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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Most people would not connect the country of Sweden with the tradition of fine wine making.
  • 大多数人不会把瑞典与酿造优质葡萄酒的传统联系在一起。
  • It is far north of the famous wine-growing areas in France, Italy or Spain, where the tradition is ancient.
  • 它位于法国、意大利或西班牙著名的葡萄酒产区的北部,这些地方的传统是古老的。
  • However, climate change is making for warmer and longer growing seasons in Sweden.
  • 然而,气候变化正在使瑞典的生长季变得更温暖、更长。
  • There are also new kinds of grapes created especially for the country's environment.
  • 也有专门为这个国家的环境而培育的新品种葡萄。
  • As a result, winemaking is a growing industry.
  • 因此,酿造葡萄酒是一个不断发展的行业。
  • Its growth comes as drought, rising heat and other extreme weather are forcing traditional winemaking areas to re-think their growing methods.
  • 随着干旱、气温上升和其他极端天气迫使传统葡萄酒产区重新思考他们的种植方法,该国葡萄酒产业在不断发展。
  • The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute reports temperatures in the country's south have increased by about 2 degrees Celsius over the past 30 years compared to the 30 years earlier.
  • 瑞典气象和水文研究所报告称,与30年前相比,该国南部的气温在过去30年里上升了约2摄氏度。
  • The experts also say Sweden's growing season has lengthened by about 20 days.
  • 专家们还表示,瑞典的生长季节延长了约20天。
  • Felix Ahrberg is the chief oenologist, or expert winemaker, at the 14-hectare Kullabergs Vingard, near the North Sea.
  • 菲利克斯·阿伯格是北海附近占地14公顷的库拉伯格葡萄园的首席酿酒师。
  • He noted that the rising temperatures are hurting vineyards in traditional winemaking countries.
  • 他指出,气温上升正在损害传统葡萄酒生产国的葡萄园。
  • At the same time, "we are gaining momentum," he said.
  • 与此同时,他说,“我们的势头正猛”。
  • Kullabergs produces about 30,000 bottles of wine yearly.
  • 库拉伯格葡萄园每年生产约3万瓶葡萄酒。
  • Some of their wines have won prizes in different competitions.
  • 他们的一些葡萄酒在不同的比赛中获奖。
  • Costly restaurants from Hong Kong to Europe sell the wine.
  • 从中国香港到欧洲的高档餐厅都出售其生产的葡萄酒。
  • Even some oenologists from France are settling in Sweden to grow grapes and careers.
  • 甚至一些法国的酿酒师也在瑞典定居,种植葡萄和从事相关职业。
  • "It is the new frontier of wine making and grapes grow best on their coolest frontier," Ahrberg said.
  • 阿伯格说:“这是酿造葡萄酒的新地区,葡萄在最凉爽的地区生长得最好”。
  • Emma Berto is one such winemaker from France who now works at Thora Vingard, about 20 kilometers from Ahrberg's land.
  • 埃玛·贝托是一名法国酿酒师,她现在在距离阿伯格的土地约20公里的托拉葡萄园工作。
  • She and her partner, Romain Chichery, moved to Sweden for the chance to lead a vineyard just after completing their education.
  • 她和她的伴侣罗曼·奇切利在完成学业后不久搬到瑞典,希望有机会负责管理一个葡萄园。
  • They say Sweden's climate is more predictable than France's.
  • 他们说,瑞典的气候比法国的气候更容易预测。
  • There, the early spring weather can be too warm and the grapes begin to develop before they should.
  • 在那里,早春的天气可能太温暖,葡萄提前开始发育。
  • In addition, Berto and Chichery said they want to use more sustainable grape-growing methods, including limits on insect poisoning.
  • 此外,贝托和奇切利表示,他们希望使用更可持续的葡萄种植方法,包括限制昆虫中毒。
  • Chichery said France has been making wine for so long, there are many rules winemakers must follow.
  • 奇切利说,法国酿造葡萄酒的历史非常悠久,酿酒师必须遵守许多规则。
  • In Sweden, it is a newer business so there is more freedom.
  • 在瑞典,这是一个较新的行业,因此有更多的自由。
