 丹·诺瓦克为您播报。


Across the United States, schools are working hard to help students catch up in math.


Test scores after the pandemic show just how behind students are.


On average, education experts say American students' math knowledge is about half a school year behind where it should be.


Children lost ground on reading tests, too, but the math declines were more severe.


Experts say online learning made it more difficult for math instruction.


It was harder for teachers to guide students over a screen or see weaknesses in their skills.


At home, parents were more likely to read with their children than to practice math.


The result: students' math skills declined around the nation.


And students are not recovering as quickly as educators hoped.


Educators worry about how they will perform in high school and whether science, technology and medical fields will be available to them.


Students had been making progress on national math tests since 1990.


But over the past year, fourth- and eighth-grade math scores fell to the lowest levels in about 20 years.


The information comes from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, known as the "Nation's Report Card."


"It's a generation's worth of progress lost," said Andrew Ho.


He is a professor at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education.


Jennifer Matthews teaches eighth grade at Moultrie Middle School in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.


She said her students have shown little interest in understanding her pre-algebra and Algebra I lessons.


"They don't allow themselves to process the material. They don't allow themselves to think, 'This might take a day to understand or learn,'" she said.


Many students lack an understanding of math concepts.


Basic fractions, for example, continue to confuse many of them, she said.


Using federal pandemic money, some schools have added tutors.


Some have started new approaches to teaching to help in the recovery.


But that money will run out by next September before many children have caught up.


Like other school systems across the country, Jefferson County Schools in Birmingham, Alabama, saw students' math skills fall from 2019 to 2021.


Using pandemic aid, the system placed math coaches in all middle schools.


The coaches help teachers learn new and better ways to teach students.


About 1 in 5 public schools in the United States have a math coach, federal data says.


The efforts appear to be working: State testing shows math scores have started to increase for most of the Jefferson County middle schools.


Adding to the difficulty of catching kids up is the debate over how math should be taught.


Some say schools should center procedural learning, like teaching kids to memorize how to solve problems step-by-step.


Others prefer conceptual understanding, in which students learn underlying math relationships.


Kevin Dykema is president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


He said many people do not think of math as a fun subject.


But "When people start to understand what's going on, in whatever you're learning but especially in math, you develop a new appreciation for it."


Sarah Powell is a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who researches math instruction.


She said teaching math should not be either one way or another way.


A change too far in the conceptual direction, she said, risks losing students who have not fully learned basic math skills.


Even at a nationally recognized magnet school, the effect of the pandemic on students' math skills is clear.


At the Townview School of Science and Engineering in Dallas, the incoming ninth graders in Lance Barasch's summer program needed to relearn the meaning of words like "term" and "coefficient."


Barasch was not surprised that the students were missing some skills after their middle school years during the pandemic.


The hope is that by taking a step back, students can begin to move forward.


I'm Dan Novak.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

confuse [kən'fju:z]


vt. 混淆,使困惑,使混乱

assessment [ə'sesmənt]


n. 估价,评估

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

conceptual [kən'septjuəl]


adj. 概念上的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

underlying [.ʌndə'laiiŋ]


adj. 在下面的,基本的,隐含的

appreciation [ə.pri:ʃi'eiʃən]


n. 欣赏,感激,鉴识,评价,增值





