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  • Thirteen American colleges and universities recently announced the creation of a plan to support freedom of speech.
  • 13所美国学院和大学最近宣布了一项支持言论自由的计划。
  • The plan is part of an effort designed to fight what the schools call threats to U.S. democracy.
  • 该计划是为打击这些学校所称的美国民主威胁所付出的努力的一部分。
  • Among the schools taking part are Cornell University in New York state; Rutgers University in New Jersey; Notre Dame, the Catholic university in the Midwestern state of Indiana; and Benedict College, a historically Black school in South Carolina.
  • 参与其中的学校包括纽约州的康奈尔大学、新泽西州的罗格斯大学、中西部印第安纳州的天主教大学圣母大学和南卡罗来纳州的一所历史悠久的黑人学校本尼迪克特学院。
  • The effort is called The Campus Call for Free Expression.
  • 这项活动被称为“校园呼吁言论自由”。
  • The organizer of the group is The Institute for Citizens and Scholars based in Princeton, New Jersey.
  • 该组织的组织者是位于新泽西州普林斯顿的公民与学者研究所。
  • It is paid for by the Knight Foundation, a private group based in Miami, Florida.
  • 它是由位于佛罗里达州迈阿密的私人组织奈特基金会资助的。
  • The aim is to build respect for freedom of expression in colleges.
  • 其目的是在大学里建立对言论自由的尊重。
  • Another goal is to help students bring opposing groups together.
  • 另一个目标是帮助学生将对立的团体团结在一起。
  • The effort for free speech comes after students at several schools blocked people invited to speak in recent years.
  • 近年来,一些学校的学生阻止了受邀来校演讲的人,之后就出现了为争取言论自由而做出的努力。
  • The students said they disagreed with the writings, comments, ideas or actions of the invited speaker.
  • 学生们表示,他们不同意受邀演讲者的文章、评论、想法或行动。
  • Jonathan Alger is the president of James Madison University in Virginia, one of the schools in the group.
  • 乔纳森·阿尔杰是弗吉尼亚州詹姆斯麦迪逊大学的校长,该大学也加入了该组织。
  • He said the group is concerned about "deep polarization" in the U.S. where people cannot discuss their different ideas in "constructive and civil ways."
  • 他说,该组织担心美国的“深度两极分化”,因为人们不能以“建设性和文明的方式”讨论他们的不同想法。
  • He said colleges and universities need to be an example for the nation.
  • 他说,学院和大学需要为全国人民树立榜样。
  • The group started preparing for The Campus Call for Free Expression in March 2022.
  • 该组织于2022年3月开始筹备“校园呼吁言论自由”活动。
  • That was when college presidents gathered to discuss ways to get their students involved in democracy.
  • 那时,大学校长们聚集在一起讨论如何让学生参与民主。
  • The group came up with five principles of free expression and pushed for each school to design its own programs.
  • 该组织提出了言论自由的五项原则,并推动每所学校设计自己的课程。
  • The principles are to be used for new student orientations, educator training and special campus gatherings called convocations.
  • 这些原则将被用于新生入学培训、教育工作者培训和名为集会的特殊校园会议。
  • The principles include developing knowledge that challenges common beliefs and assumptions; reaching decisions based on evidence; understanding one's own values and gaining respect for others who have different opinions; feeling a sense of responsibility to others and the need to work toward change; and learning that free expression has consequences and does not always lead to approval.
  • 这些原则包括发展挑战普遍信念和假设的知识;根据证据做出决定;了解自己的价值观,尊重与自己观点不同的人;感受对他人的责任感和努力改变的必要性;了解自由表达会产生后果且并不总是会得到认可。
  • Jonathan Holloway is the president at Rutgers.
  • 乔纳森·霍洛威是罗格斯大学校长。
  • He said he saw a growing lack of respect for American institutions, and he wanted to push back against those feelings.
  • 他说,他注意到人们越来越缺乏对美国制度的尊重,他想要反击这种感觉。
  • In a discussion with the Associated Press, he said he was concerned by seeing the Confederate flag marched through the U.S. Capitol building during the riot on January 6, 2021.
  • 在与美联社的一次讨论中,他说,在2021年1月6日骚乱期间,他看到有人举着美国联邦旗穿过美国国会大厦,他为此感到担忧。
  • "That's when things shifted for me," he said.
  • 他说:“就在那时,我的态度发生了变化”。
  • Holloway will lead a first-year class at Rutgers this year that looks at the meaning of democracy.
  • 霍洛威今年将会在罗格斯大学向一年级的学生教授民主的含义。
