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继法国禁令之后, 比利时也将调查iPhone 12的辐射水平

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  • Belgium says it plans to study possible health risks from electromagnetic radiation release by Apple's iPhone 12 smartphone.
  • 比利时表示,其计划研究苹果公司iPhone 12智能手机释放的电磁辐射可能会带来的健康风险。
  • Belgium's move comes after French regulators ordered Apple to stop selling the iPhone 12.
  • 在法国监管机构下令苹果公司停止销售iPhone 12之后,比利时也采取了这一举措。
  • French officials said the phone creates more electromagnetic radiation than the European Union permits.
  • 法国官员表示,这款手机产生的电磁辐射超过了欧盟允许的水平。
  • Apple disputes this.
  • 苹果公司对此表示异议。
  • The company said the device meets all requirements.
  • 该公司表示,该设备符合所有要求。
  • The French government agency that oversees wireless communications frequencies said it issued the order after the phone failed one of two tests.
  • 负责监督无线通信频率的法国政府机构表示,在这款手机未通过两项测试中的一项后,他们才发布了这项命令。
  • The tests are related to the amount of electromagnetic waves the body can absorb.
  • 这两项测试都与人体可以吸收的电磁波量有关。
  • Apple released the iPhone 12 in late 2020.
  • 苹果公司在2020年末发布了iPhone 12。
  • It is unclear why the phone did not pass the agency's latest tests or why only the iPhone 12 is affected.
  • 目前还不清楚这款手机没有通过该机构最新测试的原因,也不清楚只有iPhone 12受到影响的原因。
  • France's digital minister said the iPhone 12's radiation levels are still much lower than levels that scientific studies found could harm users.
  • 法国数字部长表示,iPhone 12的辐射水平仍远低于科学研究发现的可能会对用户造成伤害的水平。
  • The French agency said its tests do not test normal phone use.
  • 这家法国机构表示,其测试并不测试正常的手机使用情况。
  • The National Frequency Agency on Tuesday called on Apple to use all means to fix the problem for phones already in use.
  • 法国国家频率管理局周二要求苹果公司采取一切手段为已经在使用这款手机的用户解决这个问题。
  • It said it would study updates to the phones.
  • 该机构表示,其将会调查这款手机的更新系统。
  • If they do not work, "Apple will have to recall" phones that have already been sold, it said.
  • 该机构表示,如果它们不起作用,“苹果公司将不得不召回”已经售出的手机。
  • The agency recently tested 141 cellphones.
  • 该机构最近测试了141部手机。
  • It found that when the iPhone 12 is held in a hand or near the body, its level of electromagnetic energy absorption is 5.74 watts per kilogram.
  • 该机构发现,当手持iPhone 12或靠近身体时,其电磁能量吸收水平为5.74瓦/千克。
  • That is higher than the EU requirement of 4 watts per kilogram or less.
  • 这高于欧盟4瓦/千克或更低的要求。
  • Watts per kilogram is a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed by the body.
  • 瓦/千克是人体吸收能量速率的度量单位。
  • The phone passed a separate test of radiation levels for devices kept in heavy clothes or in a container, the agency said.
  • 该机构表示,这款手机通过了另一项辐射水平测试,在那项测试中,手机被放在厚衣服里或容器里。
  • Malcolm Sperrin is director of medical physics at Britain's Royal Berkshire hospital group.
  • 马尔科姆·斯佩林是英国皇家伯克希尔医院集团的医学物理学主任。
  • He said the radiation limits are set well below the level at which harm will happen.
  • 他说,设定的辐射限值远低于会造成危害的水平。
  • He said a small increase above those limits is unlikely to affect a person's health.
  • 他说,略高于这些限值不太可能会对人的健康产生影响。
  • Users of the iPhone 12 should be able to download an update that prevents the radiation from going above the limit, Sperrin said.
  • 斯佩林说,iPhone 12的用户应该能够下载更新系统,以防止辐射超过限值。
  • It is not clear why this model appears to release higher radiation.
  • 目前还不清楚这种型号的手机会释放出更高辐射的原因。
  • But it might be related to when the phone is seeking a connection to send or receive signal, he said.
  • 他说,但这可能与手机何时寻求连接以发送或接收信号有关。
  • The World Health Organization says it has not found any harm to health caused by the use of mobile phones.
  • 世界卫生组织表示,尚未发现使用手机会对健康造成任何危害。
  • Apple said the iPhone 12 has been approved by many international bodies and meets requirements for radiation around the world.
  • 苹果公司表示,iPhone 12已经获得许多国际机构的批准,符合世界各地的辐射要求。
  • Belgium's latest action on the phone raises the possibility that other European countries might ban the model after France.
  • 比利时在这款手机上采取的最新行动增加了其他欧洲国家效仿法国禁止这款手机的可能性。
  • Italy said it would take no steps for now.
  • 意大利表示,目前不会采取任何措施。
  • But Germany's network regulator BNetzA said that the work in France could act as a guide for Europe.
  • 但德国网络监管机构BNetzA表示,法国的工作可能会成为欧洲的指南。
  • The agency said that it might reconsider the smartphone for the German market if the situation progresses in France.
  • 该机构表示,如果法国继续进行,它可能会重新考虑在德国市场推出这款智能手机。
  • A Dutch digital organization said it was looking into Apple's phone and would ask the U.S. company for an explanation.
  • 一家荷兰数字组织表示,他们正在调查苹果的手机,并将要求这家美国公司做出解释。
  • But it said that there was no immediate risk.
  • 但该组织表示,目前还没有风险。
  • Britain has not announced any plans after France's decision.
  • 在法国做出决定后,英国尚未宣布任何计划。
  • I'm Gregory Stachel.
  • 格雷戈里·施塔赫尔为您播报。