  • However, there is still a lot to learn about growing grapes in Sweden.
  • 然而,关于在瑞典种植葡萄,还有很多东西需要学习。
  • The main grape grown in the country is Solaris, which began in Germany, and grows well in Northern Europe.
  • 该国种植的主要葡萄品种是索莱莉,它起源于德国,在北欧生长良好。
  • The winemakers treat the vines differently, too.
  • 酿酒师对待葡萄藤的方式也不同。
  • In Sweden, the leaves are removed from the vines so the grapes can receive more sunlight.
  • 在瑞典,葡萄藤上的叶子会被去除,这样葡萄就可以照到更多的阳光。
  • In France and Spain, sometimes winemakers are worried the grapes will get too much.
  • 在法国和西班牙,有时酿酒师担心葡萄的光照量太多。
  • The Thora owners who hired the French winemakers are Johan and Heather Oberg.
  • 雇用法国酿酒师的托拉葡萄园的老板是约翰和希瑟·奥伯格。
  • They depend on wine experts from the traditional winemaking countries because Swedish universities do not have study programs in the science and practice of winemaking.
  • 他们依赖传统酿酒国家的葡萄酒专家,因为瑞典的大学没有葡萄酒酿造科学和实践方面的研究项目。
  • Maarten van Aalst is a climate professor at the University of Twente in the Netherlands.
  • 马尔滕·范·阿尔斯特是荷兰特温特大学的气候学教授。
  • He said businesses are often first to identify and react to climate change.
  • 他说,企业往往是第一个发现和应对气候变化的。
  • He said it is good that "climate change is partly something we can adapt to."
  • 他说,“我们在一定程度上是能够适应气候变化的,这是件好事。”
  • But, he warned, it is not all good weather in Sweden.
  • 但是,他警告称,瑞典的天气并不全是好的。
  • He pointed to recent heavy rains that caused flooding, resulting in $150 million in damage.
  • 他指出,最近的暴雨引发了洪水,造成1.5亿美元的损失。
  • He said bad weather is becoming more common because of human-caused climate change.
  • 他说,由于人类造成的气候变化,恶劣天气正变得越来越常见。
  • In Sweden, vineyards account for about 150 hectares of land.
  • 在瑞典,葡萄园占地约150公顷。
  • The number is one million in Spain and about 800,000 in France.
  • 在西班牙,葡萄园占地约100万公顷,在法国,葡萄园占地约80万公顷。
  • Swedish winemakers hope that as the industry grows, the government will make rules that help them expand their businesses.
  • 瑞典的酿酒师希望,随着该行业的发展,政府将会制定规则,帮助他们扩大业务。
  • For example, right now in Sweden, wine makers cannot sell their own wine.
  • 例如,目前在瑞典,葡萄酒制造商不能销售自己的葡萄酒。
  • People who want a bottle must purchase from a government-run store.
  • 想要一瓶葡萄酒的人必须从政府经营的商店购买。
  • Mikael Molstad writes about wine.
  • Mikael Molstad写了关于葡萄酒的文章。
  • He said the Swedish government is not in favor of making it easier to buy alcohol.
  • 他说,瑞典政府不赞成让买酒变得更容易。
  • "Politicians," he said, "still see alcohol as a social problem."
  • “政客们,”他说,“仍然把酒精视为一个社会问题。”
  • Goran Amnegard is a prize-winning winemaker who started 20 years ago.
  • 戈兰·安尼加德是一位从业20年的获奖酿酒师。
  • He is pleased to see more wineries opening in Sweden.
  • 他很高兴看到越来越多的葡萄酒厂在瑞典开张。
  • He thinks more people will come to take advantage of the warmer temperatures and longer growing time.
  • 他认为,将会有更多的人利用更高的气温和更长的生长时间。
  • "I can see things growing here that were unthinkable 30 or 40 years ago," Amnegard said as he looked out over his small vineyard.
  • 安尼加德一边俯瞰着自己的小葡萄园,一边说:“我能看到在这里生长的东西,这在三四十年前是不可想象的。”
  • "We're seeing fruit trees like peaches and apricots. I'm getting beautiful peaches in August."
  • “我们看到了桃子和杏子之类的果树。我在8月份就能摘到漂亮的桃子。”
  • I'm Dan Friedell. And I'm Faith Pirlo.
  • 丹·弗里德尔、费思·皮尔洛为您共同播报。