  • The aim is for the class to create a program that will improve civic education.
  • 该课程的目标是创建一个能够改善公民教育的项目。
  • The nonprofit groups who are supporting the presidents say they are concerned that students may not be learning about how to be good citizens while in college.
  • 支持校长的非营利组织表示,他们担心学生在大学期间可能没有学习如何成为好公民。
  • Rajiv Vinnakota is president of the Institute for Citizens and Scholars.
  • 拉吉夫·维纳科塔是公民与学者研究所所长。
  • He said students become part of a community with more different kinds of people than they have ever experienced while in college.
  • 他说,学生们成为了一个社区的一部分,那里有比他们在大学里遇到过的更多不同类型的人。
  • He wants students to learn how to interact with people who have different opinions and experiences.
  • 他希望学生学会如何与有不同观点和经历的人交流。
  • And he hopes the 13 schools will be able to lead the way for others who will soon join the group.
  • 他希望这13所学校能够为其他即将加入该组织的学校起到带头作用。
  • Vinnakota questioned if educators can "get above" issues of free expression to get people to see that higher education “can and should” play a leading part in what he called "civic preparedness."
  • 维纳科塔质疑教育工作者是否能“克服”言论自由的问题,让人们看到高等教育“能够而且应该”在他所谓的“公民准备”中发挥主导作用。
  • Some other colleges and universities in the group include Wellesley College in Massachusetts, Wesleyan University in Connecticut, Claremont McKenna College in California, Duke University in North Carolina and the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania.
  • 该组织中的其他学院和大学包括马萨诸塞州的韦尔斯利学院、康涅狄格州的卫斯理大学、加利福尼亚州的克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院、北卡罗来纳州的杜克大学和宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡大学。
  • The Knight Foundation gave Vinnakota's institute $250,000 to organize discussions among university leaders over the next year-and-a-half.
  • 奈特基金会向维纳科塔的研究所提供了25万美元,用于在未来一年半的时间里组织大学领导人之间的讨论。
  • Alberto Ibarguen is the head of the Knight Foundation.
  • 阿尔贝托·伊巴尔金是奈特基金会的负责人。
  • He said the group is interested in supporting the project because, "we believe in the free exchange of ideas…we believe in an informed citizenry…"
  • 他说,该组织之所以有兴趣支持这个项目,是因为“我们相信思想的自由交流,我们相信知情的公民……”
  • PEN America is a nonprofit group that works with colleges and universities on free expression programs.
  • 美国笔会是一个非营利性组织,其与学院和大学合作开展言论自由项目。
  • It is not involved in the Campus Call for Free Expression.
  • 它没有参与“校园呼吁言论自由”组织。
  • Kristen Shahverdian is the group's Free Expression and Education program senior manager.
  • 克里斯汀·沙弗迪安是该组织言论自由和教育项目的高级经理。
  • She said her group tells students about writers and artists around the world who have faced attacks or suffered for their ideas.
  • 她说,她的组织告诉学生,世界各地的作家和艺术家因其思想而受到攻击。
  • "They understand the ramifications of squashing another's speech," she said.
  • 她说:“他们明白压制他人言论的后果”。
  • Lucas Morel is a professor of politics at Washington and Lee University in Virginia who is not involved in the project.
  • 卢卡斯·莫雷尔是弗吉尼亚州华盛顿与李大学的政治学教授,他没有参与这个项目。
  • He is the head of a group called the Academic Freedom Alliance.
  • 他是一个名为“学术自由联盟”的组织的负责人。
  • He said more universities should work on programs that permit students to learn by discussing different evidence-based ideas.
  • 他说,更多的大学应该致力于开拓允许学生通过讨论不同的循证观点来学习的项目。
  • He said colleges are not just for helping students get a job, but they should help young people become citizens who care about the world around them.
  • 他说,大学不仅仅是为了帮助学生找到工作,还应该帮助年轻人成为关心周围世界的公民。
  • "If we don't do a good job of helping them be careful readers and careful listeners, it stands to reason that as citizens they won't be careful listeners and careful expressers of their own thought," he said.
  • 他说:“如果我们不能很好地帮助他们成为认真的读者和细心的听众,那么作为公民,他们自然就不会成为细心的倾听者和谨慎表达自己思想的人。”
  • "And it will be difficult for us to function as a self-governing society."
  • “我们将很难像一个自治的社会那样运转。”
  • I'm Faith Pirlo. And I'm Dan Friedell.
  • 费斯·皮尔洛、丹·弗里德尔为您共同播报。