Belgium says it plans to study possible health risks from electromagnetic radiation release by Apple's iPhone 12 smartphone.

比利时表示,其计划研究苹果公司iPhone 12智能手机释放的电磁辐射可能会带来的健康风险。

Belgium's move comes after French regulators ordered Apple to stop selling the iPhone 12.

在法国监管机构下令苹果公司停止销售iPhone 12之后,比利时也采取了这一举措。

French officials said the phone creates more electromagnetic radiation than the European Union permits.


Apple disputes this.


The company said the device meets all requirements.


The French government agency that oversees wireless communications frequencies said it issued the order after the phone failed one of two tests.


The tests are related to the amount of electromagnetic waves the body can absorb.


Apple released the iPhone 12 in late 2020.

苹果公司在2020年末发布了iPhone 12。

It is unclear why the phone did not pass the agency's latest tests or why only the iPhone 12 is affected.

目前还不清楚这款手机没有通过该机构最新测试的原因,也不清楚只有iPhone 12受到影响的原因。

France's digital minister said the iPhone 12's radiation levels are still much lower than levels that scientific studies found could harm users.

法国数字部长表示,iPhone 12的辐射水平仍远低于科学研究发现的可能会对用户造成伤害的水平。

The French agency said its tests do not test normal phone use.


The National Frequency Agency on Tuesday called on Apple to use all means to fix the problem for phones already in use.


It said it would study updates to the phones.


If they do not work, "Apple will have to recall" phones that have already been sold, it said.


The agency recently tested 141 cellphones.


It found that when the iPhone 12 is held in a hand or near the body, its level of electromagnetic energy absorption is 5.74 watts per kilogram.

该机构发现,当手持iPhone 12或靠近身体时,其电磁能量吸收水平为5.74瓦/千克。

That is higher than the EU requirement of 4 watts per kilogram or less.


Watts per kilogram is a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed by the body.


The phone passed a separate test of radiation levels for devices kept in heavy clothes or in a container, the agency said.


Malcolm Sperrin is director of medical physics at Britain's Royal Berkshire hospital group.


He said the radiation limits are set well below the level at which harm will happen.


He said a small increase above those limits is unlikely to affect a person's health.


Users of the iPhone 12 should be able to download an update that prevents the radiation from going above the limit, Sperrin said.

斯佩林说,iPhone 12的用户应该能够下载更新系统,以防止辐射超过限值。

It is not clear why this model appears to release higher radiation.


But it might be related to when the phone is seeking a connection to send or receive signal, he said.


The World Health Organization says it has not found any harm to health caused by the use of mobile phones.


Apple said the iPhone 12 has been approved by many international bodies and meets requirements for radiation around the world.

苹果公司表示,iPhone 12已经获得许多国际机构的批准,符合世界各地的辐射要求。

Belgium's latest action on the phone raises the possibility that other European countries might ban the model after France.


Italy said it would take no steps for now.


But Germany's network regulator BNetzA said that the work in France could act as a guide for Europe.


The agency said that it might reconsider the smartphone for the German market if the situation progresses in France.


A Dutch digital organization said it was looking into Apple's phone and would ask the U.S. company for an explanation.


But it said that there was no immediate risk.


Britain has not announced any plans after France's decision.


I'm Gregory Stachel.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
frequency ['fri:kwənsi]


n. 频繁,频率

measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

update [ʌp'deit]


v. 更新,补充最新资料
n. 更新

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

signal ['signl]


n. 信号,标志
v. (发信号)通知、表示<

reconsider [.ri:kən'sidə]


v. 重新考虑,再斟酌

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

absorb [əb'sɔ:b]


vt. 吸纳,吸引 ... 的注意,吞并