Most people would not connect the country of Sweden with the tradition of fine wine making.


It is far north of the famous wine-growing areas in France, Italy or Spain, where the tradition is ancient.


However, climate change is making for warmer and longer growing seasons in Sweden.


There are also new kinds of grapes created especially for the country's environment.


As a result, winemaking is a growing industry.


Its growth comes as drought, rising heat and other extreme weather are forcing traditional winemaking areas to re-think their growing methods.


The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute reports temperatures in the country's south have increased by about 2 degrees Celsius over the past 30 years compared to the 30 years earlier.


The experts also say Sweden's growing season has lengthened by about 20 days.


Felix Ahrberg is the chief oenologist, or expert winemaker, at the 14-hectare Kullabergs Vingard, near the North Sea.


He noted that the rising temperatures are hurting vineyards in traditional winemaking countries.


At the same time, "we are gaining momentum," he said.


Kullabergs produces about 30,000 bottles of wine yearly.


Some of their wines have won prizes in different competitions.


Costly restaurants from Hong Kong to Europe sell the wine.


Even some oenologists from France are settling in Sweden to grow grapes and careers.


"It is the new frontier of wine making and grapes grow best on their coolest frontier," Ahrberg said.


Emma Berto is one such winemaker from France who now works at Thora Vingard, about 20 kilometers from Ahrberg's land.


She and her partner, Romain Chichery, moved to Sweden for the chance to lead a vineyard just after completing their education.


They say Sweden's climate is more predictable than France's.


There, the early spring weather can be too warm and the grapes begin to develop before they should.


In addition, Berto and Chichery said they want to use more sustainable grape-growing methods, including limits on insect poisoning.


Chichery said France has been making wine for so long, there are many rules winemakers must follow.


In Sweden, it is a newer business so there is more freedom.


However, there is still a lot to learn about growing grapes in Sweden.


The main grape grown in the country is Solaris, which began in Germany, and grows well in Northern Europe.


The winemakers treat the vines differently, too.


In Sweden, the leaves are removed from the vines so the grapes can receive more sunlight.


In France and Spain, sometimes winemakers are worried the grapes will get too much.


The Thora owners who hired the French winemakers are Johan and Heather Oberg.


They depend on wine experts from the traditional winemaking countries because Swedish universities do not have study programs in the science and practice of winemaking.


Maarten van Aalst is a climate professor at the University of Twente in the Netherlands.


He said businesses are often first to identify and react to climate change.


He said it is good that "climate change is partly something we can adapt to."


But, he warned, it is not all good weather in Sweden.


He pointed to recent heavy rains that caused flooding, resulting in $150 million in damage.


He said bad weather is becoming more common because of human-caused climate change.


In Sweden, vineyards account for about 150 hectares of land.


The number is one million in Spain and about 800,000 in France.


Swedish winemakers hope that as the industry grows, the government will make rules that help them expand their businesses.


For example, right now in Sweden, wine makers cannot sell their own wine.


People who want a bottle must purchase from a government-run store.


Mikael Molstad writes about wine.

Mikael Molstad写了关于葡萄酒的文章。

He said the Swedish government is not in favor of making it easier to buy alcohol.


"Politicians," he said, "still see alcohol as a social problem."


Goran Amnegard is a prize-winning winemaker who started 20 years ago.


He is pleased to see more wineries opening in Sweden.


He thinks more people will come to take advantage of the warmer temperatures and longer growing time.


"I can see things growing here that were unthinkable 30 or 40 years ago," Amnegard said as he looked out over his small vineyard.


"We're seeing fruit trees like peaches and apricots. I'm getting beautiful peaches in August."


I'm Dan Friedell. And I'm Faith Pirlo.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

react [ri'ækt]


vt. 作出反应
vi. 起反应,起作用,反攻

frontier ['frʌntjə]


n. 边界,边境,尖端,边缘

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

momentum [məu'mentəm]


n. 动力,要素,势头,(物理)动量

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限

drought [draut]


n. 干旱

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

adapt [ə'dæpt]


vt. 使适应,改编
vi. 适应,适合