Thirteen American colleges and universities recently announced the creation of a plan to support freedom of speech.


The plan is part of an effort designed to fight what the schools call threats to U.S. democracy.


Among the schools taking part are Cornell University in New York state; Rutgers University in New Jersey; Notre Dame, the Catholic university in the Midwestern state of Indiana; and Benedict College, a historically Black school in South Carolina.


The effort is called The Campus Call for Free Expression.


The organizer of the group is The Institute for Citizens and Scholars based in Princeton, New Jersey.


It is paid for by the Knight Foundation, a private group based in Miami, Florida.


The aim is to build respect for freedom of expression in colleges.


Another goal is to help students bring opposing groups together.


The effort for free speech comes after students at several schools blocked people invited to speak in recent years.


The students said they disagreed with the writings, comments, ideas or actions of the invited speaker.


Jonathan Alger is the president of James Madison University in Virginia, one of the schools in the group.


He said the group is concerned about "deep polarization" in the U.S. where people cannot discuss their different ideas in "constructive and civil ways."


He said colleges and universities need to be an example for the nation.


The group started preparing for The Campus Call for Free Expression in March 2022.


That was when college presidents gathered to discuss ways to get their students involved in democracy.


The group came up with five principles of free expression and pushed for each school to design its own programs.


The principles are to be used for new student orientations, educator training and special campus gatherings called convocations.


The principles include developing knowledge that challenges common beliefs and assumptions; reaching decisions based on evidence; understanding one's own values and gaining respect for others who have different opinions; feeling a sense of responsibility to others and the need to work toward change; and learning that free expression has consequences and does not always lead to approval.


Jonathan Holloway is the president at Rutgers.


He said he saw a growing lack of respect for American institutions, and he wanted to push back against those feelings.


In a discussion with the Associated Press, he said he was concerned by seeing the Confederate flag marched through the U.S. Capitol building during the riot on January 6, 2021.


"That's when things shifted for me," he said.


Holloway will lead a first-year class at Rutgers this year that looks at the meaning of democracy.


The aim is for the class to create a program that will improve civic education.


The nonprofit groups who are supporting the presidents say they are concerned that students may not be learning about how to be good citizens while in college.


Rajiv Vinnakota is president of the Institute for Citizens and Scholars.


He said students become part of a community with more different kinds of people than they have ever experienced while in college.


He wants students to learn how to interact with people who have different opinions and experiences.


And he hopes the 13 schools will be able to lead the way for others who will soon join the group.


Vinnakota questioned if educators can "get above" issues of free expression to get people to see that higher educationcan and shouldplay a leading part in what he called "civic preparedness."


Some other colleges and universities in the group include Wellesley College in Massachusetts, Wesleyan University in Connecticut, Claremont McKenna College in California, Duke University in North Carolina and the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania.


The Knight Foundation gave Vinnakota's institute $250,000 to organize discussions among university leaders over the next year-and-a-half.


Alberto Ibarguen is the head of the Knight Foundation.


He said the group is interested in supporting the project because, "we believe in the free exchange of ideaswe believe in an informed citizenry…"


PEN America is a nonprofit group that works with colleges and universities on free expression programs.


It is not involved in the Campus Call for Free Expression.


Kristen Shahverdian is the group's Free Expression and Education program senior manager.


She said her group tells students about writers and artists around the world who have faced attacks or suffered for their ideas.


"They understand the ramifications of squashing another's speech," she said.


Lucas Morel is a professor of politics at Washington and Lee University in Virginia who is not involved in the project.


He is the head of a group called the Academic Freedom Alliance.


He said more universities should work on programs that permit students to learn by discussing different evidence-based ideas.


He said colleges are not just for helping students get a job, but they should help young people become citizens who care about the world around them.


"If we don't do a good job of helping them be careful readers and careful listeners, it stands to reason that as citizens they won't be careful listeners and careful expressers of their own thought," he said.


"And it will be difficult for us to function as a self-governing society."


I'm Faith Pirlo. And I'm Dan Friedell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
informed [in'fɔ:md]


adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

opposing [ə'pəuziŋ]


adj. 反作用的,反向的,相反的,对立的 动词oppo

approval [ə'pru:vəl]


n. 批准,认可,同意,赞同

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

flag [flæg]


n. 旗,旗帜,信号旗
vt. (以旗子)标出

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

foundation [faun'deiʃən]


n. 基础,根据,建立
n. 粉底霜,基





